Wednesday, February 12, 2025

the Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday and hodgepodge day, friends! I hope you're having a great week so far; I know I am, and I anticipate it to keep getting better as it progresses. I have so many things to look forward to that are coming up in the next few weeks/months. 

1. Did you watch the Superbowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite snack to munch on while watching a sporting event? If you mean "watch" in the sense that it was on in the background while I scrolled on my phone, then sure. Because of what I just said, I didn't have a team to route for, but I wanted the Eagles to win since they were the underdogs in the game. I'm so proud of them for killing it, too! I loved what the coach said after they won; he was super humble and gave God the glory for their victory. I love a humble person! My favorite snacks are always salty, but I didn't snack. I did grab a handful of popcorn at one point, but that was all, aside from the dinner I had that night. 

2. What's your "superpower"? When I was a leader for high school girls in youth at church, they said my superpower was being able to quickly spout off names of the bottles and bottles of OPI polish that I had. They all used to come over and do their nails and would quiz me regularly on this. Another superpower is noticing right away when someone gets something new done to their hair. I'm really observant. 

3. Will you do anything special on Galentine's day? If so, please share. Any thoughts about this particular holiday? Share a favorite verse or quote pertaining to love. I'll be spending the whole weekend with a few hundred teenagers! I'm excited about leading a group of ninth grade girls for D-Now, an in-town retreat in which we all stay in host homes and do fun things together around town. This year I'm excited about the holiday, because I'll get to love on some teenage girls, but in years past I have hated this day. Interesting, right? That says a lot without me having to say a word, if you know what I mean. My favorite passage is one that I pray over my sons/bonus sons/loved ones/friends: 

"Lord, help us to love You with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength; and help us to love other as we love ourselves."

This prayer is taken from two passages: Deuteronomy 6:5-9 and Luke 10:27. Also, this heart tattoo that I have on my left wrist? That's the reason I got it in the first place, to remind me to pray that every time I see it, over the lives of my sons and bonuses. 

I still love it as much today as I did the first day I got in February of 2020. 

4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so, what's one of your favorites? If you're not a movie-goer, what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favorite love song? I love the rom-com genre! I wish they'd make more movies like they used to, the old favorites like The Runaway Bride, When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail...and lots more that I'm not remembering off the top of my head. One of my favorites is The Wedding Date with Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney; have you seen that one? I am not currently reading romance books; I'm more into nonfiction and historical fiction at the moment. 

I do have a favorite love story in the Bible, though, and it's the book of Hosea. It's a terribly difficult book to read, but it's also beautiful since it shows us how much God loves us even though we sin so greatly against Him day after day. I helped write a Bible study on this book back in 2019, and it was a great privilege not only to co-write a Bible study, but to study such a beautiful book. I remember sobbing as I studied and wrote; words just seemed to pour out of me at that time in my life. 

5. Let's get creative; write an acrostic for the word LOVE. 

Love everyone at all times, in every situation, and love all 

Of the people around you

Very well,

Especially the ones who don't love you back or treat you that way first.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Here is my current favorite song; I've had it on repeat all week! This is Love of God by Phil Wickham and Brandon Lake. 

Tell me one of your answers to one of these prompts; I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn ❤️🩷

Linking up with Joyce.


  1. They were fun questions to answer! Your upcoming weekend plans sound fun- busy and loud but fun!! I didn't hear or read anything that the Eagles coach said after the game- I will look that up. I love it when coaches and players give God the glory and it seems genuine and not trite. Have a great day!

    1. I agree! I loved them this time around. I'm excited about the weekend; I'm also a little nervous about it, if I'm completely honest, since it's been seven years since I last helped in youth. I'm a little older now and edging closer to fifty; hopefully I can hang! I love that, too! You'll have to look it up. Have a great day, friend!

  2. I'm not sure if I have seen The Wedding Date; I'll have to look for that one. I love the old rom-coms so much. It sounds like you are going to have such a fun weekend!

    1. It's one of my favorites! I agree with you on that; they don't make them now like they used to, that's for sure. I'm excited about it; I'm hoping I can hang with them!

  3. I like your combo of the two verses as a prayer. Great job on your acrostic.

  4. Awww I think those Valentine plans sound amazing! Those girls are so lucky to have you. I chuckled at your super power- love it!

