Wednesday, February 19, 2025

the Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday and Hodgepodge day, friends! I love this day of random questions so much; it's always fun reading everyone's answers to the same questions. I'm linking up with Joyce once again for this week's Hodgepodge. 

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with mollycoddle, pack rat, frazzle, and loose cannon. Which of those currently relate to your life in some way? 

I had to look up mollycoddle, but I've used and heard the others. That being said, I think my life feels more frazzled than it ever has before because of obvious circumstances. Everything is unsure, but things are getting better with each passing day. 

2. Have you visited many (or any) of the President's homes, monuments, libraries, or related sites? If so, what's been your favorite? Are there any in particular you want to see? Here's a link to presidential sites listed by state; it's fun to read! Since bloggers who participate in the Hodgepodge live outside of the United States, here's a link to one that is only for outside of the States. Have you seen any of those? 

I've been to the Bush home at Walker Point in Kennebunkport, Maine. I went there for part of an extended honeymoon I took with him when we married 28 years ago. It was amazing to see it up close and personal! I'm pretty sure that someone was there, because I saw Secret Service vehicles there; or maybe they were just stationed there. I'd like to go back to our nation's capital in the next few years; I want to go when I'm young enough to walk a lot and enjoy it again!

3. February 20th is National Cherry Pie day; will you celebrate? Given your choices, of these which would you prefer: cherry pie, cherry cobbler, cheesecake with cherry topping, or black forest cake? I will not celebrate this day, but of these I would choose either the cobbler or the cheesecake. 

4. When was the last time you worked a puzzle of some kind? What was something that had you puzzled recently? I wish I loved puzzles! My life often has me puzzled, honestly. A better example of this was from last week; I run the bookstore at my church, for anyone new here, and though it's in my church, it's on its own. I'm responsible for everything that happens there: the money, the ordering/stocking, and the upkeep from top to bottom. Last week I was getting the money ready for the deposit, and I couldn't find $12 from the credit card sales to save my life. I was puzzled over the whole situation until I remembered that I can reprint receipts, and also check them at the same time while looking. I went through three days of the receipts and finally found what I was looking for! I had probably accidentally thrown the original away. 

5. Of the early blooming flowers, which one is your favorite? 

snowdrops, lenten roses, pansies, violets, snapdragons, reticulated iris, crocus, winter jasmine

Do you have any in your own yard or garden? I only know what pansies and violets are, so I'll go with violets. Snowdrops sound lovely, though! I don't have any of these and am not a flower person, even though I wish it was different. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. This week's current favorite song is called I Know a Name, by Elevation Worship and Brandon Lake. 

These are always so much fun to think about! I can't wait to read your posts today. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 

Jenn 🩷❤️


  1. I hope it didn't take too much time for you to go through all those transactions- at least you found what you were looking for! I would love to go to Kennebunkport, Maine. Agree that these are fun questions to answer and then to read others' responses!

    1. I was just so glad to find it! That rarely happens, so it's a feature that I often forget about. Nothing will make me more mad than that, and having to find a small amount of money. I hope you get to go there someday!

  2. I avoid anything having to do with Bush, George W is a war criminal who destabilized the ME, used banned depleted uranium bombs in fallujah, killed tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians on a false pretence of WMD's. Not to mention the biggest assault on the Constitution, the Patriot Act. Too much bad karma there. Remember, had there been no Iraq war, there never would have been an AlQaeda, ISIS and the 9/11 terrorist attack.

  3. Glad you figured out that puzzle of receipts! Enjoy your day!

    1. It was a puzzle of receipts! Thanks, friend. I hope you're doing the same!

  4. Great answers! I really want to go to Maine someday. Sorry about the missing receipt! That would have been so frustrating.

    1. Thanks, friend! I hope you get to do that someday. I'd love to go back, honestly! I'd like to go chase lighthouses up the coast. I'm just so glad I found it finally!

  5. Love that you went to the Bush's house in Maine- we have driven by it only and it is breathtaking!

    1. It's amazing! I loved hanging out on the rocky beach that was close to it; I think we sat there all day.

  6. I forgot about Kennebunkport. When we were there we saw George (Sr.) and Barbara getting out of the car. Her hair was distinctive so even though we were a distance from them you couldn't miss her. Maine is beautiful! I'm glad you solved the puzzle! Have a nice day.

    1. That's so cool that you saw them! I was there close to Thanksgiving, so chances are they were there then as well. Thanks, friend! I hope you enjoy your day as well, my friend.

  7. Glad you found the missing transaction - that's the sort of puzzle that would drive me nuts - but I'd have to solve it.

  8. Would you believe I live about 20 minutes away from the Truman Presidential Library and I have never been? It still shocks me that we never ever went on a field trip. Seems like something that we should have done. Especially when we did Missiouri history in 4th grade. On the other hand, I was born at Georgetown Hospital in DC and have visited DC a lot.

    1. What?! Girl, you need to go see that. My dad always told me if I ever got the chance to see one, to go visit. He loved them and had been to many! I want to go back to DC someday. I loved it there!

  9. I hope you life becomes less frazzled soon. Hang on in there.
    It sounds like you have a lot of responsibility at the bookstore. Good job you found the $12.

    1. Thank you! It's becoming less and less so each and everyday.

  10. Kind of funny that you said you went on a honeymoon "with him" - makes it sound like you went with Bush! lol. The DC memorials definitely take a lot of walking to see!

    1. I thought the same thing and head to reread that sentence! LOL

    2. Joanne, that's so funny that you both thought that!

  11. We saw secret service at the Bush house in Kennebunkport when we went too; but we were there in summer and had been told that the family had been spotted around town. I'm pretty sure I am one of those people that would and could walk by someone famous on the street and not even notice in the slightest though.

    1. I was kind of fascinated by seeing them there! You made me laugh about not being very observant. 🤣

  12. I wish I loved puzzles, but I think I'm too impatient! I also listed Kennebunkport...such a pretty place. Whew...anonymous had lots of opinions about the Bush family! Hope you have a good day - stay warm.

    1. I feel the exact same! It's so beautiful there. I'd love to see it again. I know, right?? I tried to be kind and tactful in my reply. I'm rolling my eyes. All I could think is keep it yourself, sister. 🤣

  13. I enjoyed your answers there. We visited the NE states a few years ago and LOVED it. We drove through Kennebunkport but didn't really stop except for one location (the old stone church). I would have enjoyed seeing more but we didn't have time and it was super busy.


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