Friday, January 31, 2025

January Randoms


Happy bonus blog post day! I was reading another blog this morning and was inspired to write my own version of this monthly randoms post; if you want to read her blog, the name of it is Random-osity. Here are a few random things that I admired this month, in pictures. 

pictures of Drew while he's working

reminders like this that encourage me

Chloe being all up in my personal space

a milestone moment

a good haul from my happy place (a.k.a. the library)

a favorite podcast as of late

quality time reading the Bible

views from work

more views from work of products I ordered to sell

another day, another visit to the happy place

morning views from the kitchen table

a wintry lake view

a funny moment with my sister

a weekend project

a favorite Bible study that I helped write four years ago

something funny from social media

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of my month in the unseen pictures from my phone. There may have been a couple of repeats, though; I'll be better at this looking ahead to February. Happy last day of January! This being a bonus blog post on Friday, here's a link for my regularly scheduled Friday Favorites post that I shared earlier this morning. Enjoy your weekend, friends. See you back here next week; love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. I love that saying at the top! And look at sweet Chloe :).

  2. Great quotes and lots of library kind of post!

  3. What great views at work. You have a great job! And that book "Chris Beat Cancer" you picked up from the library is a good one. Have you read it yet? I really enjoyed a bonus post:)

    1. He also has an excellent website by the same name. A great resource for alternative and natural cancer treatments.

    2. No, but I'm trying to get to it! Maybe this week. I went to school with him and graduated with his wife Micah. Small world, right?

    3. Anonymous, thanks for the info! I haven't looked at his website in ages, but I follow him on IG.

  4. Lots of great random photos! I nearly stopped at our library today to grab a stack of books but I'm trying really hard to read the ones I have at home that I keep setting aside for the fresh ones from the library.

    1. Thank you! They're my favorite. Ugh, what a temptation that is, though! I'm always looking for more books.

  5. Hi Jennifer :) I'm finally back to catch up on blogs and hopefully blogging. It sounds like you're doing well (minus the drama - whatever that was). January sure has been full of it! Have you ever heard of a snow blizzard in SE Texas? Wild stuff going on around here lately. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. Hi, friend! First off, whatever was that??? I ended up deleting all of the comments that he made, but thank you for defending me! You are a good friend. January has been insane for me as well, and no I haven't, but I heard you all got some snow! Is the world ending??

  6. Love this bonus post! You are the best writer--you need to start writing a book! Sorry you are having so much dragon drama, but you are rising above it and being a wonderful example to others!

    1. Thank you! I would love to, if I can ever put thought to computer screen. I have lots of ideas for one! Thank you for your kind words and the encouragement!

  7. I've had several things on hold at the library and suddenly they're all here. The Bible study cover is so pretty! How fun you helped write it! Hope you had a nice weekend!

    1. It's so funny when that happens! Thanks, it was such an honor to do that. I hope you enjoyed your weekend, too!

  8. Where can I find your bible study? Is it on Amazon?

    1. The one pictured is no longer available, but we also wrote one on the book of Judges; type in the name "Amy Dobson" in the Amazon search bar, and you'll find it. It's called Judges: Ordinary People, Extraordinary God.


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