Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Cozy Chronicles: the snow day edition (1.11.2025.)


Happy Saturday, friends! Is there anything cozier than a snow day (or several)?? I figured today is as good a time as any to bring back this bonus weekend post that I started (and stopped) last year. I woke up to beautiful snow falling yesterday morning! I think we got about ten inches total, but some of it started to melt yesterday when the sun came out for a bit. 

I took these pictures and then promptly made my way back into my cozy and warm home. I did some things that I loved yesterday, thanks to being stuck at home all day. I'm not complaining! Here are ten things I did while I enjoyed the snow day. 

1. I slept late! I knew that there would be snow when I woke up, so I was in no hurry to get out of bed. 

2. I enjoyed watching The Today Show while I drank my coffee; it was Hoda Kotb's last day, so it was a great day to watch. The day was called Hoda-bration. 

3. After I finished my coffee, I went upstairs to "get dressed" for my day; this consisted of me putting on clean pajamas and washing/moisturizing my face. 

4. I lit some candles to make it feel cozy.

5. I read a lot and finished a couple of books!

6. I lingered in my quality time with Jesus. I am reading in Job with The Bible Recap community, and I read chapters 24-28; I took the time to write down the verses that jumped out to me in the day's reading, pertaining to God's character. Yesterday what stuck out to me was from Job 28:11-12.

He dams up the streams from flowing so that He may bring to light what is hidden. But where can wisdom be found, and where is understanding located? 

God brings to light things that are hidden, and in Him wisdom and understanding are found. These things are so encouraging to me! 

7. I tidied up a bit and hung some things on a wall that was bare after moving a piece of furniture. (See picture below.)

8. I made myself a really delicious lunch: scrambled eggs with cottage cheese. I'm trying to eat more protein since I haven't been eating enough lately. 


9. I spent some time highlighting my favorite passages in my new Bible; I also wrote down passages of Scripture in my journal. I love to write out Scripture; to write it commits it to my heart.

10. I spent some time caring for and loving on the two plants I have in my living room.

The peace Lilly is from my friend Dedee. She gave that to me when Dad died, and it's my goal to not kill the thing. The "snake tongue" plant is one that (ahem) someone gave me a couple of years ago, and it's my favorite plant. I think it's really neat looking, and I love that it's hardy. I drenched both of these babies in water, and I dusted their leaves and moved them around a bit. 

What do you like to do to stay cozy on a snow day? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading this bonus blog post today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. We just had a couple of inches of snow but I still have 3 boys are home 14 and under so we spent a lot of time outside playing: sledding, snowman, ealkkng and even a little hike! After the last outing, it qas pjs and cozy time!

    1. That sounds like a fun day as well! I thoroughly enjoyed being in pajamas all day long. I rarely ever do that anymore! I'm doing it again today! I hope you enjoy your snow again today.

  2. I read your cozy day post on IG and it just sounded like the perfect day. We haven't had snow here, but just wet and cold. I'm already over it! I want my 70's back :) you find irony in the name of that plant, considering who it came from? Just had to ask :) Here's to another cozy day for you!

    1. It was amazing! I rarely get a day completely at home anymore, and I needed one in every way. It was nice to play catch-up with house things, and it was equally as wonderful spending time doing all the things I love most. I would be over the wet and cold too, if I were you! I just about spit my water out when I read your comment. I definitely think it's ironic now that I know what I know! 🤣

  3. I love a snow day as long as I can stay inside in the warm. hehehe What beautiful photos, you sure have had a lot of snow. It sounds like you had a lovely day.

    1. I totally get that! It's what I did yesterday, with the exception of venturing out to take pictures. Thanks, my friend!

  4. Was "snake tongue" foreshadowing? Sorry - couldn't help it. I have also babied my plants this morning! I have two peace lilies that are 6 years old from my Dad passing. I try to kill all plants pretty hard with neglect and forgetfulness. Every now and then I "bathe" them in the sink and that includes their leaves and I pull off anything dead. I drain their holder or whatever you call it. I also did my pothos and my mother in law's tongue plant? Maybe that is the same as yours but it's much smaller. In my bedroom, I have a spider plant that I just tended to.
    I would love to have more plants but can't right now with EO. So, hopefully I can keep these alive.
    You had the perfect snow day!

    1. Debbie said that too! Look at her comment. I laughed over both of them! It was DEFINITELY a foreshadow of what was to come, unfortunately. But isn't that a cool plant? I've also heard it call "mother-in-law's tongue". This one loves its spot on my hearth and the light that it gets from the windows. I also try to kill all plants with the same as you! It's ridiculous. I'd love to be a plant lady, but I just am not. My mom has a green thumb and can put a stick in the ground and it'll grow for years and years into the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Literally!

  5. As long as there is electricity there is nothing more magical than a blanket of snow! I know that the fire devastation in LA has weighed heavy on everyone’s heart this week. As rain fell in Waco Thursday afternoon, I wished I could have shared it with that community. Thanks for sharing your snow day thoughts and pics !

    1. Yes! I wholeheartedly agree; as long as the electricity is working, it's wonderful. I didn't realize that was happening until Thursday when I watched the news that morning; it's heartbreaking! I can't imagine living somewhere like that and having to worry about devastating fires. I know people love it there, though, and are used to it, but it's still so strange and sad. I heard that at least ten people lost their lives so far; I'm sure that number will grow in the days to come.

  6. Love all your snow pictures! Your snow day sounds lovely. :)


    1. Thank you so much! It was so beautiful, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time at home.


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