Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.


Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few of my favorite moments from this week.

Time with my boys is always my favorite; so are Drew's random resting positions and places. This is nothing unusual; he often lays down in the middle of a floor to rest. I love how Chloe was hanging all over him!

This green dress and the book I'm reading are both favorites! I won't talk about how long it's taking me to read this one book. This was me at work killing time on Tuesday.

It was a favorite coming home on Tuesday and showering and then sitting out here soaking up some vitamin D! 

It's always a favorite when a bestie comes to town to stay with me! Today is the kick off for our little girl's stay-cation at my house; Teresa came in town Wednesday and is staying with me through Sunday; my bestie Missy will be joining us today after work. It's been amazing having her here with me this week! My heart desperately needed this and I love the timing of how this all played out. Again, stay tuned until the end!

Car problems are never a favorite, but having my boys at home with me is! They were adding some coolant to Drew's truck because it overheated on his way here that night.

Birthday flowers are my favorite! I treated myself to them on Monday. 

I had an amazing Sunday; this was me taking a picture to document me being happy Monday morning. 

My Mare will always be my favorite! We've experienced #allthethings and #alltheemotions this week! 

French press coffee is definitely a favorite. 

Here were my favorite outfits from the week:

Baby Jolene is my favorite! This is a major perk of my job; my friend Caroline comes in and basically hands this baby girl off to me every time I see her. I'm not complaining, because I need more babies in my life!

Those are my favorites from the week, along with the fact that I have huge news to share today: I'm signing my divorce papers today at eleven thirty! I am beside myself with excitement as I close the door to this chapter of my life and move forward. I never thought I'd say that I would be excited to end my marriage, but I'm ready now, and so is Todd. And I look forward to us being friends for our sons; I know we'll do that, because they're the most important people in our lives and we agree wholeheartedly on this topic. We'll do anything for them, you know? 

What was a favorite of yours from this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn ❤️


  1. Wow you were right; what an epic week of favorites! Yay for having your friends with you-- how fun. I am happy to hear that both you and Todd are ready to sign the papers and are at a place where you feel good about how everything shook out. But mostly I am jealous of those baby snuggles. I can't remember the last time we had a baby in the family (or circle of friends!).

    1. Right? It almost feels like too much, and I haven't processed it all yet. I'm blown away by the timing of today's signing of my divorce papers and my friend being here from Nashville for the weekend. God is in all those details, and He knew I'd need to be surrounded by my people! Is that baby not a doll? I'll always love this privilege that I have of getting to hug babies. It made things ache that have NO BUSINESS aching, if you know what I mean! 🤣

  2. Wow! I love that you have your besties for this big, big thing today. I will say a prayer at 11:30 for your peace in knowing this chapter is closed. Feel all the feels. It's ok!

    1. Can you believe that timing? God always knows what I need before I know what I need! Thank you for the prayers today; I really am at peace! It helps that I have plans immediately following this. Thank you for the encouragement, my friend!

  3. Hi. May the Lord be surrounding you today - as one door closes another will open. Grace and Peace - Jennifer

  4. I'm glad you're at peace about signing the papers. I will be thinking of you today! Better things ahead!

    1. Thank you, friend! I'm excited about my future and all the new things that are laying in store for me. I always appreciate your encouragement!

  5. You are looking amazing my friend- you are glowing! Glad you are feeling the peace- you deserve all the good!

    1. Thank you, friend! I would love a catch up session with you about all the things we've both been through this last year. I always appreciate your kindness and encouragement; that always means so much to me! I hope your today is amazing!

  6. Congratulations on your signing today! It will feel so good to close that chapter and see what amazing things are ahead for you!

  7. Congratulations! I love that last picture of you and the outfit you're wearing!

  8. Sending you all the hugs and positive vibes from Waco!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...