Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Currently! #1 of 2025


Happy Wednesday, friends! Welcome to the first Currently post of the year! Today we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, doing to stay warm, resolving, organizing, and wearing. It's late Tuesday night, so this will be short and sweet for that reason, but other than that, I'll jump right in! 


I am on a reading kick! I am loving this one that I'm reading again; it's been a few years since I last read it, and it is the perfect season for this kind of book. 

Doing to stay warm

I'm using extra blankets to stay warm

'Tis the season for blankets! I use them all the time: when I'm downstairs early in the morning, and when I go to bed later at night. Chloe loves to be under one, or at least to have her nose tucked into one. My sister recently spent the night with me; Chloe was curled up next to her on top of that blanket. We were cracking up because Chloe doesn't know the meaning of the words "personal space". 


I'm not one for new year's resolutions, but there are a few things I'm resolving to do this year: to forge ahead without fear, to eat healthier, to work hard in every area of my life, to learn to be more independent, and to do (and learn) new things. 


I'm organizing drawers, cabinets, and closets! 


I'm wearing fleece pullovers, sweaters, pink lipstick, and jewelry that was given to me for my birthday and Christmas! My current favorite are the rhinestone studded heart earrings one of my best friends gave me for my birthday. You all know how much I love hearts! 

Thanks for linking up with me today; if you saw my post yesterday and prayed, thank you for that as well! Things didn't go as I'd hoped, but I have perfect peace that God will never leave me or forsake me, and that He will provide for me everything I need. He's never let me down and He's not about to start now! I'm off to read your posts now, and hope you do the same. Happy reading and love to all! 

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  1. I hope Chloe doesn't have fleas, they are notoriously hard to get out of blankets, pillows and sheets. We never let pets around bedding, fleas, tiny ants, mites that like to hitch rides in pet hair can be a nightmare.

    1. She doesn't. Our dogs are all treated to prevent fleas, ticks, and heartworms; they're also seen regularly by their vets.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go as you hoped yesterday. I know that God will continue to carry you during this season and send people to support you.

    And yes, it is definitely the season for blankets as I'm wrapped up in one right now while reading blog posts!

    1. Thank you! I am counting on Him to carry me through and I know He will. Yes! I have one over me again now as I do the same.

  3. So sorry to hear that things didn't go as planned but I know this will be an amazing and transformative year for you- the start of beautiful things XO

    1. Thank you, friend. I am counting on that, even if it means it'll all be more drawn out now. I know God is in control, and I trust Him. ❤️

  4. I'm organizing, too! So sorry things did not as you hoped for yesterday. I will continue to pray for you!

    1. Great minds think alike! I hope to continue doing that. Thank you, friend!

  5. Keep forging ahead! I think Chloe would call it "Chloe space" instead of personal space, ha!

    1. I will! I love that term- "Chloe Space". It's perfect for her!

  6. Ah shoot regarding yesterday! Maybe it will make sense later why that didn't work out your way but is working out God's way?
    This was a perfect Currently for me being stuck inside!

    1. Right? I'm sure that will be the case. I know He's working it all out! I'm so glad this one worked out so well for you! It actually did for me too, which surprised me.

  7. Happy birthday and new year. I love your glasses and lipstick. Our dog loves cuddling in a blanket too while I'm watching TV at night. Thanks for hosting this fun link-up.

    1. Thank you, Julie! The glasses are readers from Amazon; I haven't shared about them in a while, so I'll try to remember that Friday for the Friday Favorites post that I always do on that day. That's so sweet about your dog! Whatever did we do to deserve such wonderful creatures? I'm so glad you join us each month, it is a fun little party!

  8. It really is the season for blankets! I am under mine now and for organising too, I have been on a big decluttering mission this week.
    Sorry things didn't go as you hoped yesterday. Thinking of you.

    1. Yes! I love them and have plenty. I keep a basket just for blankets in my living room; I'll be putting it to good use this weekend when it snows! That's great that you're on an organizing kick right now; doesn't that feel great? Thank you for the kind words, my friend. I hope your week has been a great one so far!

