Saturday, January 25, 2025

Share 4 Somethings [#1 of 2025]


Happy Saturday, friends! Today we'll be talking about some things we loved, some things we learned, some things that went well, and some things we let go of. 


This month I loved:

some beautiful sunsets on the drive home from Mom's and Bill's...

writing in this new journal...

visiting this beautiful shopping center with Mom one Saturday...

driving around looking at beautiful old churches turned into buildings...

reading all the books...


stopping to take a picture of this beautiful church [made even more so by the contrast of the dark blue sky with the snow on the ground] on my way home one night...

changing up the chalkboard sign at work...

having coffee with one of my closest friends last week...

and spending quality time with my sons, even if just by phone call.


This month I learned (or was just reminded) how much I love the mundane tasks of my job. Sometimes my mind processes things slowly, and I need something easy and mindless to help me think through things, or to even pray through things. On these days, I love that I have something like that to do at work! An example of this would be restocking the drink cooler in the kitchen part of the bookstore at church. If I don't have anything I'm thinking through, sometimes I'll listen to a podcast while I do this, with an earbud in one ear. Ask me how many times I've been scared by people coming in behind me and me not hearing because of this. It's been too many to count! 🤣

Things that went well

I had several things go well this month! I was able to read a lot, which I always love. I was able to start organizing/purging/donating some, which is helpful for an impending move. I was able to make a list of January intentions that I was mostly able to accomplish. I was also able to work some extra hours, which I always love. I love having things to do at night and that's something else that went well: I had lots of plans at night this month. I'm so thankful for this! 

Things I let go of 

Something I let go of this month is anger and unforgiveness. This is a continuing process, though, and I'll probably have to let it go again next month. I truly have zero bitterness and anger toward x in my heart! I'm able to talk about him without getting upset, I'm even able to pray for him! That's what he needs the most: prayer. He's either lost or he's far from the Lord; my pastor said he either needs redemption or revival, so I'm able to pray for him for one of those things. It wouldn't change the situation at all, but I pray that he comes back to Jesus, because he's the father of my sons, and I want that for them. 

I've grown by leaps and bounds in the last month, and you have no idea how much better that makes me feel in my mind and in my heart. I've put in the work to get to where I am today, and I'm proud of myself, the good kind of proud, not the conceited type of proud. I'm stronger than I've ever been before! I also cuss a little, which I'm trying not to do, but sometimes I can't help myself when I talk about things (like I did yesterday with a good friend). I'm kind of kidding. Kind of. Ask my friend Shawn. 🤣

To quote a line from one of my favorite shows [Friday Night Lights], I feel like this picture above is proof of the saying: "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." I have a bright future, a heart full of love for Jesus and others, and there's nothing I can't do! #nottodaysatan

I'm so glad you linked up with me today! Don't forget: the remaining dates for this link party in 2025 are February 22, March 29, April 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, August 30, September 27, October 25, November 29, and December 27. I hope you make plans to join in with us each month! Thanks for reading my blog today and for linking up; I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'll see you back here Monday! Love to all. 

Jenn ❤️🩷 

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  1. It sounds like you had a really wonderful month! That journal is so pretty and yay for getting in lots of good books. I startle easily and often wear earbuds while cleaning the house and 100% of the time jump and let out a startled yelp when someone comes up behind me. My memere always startled easily and I used to love sneaking up behind her and now each time I get startled I think she's probably looking down and chuckling at me telling me that's what I deserve (in the sweet way; not in the nasty payback way).

    1. It was really good, considering how it started. I'm glad it's almost over; January really does seem like it takes forever, you know? You made me laugh over being easily startled. This must be a boy mom thing, because I am SO. JUMPY. They used to LOVE scaring me and would die laughing when I would let out a scream. You know what they say about being paid back for the things you did...I love the thought of your grandmother getting a kick out of seeing that.

  2. You captured some of the beauty of the month with the snow and even being cozy inside your home. Much of the beauty for you sounds internal with being able to forgive and let go of anger. January just may prove to be one of the most pivotal months of the entire year. #notTHISYEARsatan.

