Monday, March 17, 2025



Happy Monday, friends! I am trying to do better this week by writing this post as I go along in my weekend. I completely forgot about this last week and didn't share a post until later in the day; it's very uncharacteristic for me! I've been majorly distracted lately. 🤣 My weekend was amazing! It got started when my friend Teresa drove in from out of town on Wednesday; she stayed with me that night until after church on Sunday! I loved every minute of having her in my home all week, and it was a balm that I desperately needed. Back to the weekend: I kicked it off Friday with working for about an hour, then signing my divorce papers. What a way to start the weekend, right?? Here's what I did this weekend with my friends; I'm backing all the way up to Thursday.

I worked on Thursday, but after that, Teresa met me and we went to run errands for my work. While I was in the area, I stopped by to see a friend at work, and then we came back to The Ville to make a drop off and let Chloe out. We had made the decision to have dinner at a Mexican food restaurant that night, at my favorite: La Perla; I had the chicken fajita nachos, which were amazing as always! We came home after this and immediately got into pajamas (and I showered). 

Marilyn called and ended up coming over with food for our weekend! She had leftovers from a work event, and brought a lot of them to me. How sweet, right?! Chloe was ridiculously excited to see one of her favorite people! 

Teresa and I watched episodes of Reba, then we tried to catch the lunar eclipse before it started happening. After we realized what time it would be taking place, we went to bed and I set my alarm to wake up at 1:30 so that we could try to see it in person. We did that and caught a tiny glimpse of the red at the bottom!

This is a terrible picture, but can you see it? It was so cool! We promptly went back to bed and laughed at ourselves in my front yard at 1:30 a.m. in nightshirts. Memories! I had to work for an hour on Friday, and after that, I went to sign my divorce papers. I went home for a bit afterward, feeling weird about what I'd just done, then met up with Teresa again around 1:30. I took her to my favorite place: John Mark's!

This may sound strange, but I wanted to dress confidently on the day that I signed my divorce papers. I did the same thing on the day that I filed, and wore green dresses both days. 

His bathroom wall art kills me!

I came home and changed out of my dress because I kept flashing people, thanks to the intense winds! It was a big day for me, so I made reservations for us at a favorite place of mine, an authentic Irish pub called Bog and Barley. It was amazing! We picked up Missy on the way there. 

We sat upstairs, which I loved. 

Teresa ordered beef tartar as an appetizer, and then I ordered pan seared trout with crispy potatoes for dinner. 

It was such a fun night! We ended the night by taking care of Graham's dogs, since he was at a Memphis Grizzlies game, then we came home and stayed up late. We had bad weather predicted for the next day, so we knew we had a day that we could sleep in and take it easy the next morning. 

And that's what we did, except that my body refuses to let me sleep past six a.m. I came downstairs and watched tv while they slept in a little, then I got started on making bread. I was supposed to have done that Friday night, but I completely forgot about it. 


We took it easy that morning while it rained cats and dogs outside; then we got dressed and left the house for lunch. 

We went to my favorite place: The Salad Station! I introduced T and Missy to it, and they loved it as much as me. I went to my friend's house after this to let her dog outside while they're on vacation, then we came home and got comfy again and settled into an afternoon of watching movies. We watched two: a Hallmark one about sisters (can't remember the name) and Fly Me to the Moon. 

Post dinner game night selfie; you know it's serious because my hair went up. 

Meanwhile, me and my brother Trey kept talking on the phone, because Trey made the trip to Dallas from where he was in Oklahoma to see my boys while they were together. I love this! When I got this picture, my heart grew three sizes. I love their bond! My nephew Jax is in the middle of them. 

We went to bed pretty early, but I laid awake for half the night and watched the numbers on my phone go by slowly. I was up early on Sunday for work and also to let my friend's dog out again. After church I came home and showered/took a nap, and then Marilyn came over in the afternoon. We talked on the phone to Amy, we cleaned up my porch from the storm, we talked and laughed, then we went to dinner at McAlister's. It was a great weekend, and I was so glad to end it with Marilyn! After I got home, she left, and Jonah had made it home from Dallas. He proceeded to stay downstairs with me for an hour, and we talked about everything. I missed having him here last week, and we had a ton of things to catch up on! 

What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn ❤️


  1. So glad you were able to catch up with Jonah last night! I am glad it was such a good weekend for you, as it was a big one. Enjoyed hanging out and hope you have a great Monday!

  2. That sounds like such a fabulous weekend filled with friends and good food. Our skies were cloudy for the lunar eclipse so no spottings here at all.

  3. Congratulations on this chapter being closed- you are strong- confidant and beautiful inside and out. This is the new beginning you deserve and you are already radiant! What a fun weekend with your girls :)

  4. Signing those papers must have felt surreal in many ways as even a year ago, I'll bet you never would have foreseen this outcome. I hope that a lot more healing comes your way as you process what happened. You are surrounded by such a great group of friends and family and your faith is strong- I know that you will be OK but there will still be hard days. Glad you were surrounded by friends this weekend!

  5. Our phone call made your blog! Ha! Friday at 11:30 was huge and I think you did the right thing by dressing confidently. You had such a full weekend! I can see the joy emanating from your post and it really is your joyful life.

  6. You must have such a sense of relief about the signing, and anticipation about your new future. How wonderful that you had some friends with you and special meals over the weekend.


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  Happy Monday, friends! I am trying to do better this week by writing this post as I go along in my weekend. I completely forgot about this...