Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February Randoms


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share some random moments from this month that are in the form of pictures on my phone. I hope you enjoy this kind of post as much as I do! 

My sourdough recipe is much loved! I've taught several people to make this, and I love doing that so much that I don't feel like I'll ever stop. I love that this piece of paper looks like this; I'll never forget the day that I transferred Marilyn's recipe over to my own sheet of paper. I was at Dad's house with him, because he was in bad health; while he napped, I wrote this down at the desk and watched him sleep. It was just a week later that my life changed, and two weeks later, Dad was in Heaven. 

I love seeing this truck pull up in my driveway! This was the last time I saw Drew. I postponed dinner to tonight, since his chances of coming over are far greater on this day than they were yesterday. 

Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese are something that I continue to love to eat for lunch! Speaking of food that's healthier, I'm down 17 pounds as of yesterday morning. The more I lose, the better I want to do, and it's motivation to keep going! 

I've been wearing lots of bracelet stacks recently. They're kind of my thing right now!

This picture cracks me up! This is Mandy, one of my two work besties. I was in her office one day and busted her doing this being nosy. I died laughing and made her stand still while I took this picture! And yes, she wears a full coat everyday all day inside of the building. 🤣

I love seeing my sons at home! This one came and visited one day, and I loved every second of catching up with him. 

This car is gorgeous! It belongs to a friend of my son's, and every time I see it, it makes me happy. 

This cracks me up! 

Hello! I'm Jenn and I have OCPD tendencies. My makeup has to be just so when I get dressed in the mornings.

This was me waiting on groceries yesterday and making good use of my time. 

Do you have any random things that you want to share from this month? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🩷

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  1. I am cheering you! I hope you make your goal weight. I am also trying to lose weight. I lost 6 pounds so far. At least 5 more to go. Grace and Peace , Jen

    1. Thank you! I am cheering you on as well; congratulations!

  2. Congratulations on your weight loss! I suspect you're eating eggs and cottage cheese for the protein? And I'm laughing at your makeup set up. I do the same thing :)

    1. Thank you! You guessed correctly; I feel like I don't always get enough protein, so it's an added bonus, plus it's delicious. It's funny that we're similar on that!

  3. Yeah! Congrats on your weight loss! You look amazing and you are glowing :)

    1. Thanks, friend! I have to give some credit to the "foundation" I use. It's called Glowtion, and it's by L'OREAL.

  4. Snapping little moments helps me with my gratitude practice! Love! 17 lbs is amazing! I feel like you only just started!

    1. Yes! Me too. Thanks, friend! I'm pretty excited about it.

  5. Ahh! I love to see a well used recipe and how lovely to see your boys truck in your driveway! I need to try scrambled eggs with cottage cheese, It's something that I never thought of putting together until recently. Well done with your weight loss! You are doing great!! Wow! That car is amazing and I am one of those stubborn android people. hehehe

  6. Hello! So, I eat scrambled eggs with cottage cheese, but separately on the plate. This is groundbreaking!!! Thanks for the idea! You look beautiful, my friend.

    1. Hi, friend! I'm so glad you're going to try it; it's delicious! Let me know your thoughts about them. Thank you!

  7. Yay for your health journey! I’m really wishing If I lived near you I would definitely ask (maybe beg) for a loaf of your bread!

  8. Way to go with the weight loss...that's incredible! I loved Rom-comers and hope you will too. I wish my handwriting looked as "fun" and neat as yours! Enjoy your dinner. :)

    1. Thank you! It's really good so far, when I actually sit down to read. My life isn't conducive to much reading these days, but I'm trying!

  9. Congrats on the weight loss - that is hard to do and a big accomplishment. And I really love your handwriting - mine is so messy...

    1. Thank you! I feel so motivated to keep going. I love the art of handwriting!

  10. What a fun assortment of random photos and thoughts. I rarely keep anything I hand write mostly because I really do not like my handwriting; I used to even type up the journaling section of my scrapbook pages and print them out before I read it was really important to have that personalized touch of real/actual written words. It's my least favorite part of every page I make though. I loved the rom-commers; it was so cute!

    1. Thanks, friend! So many people don't like their handwriting. I would say I'm the abnormal one here. It's like therapy for me to be able to sit and write. I hope to finish it while I'm gone this weekend!

  11. I love posts like this.17lbs,wow! That's amazing. I like how you lay out your makeup before you start - I'm always rummaging through my semi organized drawer the whole time

    1. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, friend! I don't know when I started doing this, but it was revolutionary. I keep my makeup in a little clear box with a lid that has a handle on it, so I just pull it out each morning and then tuck it all back away. Plus, it keeps the makeup from getting all dirty. Yes, I have major OCD tendencies, like I mentioned!

  12. I love when a recipe looks well used -- you can always tell it's a good one then!


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