Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday Favorites 1.10.2025.


Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? Mine was good overall, and it went by really quickly. I have some favorites from the week that I want to share, so I'll jump right in! 

I loved Ina Garten's book, Be Ready When the Luck Happens. When she said the very last line, and I literally gasped out loud. This was a wonderfully wise, funny, inspiring, and surprising book; Ina has lived a fascinating life and hearing her narrate to me on Audible was icing on the cake. I loved her Food Network show, Barefoot Contessa, for years; I also love her style of cooking and to date, her meatloaf is the best I've ever eaten. Here's a link in case you're interested.

I visited my favorite happy place this week, also known as my library! This was me on Friday; I ran errands all morning and that was one of my stops. 

While I was out with Mom on Saturday, I saw this in the sewing shop we visited. I really want one of these! I didn't want to pay their price, so I'll do my homework and see if I can find one for less. I sent this picture to my niece, because I kind of think my favorite little great girls would love doing something like this. I keep thinking that I would like to pick up a new hobby, and this would be perfect to do while I watch TV.

Going here with my mom last weekend was fun; I talked about this on my weekend recap post from Monday. This old shopping center has a lot of vacancies, which is sad. I love the interior of this place, and how it looks like different store fronts. Time with Mom is always a favorite! 

Reading has been my favorite this week! I'm re-reading The Cozy Life (a book about a hygge lifestyle) and I started The Happiness Project. I look forward to digging into The Happiness Project today and tomorrow! 

This beautiful old church building is my favorite; it's on my town square. My sister and I drove by there this week when we were on our way back to my house. I missed the Christmas lights on the town square this year, so I was glad that they still had theirs up. This was a church at one time, then a few years ago it became Simply Done, which was a catering company; you could order meals from them during the week. Someone just bought it again; I don't know what it will be next. Isn't it pretty? There's something spectacular about a red door.

Some of my favorite products are being used in this picture of me. Someone asked me specifically about my glasses this week; though I can no longer give you a link for these exact ones, I did find some that are very similar. Here are the links for you:

Even though Chloe may be your favorite, she is no longer mine. (I'm kidding.) She ate a book I was reading yesterday! Chloe's favorite was when my sister spent the night with me this week. We were cracking up over Chloe falling all over her in bed that night! 

Work outfit checks are my favorite! I dressed for comfort yesterday since I worked all day; I dressed like this because there was a funeral that day. Anytime I know of a funeral taking place, I try to dress up a little more than usual. I don't love being in jeans when something like that is going on, even though that may be old fashioned of me to think like that. 

Last but not least, Christmas jam from my friend Risa is my favorite! I made a delicious dinner for Jonah and myself last night: steak, tater tots, broccoli, and biscuits. I put this jam on mine for "dessert"; it all tasted amazing to me since I was so hungry! 

Did you read my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below.

Monday was a weekend recap.
Tuesday was a big day for me that I was dreading, so I asked you for a favor
Wednesday was the Currently link party for January! 
Thursday was Thankful Thursday

What was a favorite of yours this week? Do you have a moment in time or a product that you love that I need to know about? I'd love to hear from you! Also, there's a good chance I will be back here tomorrow for a weekend bonus post, so be sure and check back! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤 

Linking up with:


  1. I was given money for Christmas to get my nails done. My thumb chipped twice and it drives me crazy. But the other 9 bring me joy. I also dress for funerals or other occasions. I agree with you. Happy Friday

    1. All ten of my nails are chipped, but I make up for it with movie star good looks.

    2. It's so annoying when that happens! Did you get regular polish or gel? I do the dip powder on my nails, but it's terrible for them, I know. I get gel or dip because it doesn't chip like the regular! Your second comment made me laugh out loud! 🤣

    3. Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who still dresses up a bit for that kind of thing. I just think it's respectful, you know? I don't necessarily wear black like I did yesterday; years ago a teenage boy died in our town who had battled stage 4 colon cancer, and for his funeral, his mom requested that everyone wear bright colors. Trey loved color! I didn't attend, but I saw pictures of it, and it was a beautiful sight to see those bright colors that he would have loved seeing.

