Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends, and happy bonus blog post day once again! Keep reading after this post for my bookish post for the month of December, along with my favorite books that I read in 2024. 

I can't let the start of the year begin without a post of gratitude of things from my week. I have so much to be thankful for, and these are the things I've got written down in my gratitude journal. If you're new here, I like to write posts like this because being thankful is something that is beneficial for all of us; no matter what we're going through, when we take the time to focus on all that we have that to be grateful for, our perspective changes. I don't know if you're like me and need that from time to time, but I know I always need a good dose of just that. The more we do this, the easier it becomes. Here are some things from my week that I'm thankful for:

  • an easy week before jumping back into work
  • that the weather turned cold again
  • finishing another trip through the Bible
  • being able to start all over the next day
  • church!
  • my Pastor and an incredible sermon
  • memories that make me smile
  • seeing and talking to my sons all throughout our week
  • having NYE plans
  • the prayers of my family and friends
  • twinkling lights of the tree I received for Christmas
  • getting to keep Graham's baby dogs all week (they're back with him now)
  • that Chloe is doing great without being in her kennel while we're gone
  • winter themed movies
  • good books
  • a home that smells good
  • the kindness of people around me
  • the hopefulness of a new year

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my bonus blog post today! Love to all. 


  1. So much opportunity and potential for you this year- I am excited for you friend! This week I am thankful for walks on the rail trail- energizing teas- snuggles with Remi and extra time with my girls

    1. Yes! I'm excited for all of that. Thank you, friend! Those are great things to be thankful for this week. xoxo

  2. Yes! Very positive! Can you give any movie recs? I watched so many! I want to watch you've got mail but I don't want to pay for it!

    1. Thanks, friend! The one I watched last night was Love in Winterland. I just restarted Madam Secretary on Netflix. I love the main actress! I'll try to think of some more movies.

  3. I love your new tree and great news about Chloe ! I am grateful that a guardian angel was watching over us this past Saturday. My daughter and I were on the way to Galveston to take our youngest granddaughters to a weekend holiday event at Moody Gardens and ended up driving through a tornado warning—the end of December?!. Sadly there were lives lost and property damage but we were able to get to our destination. And we made the best memories ! Happy New Year !!

    1. Thank you! I'm relieved to be able to leave her out. It frees us up a bit! Wow, friend. That's amazing, and I would agree that you had angels watching over you that day! I heard about that weather in Texas. Happy New Year!

  4. Lots of blessings, such a heart-warming post.

  5. Go sweet Chloe! She is growing up and being so responsible. Yay for brave NYE plans!

    1. I know! I'm glad she does okay with this. Yay for a fun NYE!

  6. Yay for Chloe! Great list of thankfulness! I need to start a Thanks Journal, because by Thursday, I've forgotten many of the blessings I've had during the week.

    1. Thanks, friend! You should start one! I love doing this each day.

  7. I love your simple not complicated gratitude. I am thankful for the little dusting of snow that brings us all happiness. (at least everyone in my household)

    1. Thank you! Oh, that sounds wonderful. I love just a little bit...much more than that and I get claustrophobic.


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Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share ...