Wednesday, January 29, 2025

the Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! It's one of my favorite days of the week: hodgepodge day! I love the questions that Joyce always comes up with. I'll jump in!

1. What was your after school routine when you were a kid? I don't remember exactly, but I feel like I always had a snack pretty quickly after I'd get home. Mom would make dinner every single night, and while she was doing that I would sometimes help by making the cornbread; if that wasn't the case, I'd do my homework in my room while she cooked. Mom was (is still) so great at wanting to know about my day, and I have such great memories of sitting at the kitchen table with her talking about everything. 

2. January 26 is National Green Juice day. Do you juice (as in, do you make your own)? Do you do the green juices? What's your favorite kind of juice (home blended or store bought)? I don't juice my own, but I've had it before and enjoyed whatever brand it was that I had. It's one I bought from Walmart; I know it had spinach, kale, and some type of fruit in it. I don't drink juice often at all, because I have a weird thing about not drinking calories; that being said, if I do drink some, I like cranberry juice.

3. What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion? There is no right or wrong to load the dishwasher. Any way it's done is the right way, especially if you're not doing it yourself!  

4. What do you need more of in your life? What do you need less of in your life? I need more kids in my life; I need more fun things to do, more laughter, more reasons to get out of my house. I need less dragons in my life, as in the ones that keep flying over me. 

As in this image that Marilyn posted last week. Stupid dragons! 


5. Give us three adjectives to describe your January. The three that I'm choosing are daunting, wintry, and productive. It's been daunting because I had something hard this month that took place back on the 7th; I've been waiting on a new bomb to drop (or a new dragon to fly over my house) everyday since. It's been wintry, because we've had frigid temperatures, but I enjoyed all of this! I breathe easier in the winter months, so I love it when it's cold. I also love being able to wear sweaters and cozy things. 

I love to wear a hoodie sweatshirt! It's been a productive month, because I've accomplished a lot in my home. I feel very proud of myself for this! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This first song is one of my favorite songs right now; it's The Jesus Way by Phil Wickham. 

And this one below is Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. I've been listening to Bon Jovi while I've been busy doing projects in my house! Anything it takes to get me motivated, right? 🤣

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! I can't wait to read your answers to these prompts. I'll see you back here tomorrow for a double post day! Love to all! 

Jenn 🩷❤️

P.S. The Currently link party will happen on Wednesday, February 5th. The prompts for next month are things we're currently loving, anticipating, remembering, sharing, and wish-listing. I hope you make plans to join us next week! 


  1. Snacks are such an important of the after school routine, I always had one and always gave my girls one.
    We don't have a dishwasher and one of the reasons is because I know it would cause arguments about the way to load it. lol
    Bon Jovi is my favourite group of all time!

    1. I agree about the snacks! You made me laugh with the dishwasher comment. I'm sure you're right!

  2. Livin' on a Prayer is a great housecleaning song : ) I love winter clothes too. I'm funny about the dishwasher. Hubs tends to just set dishes in there because he knows I'll rearrange. Mostly because I can get so much more in there than he can. Hope you have a great dragon-free day!

    1. It really is! That's a great idea that he had to just sit them there to let you rearrange it all. I can pack a dishwasher too!

  3. The dragons- how perfect!? You got this Mama....wishing you more fun plans and people over the next month!

    1. Ugh! Thank you, though! I'll be so glad when it's all over and done with! I hope for the same!

  4. I don't think it's weird at all as I too refuse to drink my calories (besides half the health benefits of fruit and veggies is the fiber which you don't get in juice!). I don't remember our after school routine but I know it changed often as we moved or switched schools a couple times each. I don't care how the dishwasher is loaded either but that said I will stand there playing dish jenga for as long as it takes me to get them all to fit!

    1. I'm great at dishwasher jenga! I have played that a lot so that wouldn't have to hand wash. I think so many of us don't like to drink calories, you know? I'd hate to waste those over just a drink.

  5. Bon Jovi has some great cleaning songs! They're one one of my favorite bands. I've seen them 8-9 times in 4 different decades (80s 90s 00s 10s). That makes me sound obsessed and old! lol

  6. Not Today Satan! Ugh, those dragons. I love you have done some projects and good music always helps!

  7. I love the photo of your snow covered house - beautiful!

  8. I love the photo of your wintery house - looks cozy from the outside too! Hope you're protected from any dragons that may fly overhead, and that you have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I hope the same, friend. I'm hoping for a better weekend!


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the Wednesday hodgepodge

Happy bonus blog post day! I'm joining in with Joyce today for the weekly Hodgepodge. I'll jump right in! 1. What do you love most ...