Monday, November 18, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? Mine was pretty good, but also kind of meh, if that makes sense. 

I love to start my day off by making my bed. Do you do this? I don't always get up and make this effort, but I did on Friday, and I loved the result. I always add this blanket to the end of my bed when the weather turns cold, but I love how it looks like Christmas with the added festive pillows. 

I thought I'd take a close-up of the tree, and this sign that I added to it. My sister suggested that I try this, and I love the result!

I loved having Crash and Oakley with me this weekend! Graham asked if they could stay with me since he had planned on being out of town all day Saturday, and of course I said yes! I picked up Oakley from the groomer for Graham when they called to tell him she was ready. 

She is terrified of riding in cars! When he got her, as she was being brought to Memphis from Arkansas in his friend's vehicle, he was involved in a terrible wreck, and the kennel broke in the wreckage. The dogs were so scared, and my boys went to help keep them contained while they were on the side of the road. To this day, I think she remembers that. 

I went to Marilyn's house Friday night and helped her get her tree up! We didn't do much else besides that, but she made us a delicious dinner, and then we just talked and caught up with each other. I went out with my mom and sister on Saturday, to an antique mall that we love going to, but I didn't buy anything. And for the rest of the day, I didn't do much! I came home and got comfy for the evening, ate dinner, and watched this cute Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Christmas movie.

It was better than I thought it would be, actually, so you should find this one and add it to your list of movies to watch. While I was watching, I was also busy getting sourdough ready to bake on Sunday afternoon. 

I preheated the oven as soon as I got home from church, and was surprised at the rise on both loaves! I stretched and tucked it one last time that morning at 6:30, so this was six hours later. 

Both loaves turned out perfectly! I'm always excited when that happens, and of course I had to taste it fresh out of the oven. I sent the second loaf home with my mom and stepdad.

This may be my newest favorite Christmas movie so far this season! I love that it was done like The Amazing Race, and I love both Andrew Walker and Ashley Williams. 

I was back at church by five to open up the bookstore that nobody came into, then I joined my mom and  Bill in the fellowship hall for a Sounds of the Season concert given by our orchestra. It was so good! And that's all I did this weekend. What did you do that was fun? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. It was nice of you to watch your grand pups (even though I know you enjoyed doing it!). How fun to get together with Marilyn on Friday! Your bread looks really good. I hope you have a great Monday!

    1. I do love having them at home again! Especially because Crash is one of my dogs that Graham took with him to give Oakley a buddy at his house. I don't want him to feel unloved by shifting homes like that, so I know he loves to come here as well! It was a fun night with her, and I always love making that bread. It's such a rewarding process!

  2. I think the rise on bread is so weather dependent. That is a good one! love that you found some good movies and you went to the antique mall with your mom and sis.

    1. It is! It felt humid to me here yesterday, so with that and the long time in between of six hours, that's what it looked like. It was a fun Saturday! I always appreciate good movies, too.

  3. Oh I thought you couldn't get better than your Christmas tree but your Christmas bed is just beautiful too! Oh all the holiday feels! Glad it was a peaceful weekend :)

    1. Thanks, friend! I do love it and the added Christmas charm. The tree that isn't pictured helps greatly!

  4. We didn't do much at all over the weekend, it was nice though. I make my bed each morning now because of you. I think I need to get some Christmas bedding though as your bed looks so pretty.
    How lovely for you to have the dogs over the weekend and your sourdough looks amazing!!

    1. Aw, I'm so glad you make your bed now! It really does do something to my brain that I love. It's always instantly satisfying! Thanks for that! I hope you enjoy your day, my friend.

  5. I love the way that blanket makes everything pop! So festive. I might need to add some sort of Christmas bedding to my bedroom now. Your bread looks so good too. Glad you had a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you! I think it makes a huge difference, and it's such a small touch. The bread is so good! It's been weeks since I've made any.

  6. The blanket on your bed looks so cozy! I am so glad you came Friday night to help me. Your bread is so pretty and looks perfect! I hope you enjoyed the music last night. Have a good afternoon friend!

    1. Thank you! I love it so much. The bread is so good! I've missed making it; it's been weeks since I last baked any. It was a great night of music! I hope you had a good day!

  7. That bread looks so incredibly yummy! Funny enough I made some bread yesterday and thought it rose less (it wasn't nearly so humid here). Your bed and tree looks so fabulous.

    1. I know the weather affects the bread rising. I was shocked at how high this was! Thanks for that, friend!

  8. Your Christmas bedding is so fresh and fun! Thanks for the tips on the Hallmark movies. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Thank you! You know I watch them all, so I'm glad to share. 🤣 I hope you do the same, my firend!

  9. sounds like a very nice weekend. on another note, would you ever consider a tutorial on your sourdough bread? yours looked beautiful, and i am always looking for pointers!

    1. Thank you! I will do that, it's a great blog post idea. Thanks for the recommendation!

  10. Sounds like a great weekend for "getting in the spirit". I have yet to do that - ha! Thanksgiving is probably my FAVORITE holiday so I try really hard to hang on to the anticipation of that before getting too far into Christmas. I probably will decorate this weekend, though, since Thanksgiving weekend will be busy.
    I wish I lived near you so you could teach me how to make sourdough!! You could do some kind of livestream/FB Live thing and tell us we'll mix it together at this time, we'll check in and punch it down at this time, then we'll do the final tuck and rise at 6:30 on Sunday morning then all come back that afternoon to see how it turned out :). Hope it's a good week for you.

    1. I totally get the sentiment of wanting to hang onto one holiday before going to the next one! I used to be like that, but the older I get, the more happy Christmas makes me. I love that I can have the freedom to decorate early now! I would love to teach you how to make it! I've passed this on to two different people; I am thinking of doing a sourdough post soon, per the recommendation of our anonymous commenter. I like the idea, and if the instructions are written out clearly enough, anyone can follow along. You would only have to acquire some starter, and I don't know how to get that started.

      Thanks, friend! I hope the same for you!


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  Happy Monday, friends! This post is better late than never, right? I totally forgot to write this yesterday, and then the day got away fro...