Wednesday, January 1, 2025

a new year - 2025


Happy New Year, friends! As I woke up this morning, I was excited about doing all the things I love doing on this day each year. Here's what I did:

  • I had my quiet time and started all over in Genesis 1 in reading the Bible chronologically again 
  • I filled out my new calendar and got it hung
  • I worked on my blog planning composition notebook for this month and started planning out blog posts that I want to publish, along with ideas for new posts
  • I wrote in my new journal
  • I made this new image on Canva to use throughout the year, since I'm using this as my life verse in 2025
  • I enjoyed a very leisurely morning sitting in my pajamas and read blog posts at noon
  • I composed this blog post

What do you like to do on New Year's Day morning? 

I love to write in my journal, and I started a new one today. I found a journal prompt from Laura Tremaine on Instagram that I used. Do you know who she is? I love to follow her on IG. The prompt was this: What do I want to carry into 2025? Here are ten things that I came up with.

1. The love, mercy, and grace of God—both for others and myself. 

2. Deep and true joy—LORD, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; at Your right hand are eternal pleasures. (Psalm 16:5 & 11)

3. Peace—You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You. (Isaiah 26:3)

4. Humility and genuine kindness...even and/or especially when I'm around difficult people.

5. The ability to let go...of hurt, anger, unforgiveness, old expectations, envy, and even caring about what someone who no longer matters to me does with their life. 

6. I want to heal in 2025, so I want to focus on taking care of my spiritual, physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. I want to continue monthly visits with my counselor and my chiropractor, Tammy, who also happens to be a really good friend. I want to read the Bible everyday, and I want to grow closer to the Lord than ever before. 

7. I want to stop talking about my divorce with people. I need to learn to set boundaries on this topic and to communicate clearly with people that it's not anything I'm willing to discuss with them, even when they're well meaning. 

8. I want to say yes to more social events and occasions. Also with this, I want to be more intentional about asking people to include me in their plans. I want to learn to invite myself into people's lives more. 

9. I want to entertain more and have people stay with me when they come in town. I have a friend doing this soon, and I'm excited!

10. I want to be productive everyday. With doing this, I hope to be better at purging, de-cluttering, and organizing things as I prepare to pack up a house and move at some point this year. 

Do you have any goals or things you'd like to work on this year? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. I love your new journal! It sounds like a wonderful morning. I love your list! Yay for saying yes to social things! We faced some awkwardness, but we are stepping out slowly, one brave step at a time. We will keep healing in all ways. Can't wait to see what the Lord has for us in 2025!

    1. I love the new journal! It was so nice to just sit and think about those things. I want to journal more this year, too, even though I already do that a lot. I use it for everything: quiet time notes/thoughts, sermon notes, daily things that I do, and things I want to keep up with. We did face a little bit of awkwardness, but it wasn't bad! I laughed about it a bit this morning with Jonah when I told him about that one person who said something weird. But yes to healing and exciting times! Love you, friend!

  2. Cute journal. I've started a new Bible reading plan, actually the one you did last year. I know for sure whatever I use, I want to read it chronologically. I'm starting with the Bible Recap and see if I like that. I know you did and another blogging friend, Susan liked it too. Hoping you have lots of blessings in 2025.

    1. Thank you, I love it, too! That's exciting that you'll do TBR. I love it so much and love how even when you read time and again, the Lord always teaches us new things through His word. It's living and active! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did this last year. Happy New Year to you, my friend!

  3. I love your life verse, and your journal, and all the things you are carrying into 2025. May it be one of your best years! Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks, Pamela! I hope to succeed at these things this year. I hope so, too! Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. What a great list! The verse is also one of my favorites. I'm all about getting the new calendar filled in and still need to do some blog planning but at least I got Christmas recapped and often it's the second week of January before I get to that. Have the happiest of years in 2025!

    1. Thanks, Joyce! I love that verse, but the last six months it's really taken on a whole new meaning for me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves to fill in a new calendar! Happy New Year to you!

  5. I love your new journal. I haven't thought about goals yet. J leaves in the morning, and then I'll probably sit down for some blogging and planning. Your theme verse is so good!

    1. Isn't it cute? I love the fabric cover. You'll have some time to think about it soon enough! I'm glad you enjoyed a nice long visit with him and Grace. Thanks, friend!

  6. What a beautiful new journal! My word this year is INTENTIONAL - with my words, with my time, with my money. Making sure that I don't get distracted by the "stuff" when I am supposed to be focused on something else. I love your #10 - I am a naturally productive/goal-oriented person but find, as a "Mom of Bigs" I don't have as much structure in my life. I'm sure you can relate to that right now in your season - I do better with a plan and since I know that about myself I want to be intentional with being productive every day. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I love that word. I think that's a great goal for the year. I have tendencies to just want to sit around a lot, so that's why I threw that one in there. I make deals with myself all the time about getting to do something I want to do after I've done something beneficial. It seems to work for me!


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