Tuesday, February 11, 2025

a list of random things that I'm spending time thinking about


Happy Tuesday, friends! It's been ages since I've made a post like this, so I thought I'd talk about a bunch of random things today here on the old blog. This is throwing it back to the mid 2000's, right? Here goes. 

You really can teach an old dog new tricks! My life has proved this to be true since Sunday. I don't want to say more than that here, in case anyone is reading.

People can be creeps! This isn't anything new to report about, but seriously...if you can't say something nice, do not say anything at all. I met with a friend yesterday to walk with, and we talked about this in great depth. I had to just roll my eyes at something she mentioned, but I've noticed it elsewhere as well lately. 

This is Christa, one of my very best friends. I loved walking with her yesterday! According to my phone, I walked two and a half miles. It was nice that we were at a pretty park with a couple of small lakes. The weather was cold, but I love walking in the winter. 

Netflix is my current favorite past-time, and I fluctuate between shows there. I go back and forth between documentaries, reality shows, fictional shows (Younger), and Madam Secretary. 

My nails are getting better! They're becoming more and more tolerable. 

Video calls are my favorite! Noah and I did this, and it's always so very good to see his face; he said the same about me. We were both smiling so big when we talked! 

WW is amazing, and I'm feeling great! I'm down eleven pounds; I've started eating better, I'm eating healthier, and I've started using less coffee creamer. I'm starting to add more movement into my life, hence the walking yesterday. 

It's cold again this week where I live; last week spoiled me with the warmer days! I actually prefer cold to hot; and though I knew that it wouldn't last since it's only February, it sure was nice. 

Another dog went to live with someone else Sunday (you all know who I'm talking about), and while it's strange and I loved the dog, I won't miss her fluffy hair all over everything and loud bark. This was Callie the German Shepherd. My ex is the one who wanted her all the years ago when she came to live with us; I'm glad he has her, since she was his dream dog. Jonah isn't sad about this either, so now it's just us and Chloe! 

Prepare for me to regale you with her antics of how I'm spoiling her even more as an only puppy. ;)

Do you have any random thoughts this week? I'd love to hear them! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤

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  1. Fun post to read- I have lots of random thoughts- that pretty much sums up my life! In fact, if "random" and "thoughts" alliterated, I think they would be in my blog title :). I, too, enjoy a winter walk and have walked more this winter than I have in years past. Your walk with a friend sounds really nice. Congrats on sticking with WW and seeing results. That is encouraging! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, friend! I know what you mean; I feel like I always have these types of thoughts and am always asking people random questions as well. I want to go again this week when the rain clears out again! I loved walking around a lake; we have several of them here in town. Thanks for that encouragement! I'm pretty proud of myself.

  2. Great job on sticking with WW and seeing results! I am chomping at the bit to get out walking but the last two times we tried we had to quit and head home because there is a whole lot of ice out there under our snow and it was treacherous! I'm hopeful perhaps today?! Before we get more snow..

    1. Thank you! I'm pretty proud of myself for this; who knew a little accountability would work so well?? Yikes; I don't blame you for quitting! I can barely walk on regular pavement, much less ice. 🤣

  3. 11 lbs.! Wow! I love that you did a walk with a friend! How do you think Chloe will do as the only child? I kind of think with her personality she will love it?

    1. Right?! I'm feeling great, and if I would even say that I feel like I'm looking great. I feel confident, maybe that would be a better word to describe how I feel about myself. I think she'll be okay, but she seems a little confused for now. I do think she'll love it after she adjusts; Jonah is going to start taking her everywhere with him! I know she will love that too.

  4. Good for you Jennifer- you look amazing and so happy to read you are feeling great! :)

  5. I've been on two tiny walks since my surgery - the weather has just been too cold! Waiting for it to warm up so I can get outside and walk (which is SO not my norm but it's what I want my new norm to be). Good for you with the WW - I can't remember how many times I tried and failed with that. I have had a stick-to-it-iveness problem in years past.

    1. Bless you! It's rough trying to regain strength after surgery. I know you'll enjoy being able to do that again! Thank you for that. I'm determined!

  6. I'm glad you're feeling good. I'm trying to get back into my walking routine. Supposed to rain here all week which will put a damper on things. I bet your pup will love all the extra attention.

    1. Thank you! I would like to get into a routine at all, you know? I know what you mean about the rain; we've had days of it here! I think it's moving out for us tomorrow morning. She does love it so far!

  7. It sounds like a lovely walk. When you are with friends you never realise the distance you walk. Well done with WW!
    It has been cold here too, especially today and wet. The rest of the week is supposed to be nicer though.

    1. That's so true about friends making the distance pass quickly! Thank you for that, my friend. I appreciate the encouragement! It's cold and wet here today; brrr!

  8. I'm currently watching Younger while I either bike or walk on the eliptical. It's so fun.

  9. I love these random kind of posts. That's so awesome about the WW and walking...you're looking GREAT! I bet Chloe will like being an only child. I always worried about our dog when the other passed away, but then they just really enjoyed all of the extra attention. We are rainy here all week.

    1. Me too! It reminds me of the early days of blogging. Thank you, friend! I appreciate that encouragement so much. So far she doesn't seem to hate it too much! They're so quick to adjust to anything. I love that about dogs!

  10. Keep up with the walking and talking with friends out in the fresh air. It really does wonderful things for you. Enjoy your week. I am joining you today through the Random-osity linkup.


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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