Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.


Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast. Why does time go so quickly? I know I say that all the time, but it never ceases to surprise me. I can remember my dad saying this all the time; he was right! I'll jump in with my favorites from the week. 

February might just be one of my favorite months. I'll be honest; I've been dreading this month for a while. I don't know really why, because it's not like we ever really celebrated the holiday that this month brings, but maybe it's because of what it represents as "the love month". That being said, my opinion of that changed this week with the gifts that my friend Abbey (and her precious kids) brought me on Wednesday; it felt like I was lavished in their love. I love something that Abbey wrote on the card she gave me: "I pray that today and everyday you feel loved by the Father." And just like that, my perspective changed. I don't need any person on earth to love me like I need God's love. I shared a post about this yesterday that you can read if you're interested. Click here to read the Thankful Thursday post.

And on a much lighter note, this that my bestie Andrea sent me was another favorite! This almost made me choke when I read the words. Speaking of her, I miss her! We can't seem to make our schedules work; either I had something overlapping or she was sick. We do have a date on the calendar in the next couple of weeks, and I'm excited to see her in person. For now we send each other reel after reel on IG. 🤣 Isn't that what true besties do?! 

The theme of my week had to do with gifts having to do with "love" or something with hearts on it. This picture above is one that my friend painted this week; I complimented it on her social media, and the next night she gave it to me! 

Here was one of the first ones I got that same day. 

Chloe's favorite thing to do every morning is to go back to sleep in my lap the minute I settle in after waking up. She makes it hard to see my laptop, so I usually end up giving in and coming back later in the day to read blogs and catch up. 

I love books like this! My friend Debbie sent me this book at the end of last summer in the sweetest care package. I used everything that she sent to me, but this book that she authored was my favorite, by far. Isn't that sweet? Here's a link to her book.  It's free right now with Kindle Unlimited! 

I did one of my favorite things again this week: I made a couple of loaves of sourdough! I haven't made any since before Christmas, so it was way past time. 

Making lists is my favorite! Did you read my blog post Tuesday about February intentions

Monday was a favorite day this week. I started the day by having coffee with a friend from church, and then I had lunch with these sweet friends. We go way back! This is Tammy, Marcia, and me; we used to go to church together, and were recently together at Marcia's house the night of the college football championship game. Also, Tammy is my chiropractor friend who helped me out so much when I ended up in the ER before Christmas. 

Coffee shops are my favorite. This one is Square Beans, which is located on the town square. 

This week I found a little clear adhesive sticky thing to use on this door that you see in the picture above. My sister gave me my favorite calendar for Christmas; it's one by the artist,  Katie Daisy. I love it hanging on the door! I didn't want to mess up my freshly painted kitchen walls. 

My favorite dinner this week was this meal that I shared with Marilyn last weekend! We had a margarita to go along with it, and the whole meal from start to finish was delicious.

We've had some warmer weather this week; these temps are giving me all the spring fever! Warm weather isn't even my favorite, but I think it's the thought of it that I love, plus being able to lounge around in a pool. I'm hoping our neighbors let us dog sit again this summer so that we can use their pool! 

Yesterday I started reading this book that one of my friends wrote, Chris Wark, author and founder of Chris Beat Cancer. I loved opening up the book and finding this in the first chapter! Psalm 23 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. 

In case you missed out on any of the other blog posts this week, I'll link them below. 


February Intentions


 The Wednesday Hodgepodge

 Thankful Thursday 

Share Your Shelf (the books I read in January)

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

Linking up with:


  1. The meal from the Mexican restaurant looks and sounds so good!! I *love* all of your heart art and heart joy that you've experienced this week. Have a great weekend!

    1. It was delicious! Thank you, friend. I hope the same for you!

  2. Toasting you and your month of LOVE- may we all learn from this XO

  3. Thank you for mentioning my book! I hope you're enjoying it :) My favorite this week has been getting in the car each day to go to work and realizing that the Lord gave me the one job I said I would ever want, if I had to work. Just knowing that the Lord cares for me in that way, has blessed me all week.

    1. I'm glad to do it, because it's so good! Isn't that amazing? I always want to remember things like that.

  4. I can almost smell that photo with the fajitas! I think sizzling fajias has got to be one of the best smells in the world! I also really like all of the hearts that showed up for you this week; you can definitely tell you're surrounded in love.
    Speaking of LOVE, I'm trying to get back to something my mom awlays tried to instill in me. You can't LOVE things. You can really like them, you can really enjoy them, but you can't LOVE things. People were made to be LOVED and things were made to be used. Have a great weekend! I hope your weather is fabulous!

    1. I wholeheartedly agree! Thank you for that. I love what your mom used to tell you!

  5. I am so glad that your perspective has changed about this month. It's not just all about the lovey, dovey couple things.
    I hope you get to catch up with Andrea soon. She sounds like such a wonderful friend.
    Yay to the sourdough! It looks so good.

    1. Thank you! It's so true. I hope so too! She's been having a rough go of it lately with sickness.

  6. The heart art you received this week is so joyful ! I am thankful that the mom (only thirty six years old ) of one of my former speech therapy patients made it through a serious surgery! Have a blessed weekend !

    1. I thought so too! Oh, wow. Bless her! I'm so glad to hear that she made it through surgery.

  7. I have a little Katie Daisy planner that I keep on my her style! Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. I do too! I love that you have something by her. Thanks, friend! I hope the same for you.

  8. Valentines' Day is overrated, its just a big commercial scam perpetrated by big corporations to fleece the public out of money for overpriced junk. They have no shame, they know people are still paying off their Christmas presents credit bills yet they do this media blitz anyway. SMH.

    1. I always thought similarly, but I'm choosing to make it something new this year. To each their own!

  9. Katie Daisy artwork is so pretty, and so is your sourdough. I've been making sourdough crackers daily for about a week now - so yummy!

    1. Thank you! I agree about her artwork. I LOVE sourdough crackers! I've only made them once.

  10. Aw, what a fabulous week of favorites! That heart painting and art work are both fabulous. We used those sticky hooks in Alec's dorm room (and I'm praying they don't ruin the walls when it's time to take them down).

    1. Thank you! It was such a good week. I actually thought about you when she gave them to me! I know that as an artist, you can appreciate such things. I wondered if you ever sell your artwork or give it away? You're so talented!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...