Tuesday, January 7, 2025

a favor


Happy Tuesday, friends! I've had some technical issues with my internet at home this week, which is partly why I'm not sharing here early in the morning as usual. Yesterday time just got completely away from me as I literally ran errands and was busy all day long. I was at my Mom's for dinner last night, which is why I didn't write this post last night, even though by then my internet was back up and running. 

I say all that to ask a favor: I know many of you pray for me pretty regularly, and I'm so thankful for that! Will you pray specifically for me today? It's a big day in relation to my current life circumstance, and it's one I've been dreading. Now that it's here I'm relieved, so that I can get it behind me, but I have no idea what is in store for today. I anticipate it being long and drawn out, so if you feel led to pray for me, here's what I'm asking for specifically:

  • to be led by the Holy Spirit
  • to have strength for the day and in the days to come
  • for God to work in and direct the hearts of those present today (Proverbs 21:1)
  • for me to remember to trust in God's perfect and sovereign plan for my life
  • for me to accept and walk toward whatever His will is for my life, whatever that may look like
  • grace upon grace
  • for me to be able to continue to walk in forgiveness toward the healing that needs to happen in my own heart
  • for the joy of the Lord to be evident in my life today, and for God to use me in whatever way He sees fit

I should be back to regular posting tomorrow. Thank you in advance for praying for me today! Love to all.

Jenn 🖤

P.S. I'll leave you with my favorite verse and what I prayed for today in my life as I spent time with Jesus at my kitchen table this morning:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

P.P.S. I'm going to share the song that my friend texted me late last night; it's an older one, but it's so good! It's called Tell Your Heart to Beat Again by Danny Gokey.


  1. I've been reading for a while but have not really commented. I want you to know that I am stopping to pray right now. I specifically pray that you feel His love and that you continue to trust that all will be well.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment today, and especially for your prayers! I have to say that I did feel the love of God today; He was near to me this morning as I read His word (I'm in Job), and He encouraged me with one of the verses. ❤️❤️

  2. I'm sending you prayers that God will continue to show you love and grace. You are so much stronger than you think you are. You have GOT this. sending you love

    1. Thank you so much! I do (even if only eventually) have this! xoxo

  3. Praying for you today and the days to come, until it is all resolved and behind you!

    1. Thank you! I can't wait for that day...when it's all behind me.

  4. I am praying for you right now Jennifer. May you feel God's arms wrapped around you today. Natasha from Here's The Scoop (I'm at work so have to be "anonymous" right now.)

    1. Thank you, Natasha! I greatly appreciate your prayers. ❤️

  5. I prayed all those things for you!

  6. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!

  7. Praying for you! Be encouraged.

  8. Lord, we ask that You prevail today. May your loving arms be wrapped tightly around Jenn as she closes one door. As always may your will be done! In Jesus name, Amen

  9. Praying, Jen! My life verse for you today is Deuteronomy 31:8 . . .

  10. Praying for you, Jennifer, for the closing of this chapter and happier ones to follow.

  11. Praying for you. What a wonderful list of specifics to pray for, not only for you today and the days ahead, but also a great list for each of us to pray for ourselves!

  12. You got this Mama- praying hard for you XO

  13. Lifting you in prayer !

  14. Everyone has a guardian angel. Ask your guardian angel for help and guidance.

  15. Ive recently found your blog and am enjoying it. I will be praying for you and especially today. Appreciate your positive attitude. Also thanks for your book list. I'm always looking for good books to read and love getting endorsements from others.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment and pray for me today! I appreciate that more than I could ever express. I'm always glad to talk about books! I hope you come back to visit often!

  16. Thank you so much! It actually didn't go well, but I am still at peace.

  17. I'm late reading this and I am hoping you felt the prayers of many as you faced today's challenges. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. And since it's almost time for bed I will pray you have a restful night's sleep. Take care.

  18. Praying that today went well and you felt God's protection and love. Thank you for always being so positive and sharing God's word. I am sorry that you have had to go through this difficult time but I am sure God has bigger and better things planned for your future.

    1. Thank you! It did not go well, but I feel the peace that surpasses understanding that only the Lord can provide. I appreciate your prayers, encouragement, and kindness. I know that God has great plans for me!

  19. Lifting up prayers for you, Jennifer, with hopes that today went well or better than anticipated! May you feel God's love embracing you and may His peace fill your soul.

    1. Thank you, friend. It did not go well, but I have the peace that can only come from God. I know He's got me and will never let me down. He is my Provider!

  20. I am late to the party but sending up a prayer of thanksgiving that this day is now behind you. Hoping and praying that it went better than you expected and that you felt the presence of God holding you close. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. Sleep well and wake up ready to take on the world. XO

    1. Thank you so much! I'm sorry if you saw the comment that someone named "Anonymous" posted under yours. She/he was wrong in what was said, but if you saw it, I'm sorry. Thank you for your kind words! I too have said "thank You" to the Lord for the fact that Tuesday is behind me. Even if I'm not done with hard days, at least the first one is over with! I love that about tomorrow being the first day...you are so right. ❤️


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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