Monday, February 17, 2025

weekending- the one about a weekend with teenagers


Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? I hope it was good, and if you were in one of the flood zones, I hope you were safe and that you faired well. I was in a flood zone this weekend, but it wasn't as bad here as they had originally thought. I'm grateful for this! 


I made two loaves of sourdough bread last week that turned out like flat, hard discs. I attempted it for the second time and got up on Friday to stretch it one last time before baking it that afternoon. I met Mom for breakfast at Eggs Up Grill that morning. I wore something that I felt like was both cute and comfortable, but I loved what my shirt says:

"Chosen, not forsaken; I am who You say I am." It's the lyrics from a Hillsong single that I love; when we first started singing that song in church, I sang the solo to teach it to the congregation for the first time.

I woke up to these adorable earrings that were in my mailbox that Abbey gave me! They totally made my day, because Thursday night was hard and Friday morning sucked. I just sat and cried for a few minutes, because of how Thursday was. 

I felt good in my outfit that day; I dressed comfortably since I had an hours long hair appointment.

And then my weekend started with these ninth grade girls! 

I had fun being with my leader friends, Kim and Scottie. Scottie (in the middle) is who I co-led with. 

This is my young friend Hannah, one of the worship leaders for the weekend. Hannah and her husband Jeff led worship for the youth for a few years when my boys were younger; I've loved getting to see her grow into such a talented artist, wife, and mom. She gets bonus points for loving my sons!

I was having a good hair moment and wanted to document the amazing color.

Early morning worship!

I love the fun games they play with the students; this one required them to keep the balloons in the air.

This was after my outfit change Saturday morning since the weather was seventy. I was melting in a sweatshirt!

This is when I sat down to call Mom and almost fell asleep on the couch.

Ten minutes later when I walked into the fellowship hall again, my friend Kittie did, in fact, fall asleep just like this in these chairs. 

This is my friend Jennie; remember the painting of hearts that I received on that Wednesday a couple weeks ago? Three were from my friend's kids, but the larger one was from Jennie. She's a talented artist, and sidenote: her earring game is STRONG.

My sweet friend Scottie. I'm so glad I got to be with her all weekend long! 

DNow is basically an in-town retreat for two nights; we eat together, we worship together, there are sessions with teaching, and there are service projects. Our service project was making goodie bags to take to the local retirement home, where we played Bingo with some older friends. 

This is awake Kittie; she and her husband Curtis hosted us for the weekend, so we stayed at their house and she helped us with transporting the ten girls that we had.

I loved that Graham came to work on the tech team and got to see Jeff, Hannah's husband. 

It was such a fun weekend! I loved being with the teenagers and have missed being with them. There were about 150 of them, and almost that many leaders, making the number close to 300 of us being there and involved in some way. I loved that the older people in the church served the younger; the meals were made by the seniors in the church, the men's group, and some parents. I'm so glad the youth leader asked me to lead a group of girls; I thanked him for this, because I needed to be busy all weekend. It was an absolute blast, but mama was tired by Sunday morning! 

My eyes were ON FIRE when I woke up Sunday morning, probably from being tired. It was more than worth it, though! What'd you do this weekend? I'll share about the rest of mine tomorrow. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 

Jenn 🩷❤️


  1. That sounds like so much fun! But definitely exhausting. I spent Saturday painting Evan's room and then we had another snowstorm on Sunday so I didn't do much of anything yesterday.

  2. You are glowing in the pictures!!!! I am so thankful 150 girls attended the worship. Jen

  3. Your hair is looking amazing my friend! And I have the strangest request...can you do a post on all your cute shoes? hahaha! But seriously! I need to know what, where, how much, all the things, because I need some cute, comfy shoes to wear at work. Thanks! And don't fret about Thursday (if it sucked). It's overrated anyway.

    1. Thank you! I love this request; I'll work on this post for sure! Thanks for the rec, sometimes I scramble to find content. You are so right! The day redeemed itself and ended on a great note, and I am so grateful for that.

  4. I can see and feel how tired the adults are through the photos. But, the best kind of tired! I love that you had this opportunity on V Day weekend and took it. Perfect! And, looked cute doing it!

  5. Well done on two loaves of sourdough. It is my favourite but I buy it from a small local bakery. The rest of the weekend looks great.

  6. This looks like a wonderful event! And what a great way to spend a weekend. Im sure the kids had a blast!

  7. I love the song, I Am Who You Say I Am, by Hillsong- such great lyrics. I would love to hear you sing it :). Your weekend looks so impactful. I hope it was life changing for many of the teens. (I mean, ideally, obviously, it would be life changing for all but that is probably not realistic!) I'm glad you were surrounded by other volunteers whom you know and love as friends. I hope you have a great Monday!

  8. Such a nice weekend that you had! Off topic, How do you keep your hair looking so nice and not frizzy? Please share your process/products. Do you have to add product every day? I have similar hair. I feel I look like a crazy person after it dries so I always straighten it after a wash. I'll come up as Anonymous but I'm a real person. I found you through coffee and cocktails. Ruth E.

  9. Those earrings are adorable, perfect for Friday. It looks like you had a wonderful time with all the girls, what a fab weekend.

  10. Oh how I remember those type weekends. Back near the beginning of our marriage hubby was a youth pastor and the music minister. We had many trips and youth retreats. It was so fun, but also very tiring. Wouldn't change those days, but I don't want to go back to it either. I'm just to old for it!

  11. I love your hair color! And the shirt based on the Hillsong lyrics. I would have needed a day of rest after all those teenagers...good for you!

  12. Such cute, cute pictures of you! I am glad you did this and wish I could have joined you Saturday night. Worship was a great activity for the weekend.

  13. What a blessing - for you and the youth - that you were able to spend the weekend with them all. When our kids were growing up we always hosted a 40 hour famine event for youth at our church and by the end we were all pooped but our souls were filled! Hopefully you got a good nap in on Sunday!

  14. Sweet friend, you were not alone with that nightmare. God was/is with you! Curl up to Him when you have a nightmare, He holds us tighter than any human can, and then sleep like a baby! It is okay to grieve, it is going to hit you at random times, like it did on the 14th. Letting it out, instead of holding it in, is healthy. I am glad to hear that overall you are doing well, thanks for sharing and continuing to host.


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