Monday, January 27, 2025


Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was really good! Here are some of the highlights. 

I started my Friday off with enjoying being at home; I caught up on laundry, I cleaned the counters, vacuumed, and spent lots of time praying. A few people I know and love are really going through it right now, and I love this verse that reminds me that I (we!) can pray boldly. I remembered something about this time when I pray and read my Bible each morning, how a friend of mine calls it PT, which stands for priority time. I'm going to start calling it that as well. 

After my PT I got dressed and met my sweet friend who took me to lunch. We met at this cute little historic restaurant on the town square, The Silver Caboose. They're known for their hot meals of the day, so I had chicken with veggies. It was delicious!

After lunch I picked up a few things for us from Walmart, then I went to Sam's to pickup my order for the bookstore. I finally made it back home and read for about two hours, then left again to meet Marilyn and her best friend Heidi, who was in town for the weekend. It was so good to meet her! I feel like I already know her, because we've talked about our best friends a lot. I know she feels the same about my Missy. When we saw each other, we hugged for the longest time, because we both love Marilyn so much. It felt like we were already friends! I wish I'd gotten one with all of us. 

I started my Saturday with watching a Hallmark movie; this one was good! If I could think of the name, I'd tell you. 🤣

I painted my nails with this color called Plugged in Plum...

I had my PT...

Then I got dressed to meet up with Trish and Mom. We all matched! They had hearts on their shirts, mine was in my earrings; but I love that we were all wearing pink. 

Mom needed to run a couple of errands, we ate lunch, then went to John Mark's so Trish could see the store decked out for Galentine's day. Trish loved the Mardi Gras masks! 🤣

Please note the saying on his picture in the bathroom. (I sent this to Marilyn to show her where I was.)

I got an early Galentine's day present!

And Marilyn sent me this when I asked her for it, because apparently, dragons fly over both our houses now pretty regularly. 🤪 I'd swear one with flames flew over mine Saturday afternoon! I just about lost my mind. 

I dropped them off, came home to bring something inside, then left again to go pick up Graham's dogs for a couple of nights. He went to Nashville for the day and wouldn't be home until late, so I was happy to help him out by keeping them. This was also right after that dragon flew over my house, and I needed to go for a long drive. I prayed, I cried, and then I called my sister. Sisters make everything better! 

That night I served coffee at my church for their Sweet Heart Ball, which is a prom type event for special needs students in our local high school. This was a fun event to work at, and I needed to have something to do, so I was grateful to be there with friends. 

Seven fifteen came early Sunday! That's when I arrived at church; after that I went to Lowe's for a big project I'm going to start on this week. 

I filled in some holes in this window trim with wood filler; then my stepdad had trim paint that he gave me to paint with. I love how clean and crisp it looks!

Look at this beautiful gift that I was given at church on Sunday; my friend Wendy's husband sketched this picture of a church I shared a picture of on social media a few weeks ago and framed it for me. I've been complimenting his talent, because he posts the drawings to social media; I was so blown away by this beautiful and thoughtful gift. It took him eight and a half hours to do this, then he had to find a custom frame for it, since it's an odd size. I cried over this! And then I hugged him and his sweet wife for their kindness and generosity. I will say again that I have the most wonderful friends; I am so grateful for each and every one of them! I feel so very fortunate and blessed, and I don't say this lightly. 

I stayed home for the rest of Sunday, and it felt wonderful. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much time here. I did things to catch up from the weekend and being gone the whole time, then I had leftovers for dinner and watched a show and one of my favorite movies on Netflix (Happiness for Beginners). I worked on blog stuff for this week, and I found this cute new wallpaper for my phone for Galentine's. I'm calling it that because I love my girlfriends so much! I'll celebrate them on that day and spend time praying for them and their families. 

In case you missed it, I shared a Saturday post, the Share 4 Somethings monthly link-up. I'll leave the party open for another couple of weeks before closing it, so it's not too late to join in if you want! Here's a link to the post. 

What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! I'll see you back here tomorrow, friends. Love to all!

