Wednesday, March 19, 2025

the Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Joyce today for the weekly Wednesday Hodgepodge. I'll jump right in!

1. St. Patrick's day was celebrated on Monday March 17th. Did you mark the day in some way? Wear green? Make a special meal? Watch or participate in a parade? I didn't mark the day in any particular way this year, and I usually don't, honestly. I was tired that day, that I didn't even care about it or green or anything. I went to Mom's for dinner that night, and I rested all day long, trying to catch up on sleep. While I didn't participate in anything that weekend, some people that I know and love did! 

Drew always seems to be living his very best life!

And one friend went to Chicago for the weekend to witness the river being dyed green! How cool, right? 

2. Do you think luck plays a part in your life? Explain. I'm not a believer in luck; I believe that life plays out how God ordains and that we can put in the hard work to accomplish certain goals and achievements. But everything is for Him, from Him, through Him, and to Him (Romans 11:36). 

3. Of the fifteen foods listed, which is your favorite and how do you like it prepared? Are any on the list a hard no for you? In general, do you like fruits and veggies? As a kid, did you eat them willingly or did you hide peas in your napkin hoping your mom wouldn't see? 

Asparagus, avocado, broccoli, celery, cucumber, grape, green beans, kale, kiwi, lettuce, lime, 
pear, peas, pistachios, spinach

I love all of these foods, honestly! I'm not a picky eater at all and will eat just about anything. Of these, my favorite is avocado. I like them alone, sliced, with salt, and eating it with a spoon. I love guacamole! I eat one avocado a day, most weeks. I ate things willingly as a kid; Mom always had a rule about trying everything, and after that if I didn't like it, I didn't have to eat it, but I at least had to try. 

4. What's something that makes you turn green? (With envy or with illness, whichever way you want to run with it.) I cannot handle being around someone who has a stomach bug; that's all I'm going to say! I also never enjoy seeing blood, mine or anyone else's, and I have to turn away from the one drawing my blood. 

5. Did you spend a lot of time outdoors as a child? Doing what? Do you spend a lot of time outdoors now? Doing what?  I was outside the majority of the time as a young girl! I lived in the country, so this was inevitable. I loved to climb trees and did that all the time! I don't spend a lot of time outdoors now, but if I do, and it's a hot day, I like to be by a body of water. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I don't have any new music for you this week, so I thought I'd share some pictures I took driving home from Mom's Monday night. 

Look at this amazing screened in porch that Bill just added to their house! The porch was there, but he finished framing it out and adding the screen. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting out there with him after dinner on Monday, and look at that sky as I drove home! God is an amazing artist. 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all! 

Jenn 🩷


  1. Those pictures are so pretty! I agree with what you said about luck but I do think that some people are born into terrible unlucky situations- parents who don't love or care for them or being born with a terrible illness that results in pain, etc. God has a plan for that person's life, true, but it still seems unlucky to me to think that some come into the world with the disadvantage of physical and/or emotional pain due to circumstances that they can't control. I wish that I wasn't a picky eater!! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you! I do agree about with you about people being born into certain circumstances; I never understand how that kind of thing happens, but this is when I have to trust in God's sovereignty. I had to laugh when you said that you wish you weren't a picky eater. I know lots of those!

  2. Your words and thoughts are always so uplifting...thank you for sharing and being YOU!

    1. That's so sweet of you to say! Thank you for always being a source of encouragement for me, friend. You have no idea how much that means to me!

  3. I love the sky pics and a screened porch is one of my favorite sitting spots always. Hope you have a great day!

    1. I love sky pictures! Yes to all of the porch sitting...I am always up for that. I hope you're having a good week so far!

  4. Replies
    1. They're my favorite! I've loved them since I was a baby. My mom used to spoon feed them to me as a very young toddler! I remember it vividly.

  5. It looks like Drew really is living his best life. Oh to be young again. lol I saw a video of that river being dyed green. I couldn't believe they were doing it but it is so cool.
    Oh yes! I totally get the stomach bug thing, that's enough said about that.
    What beautiful photos on the way home from your mom's and the porch looks fab!

  6. I agree 100 with you regarding luck. My luck is Jesus and prayers


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the Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Joyce today for the weekly Wednesday Hodgepodge. I'll jump right in! 1. St. Patrick...