Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I love this day of the week; mainly because practicing gratitude everyday gives me a much needed dose of perspective. Also, it happens to be my Friday, except for this week since I'm working for a little while tomorrow morning. This week I'm changing it up a little and I'm going to share one thing that I am the most thankful for everyday of my life. This is something that happened yesterday while I was at work; if you follow me on social media, then you've already seen this. For most of you, this will be new. 

I am most thankful for the love of God. Here's what I shared on social media yesterday:

It's been a day! I've noticed something so interesting about one of the ways that God shows His love for me-- it's often on the worst days that He loves me through others. Today God showed me His love through one of my best friends and her precious kids; look at the beautiful heart paintings they made for me! (We all know I have a thing for hearts, and the reason I have one tattooed on my wrist is to remind me that I am to love others.) They'll live here in my kitchen window forever, because I always want to remember this day. Their mom also gave me the best card with a long handwritten note inside, and she picked out a tea towel for me from my favorite store: John Mark's! She told me that he wrapped the gift for me himself; and the towel has 1 Corinthians 13 on it, and is also known as the love chapter. What a beautifully kind, thoughtful, and meaningful gift. What a kiss from the King.

Here are a few pictures to follow up with.

My best friend Abbey goes to community Bible study at my church every Wednesday; it's become my favorite day, because she and her kids always stop in to see me while I'm working. Yesterday I was having a rough start to the day; it was my fault for opening myself up to someone with an email, but it escaladed (as it does), and I was being accused of things and told things that were very upsetting. So, as I was composing a response to an email, Abbey came in. (What timing, right?!) She grabbed some coffee, then left, telling me that she and the kids would be back after class. When they came in, they were bearing gifts!

I didn't even have words to adequately respond to this beautiful and generous offering. I hugged her and thanked her, of course, but this meant so much more to me than just a hug and a "thank you" can offer. Abbey has loved me very well lately; she's the friend who brought me cinnamon rolls to wake up to the morning of my birthday, she's invited me into her home, and she prays for me every single day and points me to Jesus. She picked out a gift for me as well, a tea towel with 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 written on the fabric. I'll share the verses below.

Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not arrogant, is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not irritable, and does not keep a record of wrongs. Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

In her card she mentioned how she is praying for me that on Valentine's day and every single day of my life, that I know how loved I am by the Father, the great Love of my life. (I added that last part.) How fortunate am I to have such amazing friends? I am so thankful for them, and the way that God loves me through their kindness, thoughtfulness, generosity, and prayers. And today this is just about Abbey, but rest assured that all of my friends have loved me very well since June 22, 2024. I will never forget any of it, and it's the reason I share about them here, on social media, and in the pages of my journal. They've never ceased to blow me away in all of those months and weeks; and God never ceases to amaze me with how He loves me so very much. And to Him I say, "I love You, too."

Needless to say, when I got to my car after work, I could no longer contain the tears that bubbled to the surface, and I sobbed while I sat in the parking lot. The words "thank you" never seem adequate, do they?

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you. Speaking of hearing from you, thank you for emailing me! Please feel free to reach out anytime you want. I love talking to you! My email is Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.


  1. What sweet gestures by your friend! I can see how you would be overcome with emotion. God definitely puts people in our life whom he knows we need.

    1. I know! It was almost too much, and I felt overwhelmed (in a good way, of course). I wholeheartedly agree with you!

  2. Jennifer, you have some of the best friends! And I just love how God shows up in such personal ways.'s what HE says about us that matters, as you well know. The devil doesn't get to define us, so no more believing emails ;) wink wink :)

    1. I do! I always feel so undeserving of this, because who am I to be the recipient of such love? It amazes me and overwhelms me, as I said in the comment above. And yes! You are absolutely right. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement!

  3. You are so loved and you are a pure example of how we should love in Christ

  4. Oh Jenn —what a testimony that there are angels on earth!

  5. What a sweet friend! I'm so glad God brought her to you.

    1. She is wonderful! I am so thankful for her friendship. I aspire to be that same kind of friend!


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