Tuesday, December 10, 2024

it's okay if you...


Happy Tuesday, friends! I saw this post on social media over the weekend and it inspired the idea for today's post; it's also related to how my weekend ended and how Monday got started. 

My weekend was mostly wonderful! But there was a big issue that happened over the course of the weekend that carried into Monday, and I was in a terrible mood that morning when I woke up. I tried to read my book that morning, but I couldn't focus; I tried a movie, but I wasn't in the mood; I tried to read blogs, but I couldn't even do that except for the two or three I did look at. After all of those failed attempts of my morning, I decided to get up and begin my morning routine of spending time with Jesus. I took the dogs outside before I started, and because I always pray before I read the Bible, I told the Lord that I really didn't want to talk to Him that day. 

I'm stopping right there, because in case any of you think it's weird that I begin my prayer like that sometimes, let me assure you that not only is it okay to be totally honest with God, it's also okay to say things that are hard. He can take it, because He is our Creator, and He's also the Maker or our emotions. Who better to understand? And don't you think that's what this verse means? 

Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. (Psalm 55:22)

That's the verse my Pastor encouraged to memorize back at the beginning of when all the mess of my life started. Needless to say, after telling the Lord that, I kept praying; the more that I kept going, the more I wanted to keep talking to Him. Isn't it funny how that works? I began with my teeth clenched together, but by the time I ended that time, I felt lighter in my heart. The burden was truly lifted, even if it wasn't actually. I just redirected my thoughts from my circumstances to the Lord, and before I knew it, I felt so much better. I tell you that to encourage you to keep praying, even on the days when you don't feel like it. Keep reading the Bible, because the time you spend there will make all the difference in the world! I don't always read the Bible with myself in mind; I read it to learn about God and His characteristics, but it definitely also encourages me in my life. 

Back to this picture that I found over the weekend, yes, it is okay to not feel merry and bright. I certainly don't, even though I do try to focus on all of the good rather than the bad. It's also okay when you don't want to do anything. I was talking to Marilyn about this last night, regarding my house. I am messier now than I have ever been! My closet is kind of a wreck currently, and most nights I go to bed with a messy kitchen. I am okay with this, and Jonah sure doesn't care! We're really good roommates with a clear understanding of one another. He helps me a lot, and I help him a lot. I love our living arrangements! 

All of these resonate so deeply with me, but I really love the thought of focusing on myself this year, and creating new traditions. I am working on that as we speak, and I made my own birthday plans this year with my friends! I'm really looking forward to Saturday; my whole day is planned out! I have a new calendar that I purchased for myself, one called a bucket list calendar; for each month there are different prompts for things to do related to the time of year. I'm looking forward to starting that! 

Which of these resonate with you? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 

Jenn 🖤

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  1. I really like these sayings! I think creating new traditions stood out to me. I am so thankful for the Lord to draw us back to Him through His word and music and friends too. It is a tough season, then we have the holidays too. I am looking forward to the bucket list calendar and so glad you have a full day Saturday!

    1. I loved this too! And like you, I am thankful for those same things that He does for us. When we really look for them, we see the millions of little ways He shows up for us day after day. I am looking forward to doing that with you in 2025!

  2. The bucket list calendar is such a cool thing! I am glad that you have birthday plans- I am looking forward to reading about them (to the extent you share them, lol). I hope you find many moments of peace and joy this season. I am encouraged by your faithfulness, friend!

    1. Isn't that cool? I loved it from the first moment I saw it online. You'd be shocked at how easily I can be influenced on Instagram! 🤣 I can't wait to share about my birthday! I'll probably talk about it in depth here on Tuesday of next week. Thank you for that, my friend!

  3. Awww! But, yes, the way you handled it was exactly right. Acknowledge how you are feeling even to/most to God. Be kind to yourself, give yourself grace, and 2025 is going to be better! I hope you do read my post today because we are thinking along the same wavelengths with quotes that resonate. I am reading my New Morning Mercies first thing each day and something always resonates.
    I can't wait to see how you will celebrate you and I know it will be fabulous.

    1. I know, right? I do that all the time, and I always say to Him, "I know that You can handle this so that I don't have to!". I feel better every time I say that out loud to Him in prayer. That is an excellent devotional that you're reading right now! I've given it as gifts so many times. I also appreciated your post today! It's funny how similarly we were thinking today.

