Happy Thursday, friends! Guess what? I'm officially divorced. The judge granted us this yesterday morning when Todd went to court via Zoom call. I'm a single lady! I never thought I'd be so happy to say that, but here I am saying that and smiling like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Such is life for me these days, and I'm not complaining! I purposefully documented my entire day on Wednesday; without further ado, here is all that happened from beginning to end. I hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for a note at the end.
I was up at 6:30; I've been sleeping in later, have I mentioned that? And yes, that is sleeping in for me. I let the dogs out, brought them back in to play, and made my cup of coffee. I'm drinking it black now!
I scrolled socials for a while (I'm way behind on blog reading these days. Sorry, friends! I'll catch up with you all again eventually...maybe Friday or Saturday.), then I made my lunch for the afternoon, and had my quiet time. I went upstairs right after that to get dressed for the day.
I always take a picture of my outfit before I leave my bedroom! Do you do this? I love my new mirror! I have a friend that I always send these pictures to, which is why I started being more consistent doing this every morning. We call them our outfit checks.
Work besties came into see me shortly after I arrived at work; I only got a picture with Mandy, though. I love them both so much! Mandy always brightens my mornings with her smile when she comes in to get ice water. We always laugh and catch up, and then she goes back to her desk.
I'm behind in my Bible reading, so this was me playing catch up today. I was reading something my Pastor recommended for me, and I loved what it said in Psalm 32!
After work, I went to the park with sweet Abbey and her kiddos! It was the best park day for a picnic.
I was gone until two, then I came home and played with the puppies. Stella and I took an epic nap, which was heavenly!
I loved this about prayer! It's so true. I had so many people praying for me yesterday, which I am so thankful for.
Baby Stella and me after waking up from our nap....
I went upstairs and changed clothes for the night, because my shirt was bugging me all of a sudden. I found this dress that I bought last year that was too tight and tried it on; I'm thinking of wearing it for Easter. Do you have thoughts about it on me? I don't want to look like someone from The Little House on the Prairie.
And then Marilyn came over bearing gifts! She brought me my favorite flavor of ice cream and a hanging basket with begonias in it; my friends are so very good to me!
I was back at work by five.
I went to choir practice from 6:30-7:30.
And then I went back into the bookstore and held baby Jolene! She's my favorite. I totally worked one handed for ten minutes while I held this angel. It's my favorite part of Wednesday night!
I came home and showered and washed my hair, then I put away my new shoes after I tried them on. I've lost about 26 pounds, and my feet have shrunk! I bought two pairs of new sandals and these white sneakers. I love them all and can't wait to wear them. After this I came downstairs for dinner...
And this might have been my dinner. The day called for it, right?
Well that was my whole day! From the beginning to the end, it was sweet and so much better than I'd dare hoped. My family, friends, and co-workers all helped me tremendously, and I am so grateful. I also want to thank you for your many thoughts, prayers, texts, emails, comments, and kind gestures. I don't even know where I'd be today if not for Jesus and the encouragement I've received from family and friends. Thank you doesn't seem adequate to say, but I'll say it again and again; thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am thankful to be divorced and a single lady again. I'm open to whatever God has in store for me, whatever that looks like. I can't wait for it all to start unfolding!
Thanks for being here today and everyday, friends. Love to all.