    1. I sure tried! I honestly thought the same as I wrote this; I am in the healthiest mindset right now that I've ever been in! One of my sons even told me this recently, that I seem so different. I attribute it all to Jesus! I have put in the work, but it's mostly Him that has done all of that within me as I've drawn close to Him throughout all of this. Wouldn't that be something, if this is turned out to be one of my best months of the whole year? ❤️

  3. Here's to the first SFSs for 2025! I like the fresh prompts....and enjoyed all your photos. You always do a good job with pictures! Thanks for keeping the link-up going!

    1. I love all the fresh prompts, and I don't think I'll get tired of them like I did the ones from last year. Thanks for that, friend! I'm so glad to do this, because it's a fun one.

  4. Good morning Jennifer. Thanks for hosting us again this year. I enjoy the new prompts for the year (they made me think a little harder and that's a good thing.) It made me look back and see what I've accomplished and how I'm growing in. I also see how you are growing too and I hope we both never stop growing.

    1. Hello, my friend! I'm glad to host it again this year; I enjoy it as well! Thank you for that; I got tired of the ones from last year, and I like that these are more thought provoking. I love looking back on things like this! I greatly appreciate your encouragement. Thank you!

  5. Sometimes forgiveness is like having a weight lifted off your chest. I'm so happy you are feeling a little lightness in your life. :)

    1. Yes! It really is; I'm grateful for this! Thank you, my friend. xoxo

  6. What a shining example of God's love you are to others!

  7. I love how you've tweaked the prompts again this year. It forces us to keep thinking--always a good thing. I haven't started my post yet but I will in the next few days. Love your photo and quote: "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." Yes! Beautiful!

    1. I like that they're more thought provoking, and that they always start with what we loved. I think it's important to focus on the good things! I'm glad you'll join us; I always keep the link open for at least two weeks. I love that quote and show!

  8. I love all the snow pictures! I have been taking quite a few myself :) We are all a work in progress, and as long as we are making progress, we are good! I hope you have an enjoyable weekend, and thanks for hosting again this year!!

    1. Thank you! It was beautiful while it lasted. You are so right; I love that! I am glad to host this again, and am so glad you're linking up with us!

  9. What a pretty notebook! I always feel bad when I first write in one that is so pretty. Those churches are just beautiful and such a lovely photo of you and your son.
    Mundane tasks are good just to keep busy and give you time to think.
    Good on you for working towards forgiving your ex and you should be so proud of yourself, you are doing great!

    1. Thanks, friend! I have a thing for beautiful churches, and my sons are always the best part of my life. I greatly appreciate your encouragement, my friend. Much love.

  10. I did the wrong prompts but will be on it for next time. You should be very proud of yourself. It's pretty impressive not to still be angry and bitter so soon. And to be able to want him to get on track for him (and your sons) is a genuinely selfless thing to do. Lovely post, and love that first church pic. Beautiful

    1. No worries! I'm glad you're linking up with us again this year! Thank you for that; I'm not always peachy about the situation, but for most of the time, I am. I am so thankful for this! I know I'll have hard days ahead, but I've come to take the bad along with the mostly good days. A pastor once said something that struck me about lost people: "Lost people act like what they are: lost." It's true!

  11. What a beautiful journal and I love your house in the snow! An impending move? Exciting and a little scary too because I think you have lived in this house for some time?

    1. Thank you! I love a home encased with snow as well. Yes; I don't know when yet, but it will happen eventually. I'm just getting things in gear for that time whenever it comes. I have lived her for 21 years!

  12. I love the picture of the church in the snow and also Yay for more time to read. I think it's great to be proud of yourself for accomplishing something hard. Go you!!!

    1. Thank you! Yes, yes, YES! I love more time to read; my life has been busy lately, though, and I've slacked off some. I am glad you're linking up with us again this year!

  13. Jen, what an uplifting post!! You inspire me to want to review these things in my mind and heart. We’re all a work in progress, aren’t we?

  14. Love the sunset and great photos of things you love!


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