Monday, March 3, 2025



Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now. 

I completely forgot to mention that I was taking a little mini blog break Thursday and Friday; that morning I left for the Dallas area with my mom. We had made these plans shortly after Christmas, and were so excited to get to Noah on Thursday! Mom enjoyed getting to see where Noah lives, and I just enjoyed hugging him all that I could for the time we were there. 

We were on the road by nine; and this was taken while we were sitting in standstill traffic. 

Seven and a half hours later, I was hugging my Noah!

It was so good to be able to hug him!

This is his roommate and best friend, Jacob. Jacob was riding the luggage cart back downstairs. 🤣

We had requested Mexican food for dinner; this was a place called Anasophia's. It was delicious!

We drove around afterward, with Noah playing chauffeur. 

That top right balcony belongs to Noah, and I love that our hotel faces his apartment!

We were back at the hotel around ten, but I was up until after one. When we got to dinner Thursday night, Noah surprised us with the fact that Drew was on his way to Dallas with his roommate. He had a job to do in Dallas on Friday (Drew's roommate), so Drew decided to ride along with him and they spent the night with Noah and Jacob. The next morning, Drew came to the hotel for breakfast! 

After breakfast, I got dressed for the day and Mom and I went to Walmart and then to Adriatica.

After this, we met up with Noah, Drew, and Jacob, and followed them to lunch. I miss seeing Noah's car all the time!

After lunch we let Noah drive us around again; he showed Mom where he works, where he loves to hang out, the Dallas Star (the Cowboys' practice arena), and then we ended in this office park area. Noah and I walked around the lake, and we caught up on our own. I always like to take the alone time to catch up with them and make sure they're all alright over all the change this last year has brought us. 

We ended the afternoon at Noah's apartment; I always get a kick out of his closet. 

This is a really nice courtyard area in the middle of their complex; I've always said that their building reminds me of the Astoria from Only Murders in the Building. 

Noah worked that night, so we said our goodbyes until the next morning; Mom and I went back to our room and took naps! We had dinner at Longhorn that night, then we ended back up at the hotel shortly after the sun set. I walked around a little bit while I talked on the phone, then I had a shower and was in bed pretty early. I was so tired from not having a lot of sleep the night before! 

I never miss an opportunity to check my outfit! I plan on buying a full length mirror for myself sometime soon. 

We said our goodbyes to Noah and Jacob, and then we left. It was short and sweet, but here's what I appreciated about this trip: this time it didn't feel sad to me like the last time when I was there in September. I am in a much better and healthier frame of mind than I was then, and I've grown more accustomed to him being there. I still miss him so much I can hardly stand it, but I didn't cry this time when I said goodbye. We both appreciated this! Two nights isn't long to be there considering the drive, but it's worth the effort when I can't have a full weekend, because of needing to be back for Sunday morning. It's a long trip, but I'll do this over and over again! Mom and I travel really well together. She's a trooper, and I pushed her to her limit, without actually meaning to do that. She's a rockstar! She didn't feel great coming home Saturday, but she never once complained. 

We were back at my house before five; Marilyn was here about ten minutes later, and she and I were off! You know it's not a weekend until I see my Marilyn. We had so much to talk about and catch up on, because a lot of things have gone on for us separately this week! 

We had a healthy dinner at our favorite place, The Salad Station, then we drove around and laughed ourselves just about silly over the things that only she and I will ever understand. I am so grateful for this beautiful, kind, and loving friend; I literally thank God for her every time we part ways. 

It was a great way to end the weekend! I'll talk more about Sunday later this week, but I went to bed shortly after she left. I was up late again, though, and up early the next day; I'm not sure where all my energy is coming from these days, but I won't complain while it lasts! What did you do this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn ❤️

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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...