Monday, February 3, 2025



Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? I had my favorite kind of weekend: productive, relaxing, fun, and also quiet. Does that even make sense? 

I stayed home all day on Friday, and the pups were glad I didn't have to rush off! We enjoyed an easy morning until I got up and started on my first home improvement project. This first picture is how it started...

...and this is how it ended! I painted my kitchen, something I've been wanting to do for years and finally got around to checking it off my list. I love how it turned off! The color is Agreeable Gray by Sherwin Williams, but it's the Lowe's brand, Valspar. They color matched it for me when I picked it up Tuesday after work. I was BEAT by the time I finished Friday afternoon, but I'm so glad to have this behind me. I'm nowhere near done yet, but I have a plan on where I'm painting next.

I love it! I am not hanging anything back on the walls, except for the pictures you saw; I'm also keeping the counters decluttered and minimal. It's extremely gratifying seeing that immediate difference. My sister Trish came over with our dinner that night! We ate and then watched Reagan; well, she watched and I watched and slept. I told you I was tired! 🤣

On Saturday, I watched When Calls the Heart and caught up, then I switched to The Way Home; both are Hallmark series that I am able to watch on Hallmark +. Are you familiar with either show? They're both really good! 

I ran a couple of errands: I went to Goodwill, then to the library, to pick up groceries, and then back home. This is my current favorite lunch: scrambled eggs made with cottage cheese and spinach. I'm still doing the WW eating plan and I haven't cheated yet. 

I made this soup Saturday afternoon (a white version of taco soup made with chicken), but then met Marilyn for dinner Saturday night; we had Mexican food and a margarita each! It was delicious. 

I had the soup for dinner Sunday night. 

When I woke up Sunday morning, my coffee pot wasn't working; I went old school and pulled out this 29 year old French press. I bought this before I got married from a coffee shop I used to frequent, Gloria Jean's. Their French press coffee was always my favorite, and I used this solely for my coffee for a long time. It's still every bit as good as it was way back then! 

I caught up on my PT Sunday morning before work (I missed Saturday), then left shortly after. I felt bad for the rest of Sunday, unfortunately; though I'd made plans with a friend to go to an ice hockey game, I had to cancel when I didn't feel well enough to leave. I went to bed feeling a little better, thank the Lord. 

Chloe was glad I was home for the rest of Sunday!

Speaking of not feeling great, have you ever had these? I hadn't, and appreciated my friend giving me some when she heard that I didn't feel well. They're really good! I will be adding some of these to my next grocery order. 

I also piddled around some with the decor in my living room and made this arrangement in the vase on the mantel; I also pulled out the books I have with pink and red on their covers and am using them to decorate with for the impending spring and summer months. I love doing things like that with the things I already have. If you love books, do you ever use them to decorate with? 

What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! I'll see you back here tomorrow, friends; thanks for reading my blog today. Love to all!

Linking up with: 

Jenn 🖤


  1. The paint color looks great! Painting is so much work- especially a kitchen. Good job! Have a wonderful Monday!

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of work, but it also felt good to do. I still love walking in the room and seeing how fresh and clean it looks. I hope your day has been good!

  2. I can't believe you did that yourself! It looks so fresh and airy and I agree about the minimalism. It will help when you go to sell, too. I am not sure you were thinking about that, but the color and the minimalism will be positives. Great job on the eating plan. The eggs look so good. When I was hard core, I always chose fajitas.

    1. I know! I love it so much. I am in the process of modernizing the interior, so that means decluttering and painting the interior one color (I'm leaving the bedrooms as they are). I am excited to do more! Thanks, my friend!

  3. The kitchen looks amazing! Kudos. Jen

  4. Your weekend sounds so cozy and perfect and you did an amazing job with the paint- it looks beautiful!

    1. Thanks, friend! It was really good. I hope your week is off to a great start!

  5. It sounds like a good weekend!
    Oh wow! Well done on the home improvement. I did say in a previous comment that the yellow in your kitchen looked fab but the new paint looks even better!

    1. Thanks, friend! I did love the yellow at one point, but it was past its prime, you know? It needed this update!

  6. I'm so glad it was a good weekend ! I want to see the movie Reagan too. I love seeing the progress of your painting and re-decorating at your house. Happy Monday friend!

    1. Thank you! It was good. They did a great job of casting the lady who played Nancy. She looked so much like her! I hope you had a great day!

  7. The kitchen looks BEAUTIFUL! Love the color, it really freshens it up and goes so well with the white cabinets. Great job! Anita

    1. Thank you! I love it with the white cabinets/black counters; I love a contrast!

  8. Painting is such a job, especially a kitchen with so much to work around. It looks beautiful! Hope you're feeling better. There's so much going around right now, flu and belly both. We've had it all here lol. Coughing is the soundtrack to our lives right now. Stay well!

    1. It is, but it was worth the time it took. Thank you! I was feeling better by Sunday night. Sometimes I think it's stress! I've heard of so many people who are sick right now; they keep having to shut schools down in order to sanitize! I hope all of your people are feeling better now.

  9. In the last photo, may I ask where you found your sheep picture. I absolutely love it and I'm kinda look for something with sheep for my house and/or office. Love the grey on your walls. Hope you are feeling better today.

    1. Thanks, friend! I sent you a message on Instagram. I hope that was helpful!

  10. Oh wow —it is amazing how paint can transform a space. I did like the yellow (I drive a yellow VW Beetle!)but since you are planning on selling this will appeal to more buyers. Have a blessed week!.

    1. I know! It really is instant gratification. I enjoyed the yellow at one point, but I was tired of it after so many years. I am on a mission to neutralize the house! I hope your week is off to a great start!

  11. Your project turned out so amazingly! I love that color of walls.

    1. Thank you! I love it; it feels so fresh every time I walk into the room. I'm glad you stopped by today and appreciate that you took the time to comment!

  12. Painting is such a big job! I'm really impressed that you finished in a day. The new color looks so bright and fresh - what an amazing change. So sorry to hear you weren't feeling well! Grace takes similar ginger losanges when she feels nauseous. Hope your week is off to a good start.

    1. It is SUCH a big job. I was determined to finish it in one day, since it's the most important room in the house (other than the room I sleep in and that Jonah sleeps in). Thank you for that! I'm going to look for these chews that my friend gave me, or find some of those lozenges. I hope the same for you, friend!

  13. Wow! You did an amazing job painting so much in a short time! I love the colour you chose, it looks so fresh and calming. I hope you feel better and enjoy the rest of the week:)

    1. Thank you! I was determined to finish, since it's an important room. I'm grateful that the Lord helped me to accomplish that goal! I hope your week is going well, friend!

  14. WOW! Your kitchen makeover is fabulous!! I love the color.

  15. I love the color you picked for your kitchen walls! What a transformation! You must be so happy with what you've accomplished! I also love the two Hallmark shows you mentioned... both are weekly favorites these days!

    1. Thank you! I think so, too and am still so happy every time I walk through the door. Yes! They're my faves.


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