Tuesday, February 4, 2025

February Intentions


Happy Tuesday, friends! I just talked about my January intentions last week; since that one was so late in the month, I thought I'd start the month by sharing it early this time, and updating again at the end of February. Here's my list for this month.

1. Paint some more

2. Clean out pantry & kitchen cabinets.

3. Entertain more than one friend!

4. Serve dinner to someone less fortunate.

5. Court.

6. Talk about a last name.

7. Clean out lingerie chest in my bedroom.

8. Clean out my nightstand.

9. Take pictures out of frames and store them in a photo box.

10. Take down the photo wall from outside my bedroom; pack up the pictures of you know who.

11. Flip and vacuum my mattress.

12. Pull out the pink and red books that I have and decorate with them! ✅

I changed out the books that were in this picture above; I used ones that were brighter (springier) in their color. 

13. Make a bow like John Mark! I watched him make a bow while he was in Times Square in NYC yesterday, and I am inspired. Again.

14. Visit the library more.

15. Write more blog posts and schedule them ahead of time.

16. Work on my writing project at night.

17. Read more!

18. Do something fun with Marilyn! We have something scheduled next week that I'm excited about.

18. Buy birthday presents for my guys! 

19. GO SEE NOAH! I'm so, so, so excited about this one.

20. See a movie in the theater.

21. Go for walks after dinner.

22. More coffee dates, less eating out. 

What do you want to do more of this month? I'd love to hear from you! 

Don't forget that tomorrow is the link party for February's Currently post; we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, anticipating, remembering, sharing, and wish-listing. I hope you'll make plans to join us! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

Linking up with:


  1. Good morning! I love that you have a list of things to do. It makes life so much more intentional. Even if you don't get to check each thing off the list, it gives such good direction for those times we need to do something or go somewhere, for our own good. More coffee dates and less eating out...that's a good tip! Even having a simple lunch out is so expensive!

    1. Hello, friend! I agree about it giving me something to do when I have some spare time. Food is so expensive, even when ordering as cheaply as possible! I hope you're doing well, my friend!

    2. Jennifer, your comment on my post today brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for the encouragement and the prayers. They mean so much :)

    3. Aww! I meant every single word. I'll continue to pray for you, my friend!

  2. LOVE your list- it is so real!! Your attitude is always amazing and inspirational to me :) I hope to eat more soup this month- worry less- pray more

    1. Thanks, friend! I love the intentions you have for this month. Those are great!

  3. I love this list! Wonderful! Remember you can also get tea at coffee shops - sometimes if I have had enough coffee I remember this. I love the presentation of tea at some of the shops.

    1. Thank you! I wish I was a tea drinker, but I'm not. I almost always get a cold brew when I go get coffee, because I only want it hot in the morning and sometimes after dinner. Isn't that strange??

  4. What a great list! I love coffee dates!


    1. Thank you! And thanks for stopping by and commenting today! I do love coffee outings.

  5. What a fab list, it sounds like you have a busy and fun month planned!

    1. Thank you! It'll be a great one, I feel it in my bones.

  6. What a great list! I love a list and even if everything doesn't get done many things do. I like the focus a list gives me. It's good to have some fun things planned to help get through the hard. Happy February!

    1. Thank you! I feel the exact same way. I hadn't actually thought of that, that it's helpful to get me through the hard, but it's true! I appreciate you saying that. Happy February to you, my friend!

  7. These are great intentions! I just bought tickets to & Juliet for Alec and I (the only one that wanted to go with me!)..I'm trying to plan at least one fun/intentional outing each month. AND I worked a bit more on my latest painting that I started back in Nov/Dec. and have been neglecting.

    1. Thank you! I love that; I know that will be fun! That is an excellent idea. I'd love to see pics of the progress someday!

  8. Number 18 is my favorite :). Maybe we need to go find a movie to see soon. I have no idea what is out now, ha! Great list for a great February for you!

    1. Mine too! I haven't even looked at them recently, but that would be fun and different!

  9. I love reading about your intentions for February, I make to do lists but not intentional lists, I am inspired!
    I’d love for you to join us over at the Creatively Crafty Linky Party every Wednesday through Sunday
    Followed and Pinned!
    Creatively, Beth

    1. Thank you, Beth! And thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I got the idea from Pinterest; I loved it so I started my own version. You should do the same and make it yours! Thank you for that invite! I'll go look at it now and join in. I hope you're having a great week so far!


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