Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share today. I hope you're inspired to start your own version of this somehow in your life, even if it's not on a blog post. Looking for things to be thankful for everyday has helped change my perspective and my attitude time and time again. I don't know about you, but I am always in need of that in my life!

This week I'm thankful for:

  • the word of God and time spent praying whatever is on my heart 
  • my sons and getting to see all of them multiple times within one week
  • arriving safely back home from a weekend trip
  • quality time with Mom and endless laughter
  • friends that pray and send funny GIFs when the need arises
  • new beginnings
  • starry skies and beautiful sunsets
  • the promise of sunshine and warmer weather
  • Spotify and the music it affords me 
  • time spent talking to friends/coworkers while working
  • weekend plans
  • things to look forward to
  • long car rides
  • the gift of dogs
  • divine appointments
  • being productive and getting things done/set up for my future
  • forgiveness
  • inspiration from the amazing people I have in my life

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. I'll see you back here tomorrow. Love to all! 

Jenn ❤️🩷


  1. Wonderful!
    I am most thankful for the peace I felt while and after spending time working on parents' house this weekend. I am thankful for the relationship I have with my sisters and that we are getting along.
    I came home to three people who missed me plus a puppy and who had done nice things for me while I was gone.
    Those are my big things this week!

  2. I am thankful for my God who wrote my story before I was even born. I'm so thankful for my husband's seemingly endless patience and the care he is taking of me throughout my recovery and this week, I am especially thankful that I survived the nausea that followed my first chemo treatment. My family, my friends, my dog, books......I could go on and on. I am thankful that I found your blog to keep my attitude positive and my focus on God.

  3. So many blessings! I am grateful for our family vacation and the QT I got to spend with them- I am grateful that it is March and we are one day closer to spring- I am grateful for longer days, morning teas and walks outside too :)

  4. What wonderful things to be thankful for. How lovely that you saw your boys so much in a week and spent time with your mom. Family is so important.


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Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share ...