  4. It seems like nearly everything you write resonates with me. I received a cancer diagnosis yesterday (but still have more testing to do before deciding on a plan of action) and while it's very early, I am a mess. When you say to keep praying when you don't feel like it and keep reading the Bible, it strikes a chord deep inside. It's all I can do right now and I am clinging to that. On another note, I love that you are shifting your focus and think a bucket list calendar sounds amazing!

    1. Oh, Julie. The minute I read your comment today, I stopped to pray for you. I will continue to in the days that come, that the Lord would fill you with wisdom and discernment as you go through tests and consults with doctors in the days to come; I'm praying for God to also fill them with those same things as you go forward to nail down a plan. I can see how you would be a mess, and I know I would be the same. I'm so glad the Lord used the words in my heart to resonate with you today! I hope you keep coming back, and I will keep praying for you. Please keep me updated, my friend. I know that Jesus will be near to you as you keep on drawing near to Him.

  5. You need to focus on YOU! And healing YOU. Otherwise you will not be of much use to everyone else.

  6. Oh I needed to read this. There is always so much pressure to do it all and create joy for everyone else but sometimes you truly need to step back and be selfish and take care of yourself mentally and physically- Amen to it all XO

    1. There is SO MUCH PRESSURE at this time of year! If my last six months has taught me one thing, it's been to simplify out of necessity. I hope you're able to carve out some time for yourself to fill your tank back up before going on to keep doing for others. 😘

  7. With our girls both in Florida, it's kind of tough on Christmas day knowing we won't see them at all, except maybe a video call. But that's okay, because if they are happy, then I can be happy. Thanksgiving was a little depressing. We talked about it for a few minutes and then we just got on with the day, watching some Christmas movies. We'll probably do the same on Christmas. I miss the old days, but we do okay. And I agree with you 100% you can tell God anything. You might as well, because He knows what you're thinking anyway. And sometimes, it just helps to be able to say it out loud. Praying for you.

    1. I can imagine how hard it would be to not see them! I am thankful in those times for technology, and I know you and your husband feel the same. I pray that even though that day might be sad, that you would both feel the Lord near, and that it would be a sweet day of giving and reflecting on the sweet gifts of time and memories. I prayed this for you both specifically after I read your comment today. Thank you for sharing that with me, and also for the prayers that I know you faithfully lift up on my behalf. Much love to you, friend.

  8. Hello, my dear. I think all the things pictured on the image you shared are so very true. Especially at this time of year. I 100% support each one! Hugs to you, and hope that you know how very special you are!

    1. Hello to you, sweet friend! I felt the same about all of these, and I know if I feel that way, usually other people do as well. Thank you for your kind words and for the many times that you've encouraged me. I appreciate more than words could ever express. ❤️

  9. Praying for Julie and Cathy in your comments section. Jenn —you have developed such a supportive community through your blog!

    1. That's so kind of you, Diane! I did the exact same thing. Thank you for that! I love this little space for that very reason. We all need each other, and we all go through hills and valleys. I am so thankful for the sweet ladies who stop by here each day to read and encourage not only me, but others.

  10. Yes, yes, yes-- I heartily agree with everything on that graphic!

  11. I'm right there, especially the "want to do nothing". At least, this week. And you are so right...sometimes all I can eek out to the Lord is just an, "I can't. Please help", and I do start feeling better. I have to remind myself that nothing that happens to me is a surprise to Him. I do hope things start looking up for you, but I know this is a hard season. Just continue to do the things that uplift you.

    1. Yes! I think all of us feel that way from time to time. It's normal to experience burnout at this time of year. I know how that feels when you can hardly even pray! I also remind myself of that almost everyday. I don't know why, but that is comforting to me. I suppose it's because it reminds me that He is in control and directing my steps! Thank you for that, friend. I hope you are able to do the same.

  12. You take care of yourself. Since you have been through a lot, taking care of yourself will eventually allow you to be a better person for others.

    1. Thank you! I sure am trying to, and I just keep moving forward. One day at a time! Sometimes it's minute by minute. I love what you said here to encourage me; I think it's a great reminder for many of us!

  13. I needed this post, as well as Amy's today. It's so good to remember that we can give ourselves grace, especially during the Christmas season.

    1. I think so many of us feel the same! I wholeheartedly agree with giving ourselves grace.

  14. Time is a great healer. I find holiday annoying for the most part (except for the cookies of course) and that goes as well for holidays overseas, which are as commercialized as Christmas is in the west. I figure time passes so no need to stress over the details.

    1. You are right about time! Did you mean that it's not as commercialized as it is here in the US? If so, I could see that. I'm sure that is wonderful!


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