Monday, January 6, 2025



Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was really good! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

I started my weekend on Friday morning, since I was off that day. I thoroughly enjoyed a leisurely morning at home reading blog posts, having my quiet time, and starting two books. One of them is the book Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten. Tanya recommended this one on Audible, since it's narrated by the author herself. This is an excellent book! I've loved Ina for a long time and always watched her show on the Food Network when my sons were younger; her life is fascinating and she is so relatable. I listened as I drove to lunch out with my friend Kim. She and I met on the square for lunch, at The Silver Caboose, an iconic restaurant in our town. It was fried chicken Friday; guess what I had? If you guessed the special, you're right. I also had fried okra, turnip greens, and purple hull peas. It was delicious! 

We sat there for two and a half hours and got somewhat caught up on each other's life; after lunch we parted ways, and I went to my happy place, also known as the library. From there I went to Sam's to pick up an order for work, then I was back home around three. I stayed here for a couple of hours, then left again to go to Marilyn's house. We had talked about making a fire outside, but it felt too cold, so after our dinner we just sat and talked. It was a nice evening! 

On Saturday morning, I started this book that was a Christmas gift from my sons; it was lovely and I finished it one sitting! I appreciated that the author not only included beautiful pictures in the book, but that she also gave some history and travel tips, should one ever find themselves back in NYC. I finished the book in one sitting and immediately texted a "thank you" for the thoughtful gift. 

I got dressed and headed out to meet up with my mom that day. I had the idea to go somewhere totally different from our usual; so we headed into a portion of Memphis that is known as East Memphis. There's a really pretty shopping area called Chicasaw Oaks Plaza that I hadn't been to in years, and inside is a little cafe called La Baguette. 

This is such a cute little area, but sadly, is very run down and empty inside. I love how the store fronts look like cute little buildings; there are a couple of stores that we went into and loved, but other than that, there's not a lot going on there. My mom loved the sewing shop, and I found these little kits and sent a picture to my niece. I feel like her girls would love doing this!

Who am I kidding? I would love to do this! I just didn't want to pay $30 to give it a try. I may look into this and do some price comparison. I feel like I need another hobby to do while I watch TV when I'm not in the mood to read. Speaking of reading, after I left Mom back at her car, I came back home and finished another book! This was the book we're reading for book club in January; and I'll share about my January books on Thursday February 6, when I co-host the bookish link party, Share Your Shelf. If you're a reader, you should join in with us! I love seeing what people are reading. 

For the rest of Saturday, I read/listened, then ate dinner, and watched Virgin River. Sunday morning I was up way before the sun and dressed for church/work. I came home after church and had a light lunch...and I'll leave off there for my Friday Favorites post. I felt like the weekend was a good mix of doing something fun and being at home; ultimately, I am still a homebody and I love being here. I also know that I can't stay at home too much, but it's never a negative thing for me to be alone and at home on a week or weekend night. Are you like this? 

What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. You always have a great mix of staying home and getting out. That little area looks so cute and I hate when they are struggling. Yay for some different places, though, and getting out for lunch.
    Glad you went to Marilyn's for dinner!

    1. I try to, because I really am more of a homebody than anything. I also think it kind of recharges me from being very social at work and talking nonstop; I really am an extroverted introvert. I kind of thought that would change, but I don't see that happening at all. I have no problem at all with being alone, either! I almost went to a restaurant alone on Saturday night, but I ended up doing something else instead. If I decide to do that, I'll just have my Kindle with me and will read myself through a meal. I'm always glad to spend time with Marilyn! I'm so glad we have each other; I cannot explain how much it helps having someone to walk through something difficult with. That's kind of what we talked about Friday night; I have a big day coming up tomorrow that I'm dreading with everything in me, so I'll be glad when it's Wednesday. Enjoy your snow day!

    2. I feel like your friendship with Marilyn in this season of both your lives is definitely a God thing!

    3. I feel the same way! I have thanked God profusely for this.

  2. I'm on a waiting list for Ina's book but I can't wait to listen! That shopping area looks so cute; it's so sad that it's not thriving.

    1. I finished it today! It was SO GOOD. Look at me already being finished with four or five books this month!

  3. What a special Big Apple book from your boys ! It was finish putting Christmas decorations here —latest I’ve ever done that! I am such a homebody which is why I still work part time. Your description of an extroverted introvert makes so much sense. We have chilly temps and possible snow the end of the week—have a good one!

    1. I know, I loved it so much! I love a book with beautiful pictures, but this one also had excellent facts that I didn't know about certain areas in NYC. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is an extroverted introvert!

  4. It seems these indoor shopping venues are falling by the wayside. I'm sure it's partly Amazon's fault and partly the fact that we can more easily shop in a shopping center where you park right in front of the store you need. Glad you got out and glad you stayed home...that's my kind of weekend too.

    1. It's so sad! But I also understand how they're failing because of online shopping. I can't be mad at that, since online shopping saves me money, but it's still sad that it's so different now. My boys never knew a mall, believe it or not; by the time they cared, they were already becoming obsolete, at least here in my area.

  5. I cannot wait to read/listen to Ina's book- you are making me want to get it today but I have to be disciplined and finish two other books before I get to it BUT I am excited :) That shopping area looks amazing- I am sure you and your mom had a great time XO

    1. You will love it; it was excellent! I loved hearing Ina narrate. She is so entertaining, and smart, and funny!

  6. I loved Ina's book too (I may be dating myself, but I used to go to her store the Barefoot Contessa in Westhampton in the early 90s) and I love Joyce Maynard too! One of my goals for 2025 is to utilize my library more ;) And if you ever do come to NYC, I'm happy to give you lots of recommendations!

    1. That is so cool! I would have loved to have seen it. I loved hearing about Westhampton and her first summer as owner of Barefoot Contessa. And I was also glad to finally know why her show is (was?) called that. I haven't heard of Joyce Maynard. Now I'm off to do some research! I would love for you to give me recs when I visit! Do you live there now?

  7. It sounds like my kind of weekend - a little bit at home and a little bit out and about. That's too bad about the shopping area. I just don't think the stores can keep up with online shopping. Hope you have a good Monday!

    1. Yes! It's my favorite. I agree with you about the stores versus online shopping. I get it, because I'll do anything I can to save money. It's sad, though, how different things are now from when we were all younger.

  8. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I can't wait to get my copy of Ina's book.

    1. I hope you love it as much as I did! Now I want to go watch her show again; it's been ages since I've watched her on TV!

  9. Prayers for tomorrow, that it will be over quickly and you'll sail right through. Remember the Lord is with you and will hold you and sustain you! Anita

  10. I've finished 2 books this year too. I've got 2-3 other books started and I just got one from the Libby that I had on hold. So I'm busy reading for sure. lol

    1. I love that! I'm on a kick so far in 2025 and I hope it continues.

  11. What a fun weekend. I love books that I can get through in one sitting!

    1. Those are the best, aren't they? I plan to do that a lot this weekend!

  12. I'm just now reading blogs, but oh my goodness. Did you know my office use to be in that building?? La Baguette is such a cute, good place to eat.

    1. NO! How funny is that? I used to go there more often, but it's been years since I've been there now. I love that area of town! I love La Baguette; I used to eat there a lot when I was younger. I've always loved that place!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...