Tuesday, March 11, 2025

a few random things on a Tuesday


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about a few random things here today. I hope you enjoy!

It's hard to believe that I haven't volunteered with the youth at my church in seven years. This time of year my memories are always flooded with past youth events that were so much fun, and this was one such time. This was the year that we did absolutely zero to contribute wisdom to our girls winning the competitions, and yet they somehow won first place in spite of our lack of motivation. Our prize was to attend a winter jam concert in Tupelo on a weeknight. Woohoo! 🤣 Missy and I had a blast leading teenage girls together; they really did keep us young! I miss those days and sometimes think about starting up again. 

It's such an honor to be a part of my friends' kids lives! This was baby Everly six years ago; here she is now on my left (your right). Time flies! She's big sister to Asher on my right and Violet. I love these kiddos! 

I have major OCPD tendencies in life; my makeup is one such example. I have to have everything lined up in order for me to get ready in the mornings! (That P is for personality.)

I'll never tire of seeing Dad's truck parked in front of my house. 

These are all I have to talk about today, friends! Do you have anything random to share with me today? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn ❤️

Linking up with:


  1. I don't have to have makeup lined up in order but I do lay it out and then put away after using a product. I am making do with old stuff until it runs out. I am really into my stick makeup. Merit and a brand I got at Costco in a pack. Then, you blend it all. The Merit has lasted a long, long time. I will have to go replace soon and then I plan to buy some Elf products I have my eye on.
    I am intrigued by the lumi. Would you recommend?

    1. I do that, too! I try to live by that rule- use what I have and then replace as needed. I love the Elf eyeshadow that you see; I've worn that exclusively for more than a year now, and I use the dark brown as my eyeliner. The Lumi lotion is amazing! It's all I use as foundation, but it's not that. I think it's called a glowtion, but that's my fourth tube of the stuff. I use a pea sized amount in my hands and just rub it in each day over my moisturizer.

  2. My makeup is in a bag in a drawer. Somehow I know where to reach in the bag though so it works. Hope you're doing well!

    1. That's funny! I keep mine in a container with a lid under the sink, then I put it all back. I don't like makeup mess, so I try to keep things clean and not messy. Thanks, friend! I hope the same for you!

  3. Love these little bits of JOY...you are radiant...so happy for you

    1. Aw! Thanks, friend! I hope you have the best day!

  4. Sweet memories! Look at you with a Tuesday post :).

    1. I could BARELY think of one, and I don't even count this! 🤣

  5. I love your make up line up. I do the same thing...that way I know I won't forget anything! Hope you're having a good day!

    1. Yes! How funny that you do the same! It's beautiful here today, so after work I got some much needed vitamin D! I hope your day is going well, too!

  6. Aw, I feel like everyone else's kids grow up so fast (I mean, I felt like mine did too but not like when I see other's peoples!).


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a few random things on a Tuesday

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about a few random things here today. I hope you enjoy! It's hard to believe that I hav...