    1. I think so too! I really am excited about the weekend, and it works well since I needed and wanted plans to keep busy. Thank you for that, my friend! Isn't that a hoot? I'm ridiculously good at it, because I love all the OPI names and remember them all.

  5. I love how you include your favorite songs in your post. Thank you! It sounds like your weekend is going to be busy but so rewarding being able to share your love of Christ with teenage girls. I have not seen The Wedding Date but am going to put it on my list to watch. I love reading your posts. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I love music; it helps me both in my walk with Jesus and in making my heart happy, so I have it playing all the time. I'm excited about the weekend! If you watch that, let me know your thoughts; it's one of my faves! Thank you for taking the time to stop and comment today, friend!

  6. I'm a big Eagles fan and admire the coach and Jalen Hurts too. Your weekend sounds like such a fun event for teen girls. Enjoy all the noisy chaos! I might have to watch The Wedding Date this weekend. I've seen it but it's not one that's shown often. Have a nice day!

    1. I loved seeing Jalen Hurts! He was an Alabama player, so I've watched him grow up on tv. I'm excited about the weekend! Oh, you should! I love it so much. I hope you're having a great week!

  7. Love that acronym. Your weekend plans sound fun and I hope to join on Saturday!

    1. Thanks, friend! I am excited and am glad you're going to try to come Saturday night!

  8. Ahh! I always want the underdogs to win! We watched a soccer match on Sunday where the underdogs beat the best team in England at the moment. It was a bit of a shocker.
    Have a fab weekend with all the teenagers, it sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Those are the best kind of games! Thanks, friend; I'm really excited!

  9. Sorry to hear you hated Valentines before. Why didn't you like it?

    1. I always used to say that it was because it was over-commercialized; the truth of it was that I wanted to celebrate a day of romance, but my ex did not feel the same way. I pretended to not care, but I cared.

  10. Replies
    1. Did you see the Superbowl commercial? It was Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan in the diner reenacting "the scene". It was great!

  11. When Harry Met Sally is my favorite movie of all time. I always say my Husband is my real life Harry. We met (and dated) 30+ years ago.I thought he was too old for me (7 year age difference) but we remainded friends. Then lost touch. I got married, had a baby, got divorced. He called me about of the blue one day about 16ish years ago (he knew I'd gotten married, but didn't know I had gotten divorced). We've been together ever since and will celebrate our 15th weddding anniversary in July.

    1. Mine too! Aw, I love that story of how you reconnected. Thanks for sharing that!

  12. I love all of the older rom-coms they just don't seem to make any good ones anymore. I think I do recall watching that one with Debra Messing in but it was many years ago.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend, it sounds like lots of fun.

    1. Same! I wish they would make them again; I think the majority of us want to see them and would pay for them in the theater. You should rewatch it, it's so good! Thank you, friend. I'm excited about the weekend!

  13. I also love the old rom com movies. They definitely don't make them like that anymore. You're going to have so much fun with the teen girls.

    1. I know! I wish they'd bring those types of movies back. Thank you, friend! I'm excited about the weekend.

  14. You answered the questions well. Love your little heart tattoo. Have a few enjoyable weekend with the teen girls. Debby

    1. Thank you for that! I loved the questions this go 'round. Aw, I appreciate that; it's very meaningful to me. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, and thanks for commenting today!

  15. The Wedding Date is one of my favorites! There's a movie on Netflix with a very similar vibe to The Wedding Date and Dermot Mulroney is in it, I think, as a callback to TWD. :) (Anyone but You)

    1. I love it, and I haven't heard of the other one! Thanks for telling me about it, I'll find it this weekend.

  16. That sounds like a perfect weekend! I am not a fan of Valentine's Day, mostly because it seems so overly commercial and capitalistic. When my husband and I were dating in nyc, we would be so annoyed that the restaurants would be packed, with subpar menus and high prices, so we made it a tradition to go to the Village Den diner on the corner ;) Which was kind of romantic in it's own quirky way, I guess.
    My superpowers are two : empathy and chutzpah!

    1. It was amazing! I used to be irritated by that as well. I never wanted to pay the Valentine's day prices. That's really sweet! Thanks for sharing that with me. I'm off to Google chutzpah now!

  17. I think my favorite part of the Superbowl was that some of the participants were open about their faith and giving glory to God. Hope you're having a wonderful time on your weekend trip - it does sound like a lot of fun!


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