Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Happy Wednesday, friends! I have come to love these Hodgepodge questions that Joyce comes up with each week, don't you? I don't know how she does it week after week, but I'm glad she does! It's always fun reading everyone's answers. I'll jump in!

1. What's one task you'd like a little Christmas elf to sneak in and take care of tonight? Since I have my Christmas things wrapped up, mine doesn't have anything to do with that day, but I would love for a little elf to sneak in and paint my house, and even pay for the paint. It's expensive to paint these days, and that used to be one of the most inexpensive things you could do to spruce up a house! It still is less than lots of other projects, but still. I really hate painting and don't want to be the one to have to do it. 

2. What's your biggest challenge during the holidays? I've always had trouble managing my high expectations, and I've been the Queen of that forever! So, these days I am trying to keep all of my thoughts and expectations low. I actually am learning to love living like this, because usually it ends up with me being pleasantly surprised! I also keep reminding myself that our very different Christmas this year does not equal a bad Christmas. I'm keeping things simple both out of necessity and want, because I just don't have the fortitude to deal with a lot of other things right now. 

3. Are you a cookie baker this time of year? If your year had to be summed up in the shape of a cookie cutter, what shape would it be? I am not a cookie baker, but I like to eat them! I don't care for the fancy ones; my favorite is chocolate chip, maybe with some browned butter and sea salt thrown in for good measure. If my year had to be shaped in the form of a cookie cutter, it would definitely be in the shape of fireworks since my life seems to have gone up in flames this year! I'm laughing as I write this; it's okay for you to laugh with me. If I didn't laugh, in fact, I'd cry all the time, and nobody wants that! 

4. Santa likes milk with his cookies. Do you like milk? What kind of milk is on tap at your house? What's the last thing you made that called for milk in the recipe? I love milk, and sometimes will have a small glass at night. I'm pretty basic and like the 2% kind. I can't even remember the last thing I made that called for milk! Does hot chocolate count? 

5. Share one favorite line from a Christmas carol or holiday tune. My favorite Christmas song is O Come Let Us Adore Him; I love this version best, sung by Passion and Melodie Malone. It's the one we all know and love, but there's an added twist to it that I love so much. Here's the video from YouTube. 

My favorite line in the song is, "His name shall be Prince of Peace, Mighty God." He has shown me those characteristics to be true time and again this year. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. My favorite thing to do at night right now is to watch tv and catch up on blogs. As I was writing this last night, I had Christmas with the Kranks playing in the background. I tried to watch White Christmas, but I had to pay for it, so I went with a free option. I love this movie! Do you have a favorite? White Christmas is my all time favorite, but I also love this one, Home Alone 1 & 2, and all the other ones we all love. 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 

Jenn 🖤


  1. Christmas with the kranks is really cute! Sometimes I will just watch part of a holiday movie. I think your cookie cutter could be a caterpillar because maybe you are currently in the cocoon and getting ready to emerge a butterfly spreading your wings to fly!

    1. I do that too, sometimes. I like your cookie cutter shape idea better than mine!

  2. I always enjoy reading others' answers as well! I can't think if I have seen Christmas with Kranks or not. I am trying to find good ones to watch with the girls when they are home on break. Alyssa will watch the Hallmarky-esque ones with me but Abby tends to sit those ones out! I love Oh Come Let Us Adore Him- I will check this version out!

    1. Abby would love this one! It's so dumb and cheesy, but also hilarious. I'm always trying to find different movies to watch, too! I'm also still on a Hallmark movie kick, though. I love them!

  3. Thank you for sharing the song. I love it too and had not heard this version. It's beautiful! I haven't watched Christmas with the Kranks so will add it to my list. I have learned after adding in-laws to the family to manage my expectations differently in terms of the holidays too. I am not always successful : ) but I've come a long way! Enjoy your day!

    1. Isn't that beautiful? It's my favorite song of all time. I am sure it's a whole other level when you add in-laws into the mix!

  4. My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone. I also like Elf, Christmas Vacation, Family Stone, and some of the cheesy ones on Netflix. I watched part of Christmas with the Kranks last night too (before I fell asleep)!

    1. I love all of those too! How funny that we both watched that one particular one last night.

  5. I think your answer to #2 is why I've never (even as a teen-- or as far back as I can remember anyway) loved Christmas. I enjoy it and I try to focus on those things I do like and can control about the season -- the delicious things I bake, the pretty wrapping jobs I get to do with our gifts, the home decorations but I still struggle with keeping my expectations low. So far I've watched Home Alone 1 & 2, The Holiday, Elf, and I'm currently starting While You Were Sleeping.

    1. I totally get that! I think that's a common issue with many of us. I love all those movies!

  6. The firework cookie is accurate! Yes, we need some repair elves, don't we? I am glad we have some laughter as we manage all the expectations this year. Have a good day!

    1. I laughed when I read how similar our answers on that one were today! You can tell we no longer have husbands in the house. 🤣 Thank the Lord for laughter!

  7. I love White Christmas and the 90's version of Micracle on 34th Street. The fireworks comment made me laugh too. :)

  8. I've noticed a lot of the classic movies are the ones you have to pay for - grr. That should not be...because I don't pay. Maybe plenty of others are willing to pay for movies they have already seen plenty of times. I like classic cookies too. Actually, I like cookies...and I have to agree, painting is the worst. Ugh. If I did like painting, well, the walls would probably change regularly around. Thankfully, I do not. Happy Wednesday to you, friend!

    1. That's so annoying, right? Ugh. I hope your week has been good!

  9. I love Christmas Vacation but White Christmas is a close second!


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