  9. So sorry to hear that things didn't go as hoped for, what were you hoping to get out of it? I just found your blog and trying to catch up.

    1. Thank you, Angela! I'm thankful that God has given me perfect peace, even in the midst of all the uncertainty of life. He's been with me every step of the way, and I know He will never leave me or forsake me. I'm glad you found my blog, and I appreciate that you took the time today to comment. I hope to see you back here soon!

  10. There's fewer things sweeter than a pup curled up in a blanket :) Happy New Year, Jenn!

    1. You are so right, my friend! Thank you and happy new year to you!

  11. I'm sorry things didn't go as you hoped and will continue to pray for you in this new year. Does your dog go round and round and muss up the blanket until it's just so? Ours can spend ten minutes organizing his blanket lol. Hope today has some unexpected bright spot for you!

    1. Thank you1 I appreciate your prayers. On a lighter note, you made me laugh! I do have one dog that used to do that all the time; it drives me bonkers! Dogs are so funny. Today was actually a great day, believe it or not. I was so glad to be at work and with all of my people!

  12. I'm sorry things didn't go as you had hoped they would yesterday! But once again I think you have the complete right attitude about it. This is the perfect season for warm, fuzzy throw blankets!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your encouragement; I haven't always had a good or right attitude, but the more that time goes on, the easier it gets to think differently. I'm not as shocked and hurt as I once was, or, if I am it just doesn't sting as badly. You are so right about the fuzzy blankets! I have a basket of them in my living room so that I an easily grab one.

  13. Will keep praying for a resolution that brings you peace. That pink lipstick is so fresh and pretty for the new year!

    1. Thank you so much! I do love a bright lipstick. It makes me so happy!

  14. Add Mollie to list of pups who don't understand personal space! I'm sorry things didn't go well yesterday. I will continue to pray for God's plan in your life.

    1. 🤣 That made me laugh! But she's so cute and innocent looking! Just like Chloe...who, coincidentally, ate a book I was reading today while I was at work. She's ridiculous! Thank you, my friend. ❤️

  15. Snuggly pups do help keep us warm...and keep our hearts happy! Thanks for keeping the link-up going for 2025. I look forward to reading all the posts from those join in the fun! Happy Wednesday to you -

    1. Yes to all of that! The fur babies are so good for this. I'm so glad you love the link-up; I do, too! It's always such a fun thing to read the answers that people share. I plan on catching up on blogs this weekend, so I'll check yours out then. Take care, my friend!

  16. Hello, I'm visiting you today for the first time from Trading Ashes for Beauty blog. After reading your post for today, I of course went to your post from yesterday to see what people were praying about. Even though this is the next day and therefore what happened yesterday is history, I still prayed your list of requests. I continue to ask the Lord to give you all the grace you need to deal with [whatever]. We all have [whatevers] of some kind, so your prayer requests apply to all of us. They were good. Peace, my sister in Christ. Oh by the way, Proverbs 3:5-6 is on my late husband's grave headstone. It was his favorite verse for many years and now it's like his lasting legacy to me since his death (4 years ago). His death was sort of sudden and really knocked the props out from under me, even though he and I have been strong Christ-followers most of our lives. But with that said, the Lord has taken amazing care of me and He will do the same for you in your circumstances.

    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment here today! Or yesterday...anyway, I'm so glad you found me through Jennifer. I will visit your blog as well when I catch up on blog reading this weekend. I appreciate your kind words and your prayer for me. That is so sweet about how your late husband's legacy to you is Proverbs 3:5-6; I love that it's on his grave. I am so sorry that he passed away all too soon. Thank you for sharing that with me!

  17. I love all the blankets too. I'm in the middle of washing them all today, so they will be so fresh for bed and also for TV watching time tonight.

    1. Yes! I love that; it'll be nice to have them all nice and smelling so yummy. I love things that are freshly laundered!

  18. I'm sorry things didn't go the way you wanted yesterday. That lipstick color looks great on you!

    1. Thank you so much, friend. And for the lipstick love, too! I do love a bright colored lipstick!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...