  2. Your products look amazing on you! You really rock the red lipstick- love the way it looks on you

    1. Thank you! I love bright lipstick in the winter when my skin is a little pale.

  3. That outfit looks so good as do your lips! I love your formula! I am ready to put makeup on, I think! I miss my makeup routine! I am planning a Happiness Project post next week so glad to hear you delving in - feel free to add/subtract because that is what I am doing!

    1. Thank you! It definitely works best for me when I can line all of my lips first, then put gloss or lipstick over that. It makes it stay on almost all day, and I barely even have to reapply! I miss makeup after a day or two and will still use a little even if I'm home to make myself feel better...not all the time, but sometimes. I won't do that today, most likely. I'm excited about starting the book and making it into my own thing!

  4. Thanks for the reminder about The Cozy Life. I read it years ago, but grabbed a copy to reread.

  5. I had The Happiness Project on my list for the longest time but never got to it. I hope it's good! Would you say there is always a funeral going on somewhere so you always dress up? Or is it just when you know of the person who died that you dress up?

    1. I hope you get to read it this year! I'm excited to start it and do my own version of what the book talks about. I'm joining Amy from Coffee and Cocktails at the Casa for this; it was her idea, so I bought the book. If I know there's a funeral happening at church on the days that I work, I will dress up more. Sometimes I don't know when there's a funeral, and I show up to work really casually dressed, and I'm embarrassed. It's not that anyone asks me to dress differently, it's something I prefer doing.

  6. I love a red door too. There's an old small church near where I grew up that people bought and converted to a house. It feels a bit odd to me, but it was definitely pretty. I still dress up a bit for a funeral. That outfit looks great on you. Have a nice weekend!

    1. That is interesting! I would love to see what it looks like on the inside. I've watched shows that have done something similar, and I'm always fascinated by that. Thank you, friend! I hope the same for you.

  7. I was thinking I didn't know who Ina Garten was and then you mentioned Barefoot Contessa!
    That crochet kit is so cute and that church building is just beautiful!
    I think that is so nice of you to dress smartly when there's a funeral going on. It is the respectful thing to do.

    1. Yes! She is an icon, for sure. Isn't that adorable? I would love to try my hand at this. I love an old building; add a red door and a steeple making it an old church, and I literally swoon. Thanks for that, friend!

  8. I definitely dress up for a funeral. Love the lip gloss and glasses too. I just printed the meatloaf looks like a winner. I had to laugh at "Tanya the Tiger." Sometimes I see similar crochet kits at Sam's Club. Have a good weekend!

    1. I'm glad it's not just me! Thanks, friend. If you make it, let me know your thoughts! It's my favorite. That's good to know about the ones from Sam's! I will look into them; I didn't pay attention to the name of that one. 🤣

  9. I can't wait for Ina's audio to be available to me; I am on a long wait list at our library but I really think I'd like the audio version so much better than reading it myself. I picked up The Happiness Project through our library too. I haven't gotten around to opening it yet but I am eyeing as my next book once I finish the 3 I'm in the middle of.

    1. You will love the audio version! She is what makes the book; I loved hearing her laugh at herself as she narrated. That's great that you got The Happiness Project! I started it today and am excited about it. I finished a couple of books today myself!

  10. Those crochet kits look like so much fun. But you are right, they are pricey. At least on their website. Let me know if you find them somewhere else. You look super cute in outfit check!! Happy weekend to you -

    1. Aren't they cute? I imagine myself making them and then giving them to little kids. How fun would that be?! I will keep you posted if I see them anywhere else, but Tanya just said they have them at Sam's. Do you shop there? I will look on their website now. I hope your weekend is great, my friend!

  11. I think it was very respectful of you to dress up a little more for the funeral, so if that makes me old fashioned, so be it! Haha! Looks like you've had a great week so far! I need to check out the Ina Garten book, for sure!

    1. Thank you! I do feel like it's just more somber, you know? It was a good week, overall! I hope you get to read her book soon and that you love it as much as I did. Look into listening to it, because her narrating the book made it even better! I loved hearing her voice and her laugh as she recounted stories from long ago.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...