Monday, February 10, 2025



Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was really good! I was gone a lot this weekend, which was kind of nice, honestly. Here's a few things I did...

It was cold again Friday! I dressed for warmth since I had to go to work for a little while. I went in to do the deposit that day, since my friend wasn't there the day before. After this I went to the library, then I met my mom and we went to lunch. 

I was back home before long, and Drew surprised me by stopping by! I was so glad to see and hug him. For the rest of the night, for some reason, it just kind of went downhill. This happens to me sometimes, and I have to get out of the house. I was so glad that Marilyn was still out; she had a big errand to run for work, and I was more than happy to join her.  

This was us and our fifty bags of salad.

And of course we had frozen yogurt afterward from her favorite place. It was a fun night! 

I stayed home most of Saturday, then went to run errands and had dinner with a friend. I love going to my favorite store in Memphis! It was an early night for the most part, and though I fell asleep early, I woke up and laid in bed staring at the ceiling until about 2 a.m. It was a long short night, if you know what I mean, since I have to be up early and at church by 7:15. 

My hair did NOT look like this when I left my house; the humidity was terrible and it was growing outwardly from the second I walked outside. I was laughing at it, because what else could I do? 

Per usual, I made tons of coffee for my church people and ran around like crazy for a couple of hours. It was a busy morning!

For the rest of the afternoon, I did a couple of things after church, then Marilyn came over for the superbowl! I made us dinner (it was not great), then we watched together until the halftime show, of which neither of us were impressed by. I fell asleep in the second half and went to bed shortly after it ended. It was a great weekend, overall! I hope yours was too! What did you do that you loved? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 

Jenn 🩷❤️ 

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  1. You did stay busy! I wanted to watch the Amy Schumer movie and the Reese Witherspoon movie but I couldn't keep my eyes open. The Superbowl did not interest me and I did not like the half time show. That is how you know you're old. I did start reading Expiration Dates!

    1. I did! Oh yeah; I recently saw a trailer for the Amy Schumer one. I wasn't too interested in it either, but I did keep it on, even if I fell asleep. Right??

  2. Thank goodness for last minute salad runs with friends, huh? :) Sounds like you had a busy weekend and lots of friend time. I know that was a blessing!

    1. Yes! I desperately needed out of my house. It was a good one! I hope yours was too, my friend.

  3. Thanks for coming with me Friday night and glad we could share dinner twice this weekend!

    1. You're welcome! And I love that. It's always a fun time with you!

  4. How lovely to see Drew and it's good you could join Marilyn on her errand to get yourself out of the house.
    I think your hair looks fab, even with the humidity!

    1. Yes to both of those! It was so good to see my Drew. Aw, thanks, friend!

  5. It's good you recognize when you need to get out and then you do it. I'm glad you had time with your son this weekend and with Marilyn too. Good friendships are a balm to the soul. Have a nice week!

    1. Yes! I would go bonkers, otherwise. Thank you for that! It was really good, and I wholeheartedly agree. I hope yours got off to a great start!

  6. Sounds like a busy weekend with a great friend. You always look so nice and put together, my friend. I could use a shopping date with you!

    1. It was, and it was so good! Thank you for that, friend. I would love that if we lived closer!

  7. I love the picture of you and Drew. I was in Nashville this weekend, so it was extra great!

    1. Thank you for that! Aw, how fun was that? I know you loved getting to see your sweet girl.

  8. I'm glad you got to spend some time with family and friends. You looked so cute in every pic - I love that bright striped shirt!

    1. Thank you for all of that! It's a fun one, right? Sometimes the brighter the better is just how it goes.

  9. I think you are handling all of the ups and downs with such grace and strength- you are inspirational for sure! Glad it was a cozy weekend XO


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