Linking up with: 

Jenn 🩷❤️


  1. Sorry 'bout the dragons, but I agree sisters do make life easier to bear. I love you all in the coordinating pink tops! So cute. Have a nice week!

    1. Thank you! I have to accept that as a part of life now, at least until it's over. I'll be ready for that day! I may have a burning of the wedding dress party. 🤣 Isn't that fun that we all matched?! I laughed over this. I hope your week gets off to a great start!

  2. I love Agreeable Gray - it really is the most versatile and warm light gray. It's in my hall bath, my bath, and in my mudroom and it looks different in each of the rooms - slightly. Lol.
    What a nice weekend! You seem ready to say bye to January and head into February! I forgot about Saturday's link up so heading there now!

    1. I love it, too! It's in one of the rooms in my house and it comes off more as a creamy off-white color here with the dark wood floors. Supposedly it's called "areeable" because it goes with both browns and grays. I am so ready to say buh bye to January!

  3. Oh my gosh. That sketch of that church. How thoughtful is that. I love it so much. And to give you hope, one year I was complaining about how commercial Valentine's was and how much it sucked if you didn't have a boyfriend and my friends CAME THROUGH for me. They gave me cards and chocolates and I felt their love all day long. It was one of the most memorable Valentine's Days I've ever had -- feeling all the love from my friends. That is what I am hoping for you this year -- a reminder that friends really are the best!

    1. Isn't that beautiful? I was so surprised by this gift. Thank you! I love your story about your friends coming through for you. I know that'll be the case for me this year! I so appreciate the kind words and encouragement, friend. xoxo

  4. Seems like a full weekend! Good luck with your painting project… I have done that many times over the years and always enjoy listening to a good book as I go. PT time sounds more descriptive and accurate than QT, right? Have a great week!

    1. It was, and I loved that! Thank you; that's a great idea. I'm going to use the advice!

  5. Sorry about the dragons but I personally think you are SLAYING all of them ;) LOVE all of your girl time this weekend- such a blessing :)

    1. That's what Marilyn said when I talked to her about it Saturday; we're both slaying them!

  6. Sounds like your weekend had so many things to fill your cup! My weekend was great. Friday was my birthday - got to spend time with so many of my favoite people (even if some of it was only via text with my BFF). The weekend was capped off with a big win for my Chiefs. So sleepy this morning, but I'm ready for a great week!

    1. It was good for the most part; I'm hoping for a better one this weekend. Happy belated birthday to you! That's a great way to celebrate your special day.

  7. I love the idea of PT... priority time is so important! I'm going to start using that term, too! The sketch of the church you shared recently is such a meaningful gift! I'm sure you will treasure it always!

    1. Isn't that a great idea? I love it. I also love that drawing! Thoughtful gifts are my favorite.

  8. What a lovely Friday you had! How great to meet someone new that already feels like a good friend.
    I love the matching outfit with your sister and mom.
    hahaha! I have seen that meme about the dragon and thought yep! I am glad you have your sisters to make everything better!
    What a beautiful gift, your friends husband really is talented!

  9. That drawing of the church is lovely; what a beautiful and thoughtful gift. You do have some really fabulous friends! I love that you and your mom and your sister all matched. That's so sweet.

    1. I think so too! I really do, and I'm grateful for them all. Isn't that fun? We do that all the time!

  10. You had so many blessings this weekend — so happy for you ! We watched our first grade granddaughter play basketball —nothing cuter than watching little kids have fun. It was a very gloomy weekend here ! Have blessed week !

    1. It was so nice! I love that you got to watch your granddaughter play basketball. You are so right about that!

  11. What a fun weekend! I love the dragon quote. Check out Once Upon a Christmas Miracle on Hallmark+, it was a lovely movie.

    1. It was! Isn't that hilarious? I will, thanks for that!

  12. It sounds like you had a full and wonderful weekend. I love the church drawing!

  13. That drawing! What a thoughtful gift, and even better that they framed it too. Hope you slay the dragons this week. :)

    1. It really is stunning. I know! I was blown away. Thanks, friend!

  14. We are coming to the throne boldly to slay the dragons! Y'all looked so cute for your outing Saturday!


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