Wednesday, December 18, 2024

the last Hodgepodge of this year...what?!


Happy Wednesday, friends! Can you believe it's the last Hodgepodge of this year?! I'm glad that Joyce is bringing this back in 2025; and speaking of her, I'm linking up with her for today's post. 

1. What's one thing you want to get done before the calendar flips to a new year? This is a hard one to answer! I would like to continue on with cleaning things out. I emptied almost an entire drawer of things last week that was mostly unnecessary paperwork that we'd been holding onto. I threw it all in the trash! That felt good, because it was the "junk drawer" in my kitchen. Do you have one of those? I suppose what will need to be done is that my things will be separated from his; there's paperwork and documents that I will take with me moving forward. I need to work on the separation process so that my packing will be easier for me once that time comes. It's overwhelming to pack up 21 years of a home! I can't think about it too much, but I can start with small details like the purging process of what belongs to me. 

2. What's one thing that brought a smile to your face this year? I didn't make it all the way through my 2024 pictures, but I stopped when I saw these from May. For a week my niece and her girls came here to visit; it was the best week! I got to swim with my great nieces and I generally just loved being with them all while they were here. 

These were taken on our town square, and this was roughly one month before my whole world came crumbling down around me. Time will forever be marked from here on out as BD and AD (before divorce and after divorce), even though I'm not officially divorced yet. 

3. What do you like on a cracker? Do you have a favorite cracker variety? I love sharp cheddar cheese on a cracker. I have just plain saltines in my pantry right now, but my favorite variety of cracker is a Triscuit. 

4. Do you have plans to ring in the new year in a fun or special way? Are you typically awake at midnight on the last day of the year? I haven't thought that much about that night yet. I may end up either going somewhere or having a sleepover that night just to change things up. In the last few years, I haven't stayed awake until midnight. It's just another night to me, and when I was half of a couple, we never really made plans for that night anymore. 

5. What are three words that describe your 2024? This one's another hard one to narrow down. I can think of many words to describe both the people and the events in my life that have taken place this year, but I can't say those words here. (I'm laughing, so you can too.) I'm going to put my own twist on this and make it about me, so my three words that describe myself from this year are: resilient, transparent, and pertinacious. (Click on each word for the definitions.)

6. Insert your own random thought here. In the never-ending year that keeps changing and evolving into my new normal, we're down to two dogs in the house. Graham took his dogs back home from when they stayed with me while he traveled recently and was busy with wedding festivities for his friend who just got married last weekend. And two weekends ago, the person whose name I no longer mention here on my blog came and took Chip to live with him. So now it's just Chloe and Callie (the German Shepherd) who live here with Jonah and me. We're good with this now that we're used to it, and we are enjoying just being a two dog home. Isn't Chloe adorable? I was singing to her when I took this picture; she always stops and watches me when I do this. She and Callie get along fabulously and play together more than they have ever before. 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! I'll see you back here tomorrow. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. I was wondering if you planned on doing an end of year/recap type post because this year has been full of such monumental change for you! You have handled it seemingly with as much equanimity and grace as one can... Switching to a lighter topic, yes, I have a junk drawer and in the past year or two, I bought an organizer for it (just white plastic small baskets in a set- nothing fancy) and it has brought more joy than I thought possible to FINALLY see some semblance of order in that drawer!

  2. love this post! i can sense the words you wanted to use. you are handling it with grace and humor. i would put all his crap in the ugliest garbage bags i could find for him to deal with. lol.

    1. Thanks, friend! I'm sure you can sense all of those words. 🤣 That's not a terrible idea!

  3. I am thankful for the things that bring a smile to our faces, including cleaning out the junk drawers! It is crazy how the papers and random things add up quickly. Those are great words for you! Bye bye 2024!

    1. Me too! I am all about the little things in life, even when it comes to things accomplished. Buh bye, 2024!

  4. What a year. You have handled it here with much grace and I love the word pertinacious. Still some hard things ahead I know, and I will be praying for you in this new year, new season. About the junk drawer..yes! I periodically go through mine and it is a day brightener. We have baskets in ours now and that helps a lot. I have one kitchen drawer that has gotten out of control and I intend to remedy that before year's end. Maybe even today : ) Have a nice day.

    1. What. A. Year! I love that word pertinacious! About the hard things to helps knowing how many things are behind me now. I hope that'll be my motivation to persevere! It's such a small thing, those pesky drawers that hold all the things. Thanks for hosting us, Joyce!

  5. I do have a junk drawer. It's been getting increasingly more junky as the entire family keeps stuffing things in there. It's at the point where I don't even want to open it. Time to clean it out and semi organize it I suppose.


    1. Mine was the same! It felt great to clean it out last week. Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. I am sure this will go down as one of your hardest years ever and you handled it all with courage, strength and grace. You are still smiling and radiating JOY and for that, you are an inspiration to giddy about 2025 because this is now YOUR time :)

    1. Thank you, friend! I excited about what is to come in the year ahead!

  7. LOVE the word pertinacious!! perfect for something i'm currently dealing with.
    I'm sorry to hear about your marriage. this is my first time to your blog and I really like how you have Psalm 16:11 as your header. A fave of mine.
    I wish you all the best in 2025 and have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Hi, Faith! I'm so glad you stopped by and hope you'll come back and visit often! Thank you for your kind words; it wasn't a path I would have chosen, but it's the one I'm on, thanks to circumstances beyond my control. I love Psalm 16:11 too! I hope you have a merry Christmas!

  8. Chloe has the kindest eyes! For the first time we are also down to two (small rescue) dogs. We have always had rescues including three rescue Shar Peis that have passed. I always think that the dog that goes to the rainbow bridge sends signs for the next pup that needs a home. I’ll be thinking of you as you sort through twenty one years of living. Praying for the next step in your journey !

    1. She does, doesn't she? I love what you said about the dogs that you've had in the past. We really don't deserve such kind and loyal creatures! Thank you always for your prayers, my friend!

  9. I'm sure you'll be happy to say goodbye to some of the "stuff" in your house and move on to 2025! Chloe looks like such a sweet dog.

    1. I absolutely will! Thank you! She is most of the time...🤣

  10. Chloe is so adorable! She looks mesmerized by your singing. I hope 2025 will be a better year.

    1. I think she is! She's such a sweet girl. Thank you, Cathy!


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