Monday, November 25, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? Here's a little peak of a few things I did. 

I love my Fridays! I started off with watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, then I just enjoyed my coffee before moving onto reading my Bible. I got to read the book of James on Friday in The Bible Recap plan, and that is one of my favorite books in the New Testament! That got me to thinking about my Bible, and how much my life has changed since I've been using this current Bible, so I've talked myself into wanting a new one for the new year. I'll be doing research to find the one I want, but I don't want to keep reading this one where someone's name is written all throughout the pages. I'm excited over the thought of a new Bible! 

Is it even a blog post if Chloe isn't pictured somewhere in it? 

She was being really needy that morning. I finally got up to get dressed, though, because I had a hair appointment! I had my friend go a little warmer with the highlights this time. 

If you ever wonder what my hair looks like brushed out, here you go. 

It's growing on me! It's different, but I don't regret my decision. That night I went to my friend Abbey's house. She's a good bit younger than me, and they have three precious kiddos that I loved getting to see and be a part of their nightly routine. The reason for me going over there was to teach her how to make sourdough bread. 

I thought it was so sweet that they made this sign for me!

Everly is six, Asher is five, and Violet is three. These children are precious, but so are Abbey and Steve. I left there with a heart full of warmth and hugs galore. 

I loved being with them, and I adore my sweet friend. She's been one of my best friends for a very long time! We decided to start doing this more often, and I am here for it. 

Because it's cooler here now, it works better if I wait until the afternoon to bake the bread. That morning I met up with my Mom and Trish, and we ran a few errands together. Mom needed to pick something up, and I needed two things from Target, but I also came home with these adorable paper plates. I bought them since Noah will be here this week and we'll be eating more meals here at home while he's here. 

That was my Saturday night dinner: lasagna that I'd frozen and a piece of bread fresh from the oven. 

I watched a terrible movie on Netflix while Chloe napped on me (Merry Gentlemen), then we eventually called it a night around nine thirty. I didn't feel great and wanted to shower before going to bed, so I was glad to head upstairs early. Yesterday was church as usual, then I met up with Marilyn for a light dinner. What did you do that you loved? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

P.s. Saturday is Share 4 Somethings (loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon or needs improvement, and noticed), so mark your calendars! And next Wednesday the 4th is Currently. The prompts for December are things we're currently loving, looking forward to, buying, hoping, and baking. I hope you plan now to join up with me for both!  


  1. definitely buy a new Bible and let us know which one you go with. Great weekend! Chloe seems to be just what you need right now.
    Maybe this sourdough is a new business opportunity for you?
    Sour with Sweet Jenn?
    Risin' Up with Jenn?
    Holy Dough with Jenn?
    Kneading Me with Jenn?

    1. I will and will keep you posted! It was a really good weekend. She is totally what I need right now! I'm so glad she's part of our life. I've thought about it, and I love your name ideas! I like Risin' Up with Jenn. 🤣

  2. Your hair looks great! The best part of my weekend was going to a local winery with some girlfriends for some Gilmore girls trivia! It was a fun night. Happy Monday, my friend!

    1. Thank you! How fun was that?! I love that and have thought about finding a place to go to for trivia nights. There's a local restaurant here we have called Huey's and Monday nights used to be their trivia night. It would be worth making a tradition!

  3. Your hair looks good! That sign the family made for you is cute- how fun to get to spend time with your friend and her family. I hope you´re feeling better today!

    1. Thank you! I loved it too and thought it was so sweet. It was a fun night!

  4. Sounds like you had a good weekend full of friends :) Can you believe I haven't watched even one Christmas movie yet? My mind doesn't do Christmas until the turkey has been eaten. Then it's official! So next weekend we will put up our tree and get the festivities going :) And yes on the new Bible! I have the She Reads Truth bible that has devotions mixed in. Plenty of room in the margins for notes, but the pages are thin, so the ink shows on the other side. I've been interested in the spiral bible I've seen advertised. Those business names Amy came up with are hilarious :)

    1. It was a great weekend! I cannot believe you haven't watched a Christmas movie yet, but more power to you, girl. I just love this time of year and am always anxious to get it started! I have the She Reads Truth Bible now and love it, so I'm thinking of going a totally different route this time. I do love those wide margins! I use them all the time. I'm fascinated by the spiral Bibles! Aren't those great?

  5. So glad you are surrounded by wonderful people because you deserve that- you give so much and I am glad you are getting back. What a lovely little weekend :)

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I loved the weekend. It was perfect!

  6. I love you spent time with that family. That is life giving! Your hair does look good with the new highlights and enjoyed dinner and TJ's last night.

    1. It was such a fun night! I always feel like it's an honor when families invite you into their homes and lives, you know? Thank you! It was fun and I am so glad we were able to meet and catch up. I know it'll be busy tonight, so that makes up for it!

  7. It sounds like a good idea getting a new bible, without all the reminders of the past.
    I love your hair, the curls are so pretty!
    What a lovely time you had visiting your friend, that sign is just the cutest.
    I watched Merry Gentlemen yesterday and it really was terrible! Sometimes the Netflix Christmas movies are so bad they're good, that wasn't even that! Ugh!

    1. I think so too. I'm looking forward to finding one soon! Thank you for that, friend! You are right about those Netflix Christmas movies. I think they make me appreciate the other networks more, because their standards must be higher. I'm talking about Hallmark and the Great American Family Network.

  8. I love your hair, and how precious is that young family! I think you should definitely get a new Bible! I have the one you do, and decided that I missed the one I had used for about 10 years before the new one. It was a thinline NIV, and I bought a new one. I felt kind of silly because the She Reads Truth was only a year old, but I'm happy with my decision. So go for won't regret it! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you! Aren't they adorable? I always miss my niece, and this reminded me of being with them. I love that you missed your old one and bought a new one. I may do the same thing and go back to see what some of my other Bibles were. I'm thinking of something totally different, though! Happy Thanksgiving week to you and your family, my friend! I hope you enjoy every second of your time with Jack and Grace. ❤️

  9. That welcoming chalk sign is SO cute!! I love your paper plates too. I get a lot of grief for using paper plates for our dinners most night but I just love that easy clean up.

    1. Thank you! I really love the paper plates. I don't always use them, honestly, and prefer to eat on real ones, but with the extras here this week I splurged.

  10. I love your hair! How fun to visit with those little ones! I am happy to see you happy, my friend. Enjoy the week and your beautiful tree!

    1. Thank you! It was such a fun night. I do feel happy and full of joy on most days!

  11. Get the new Bible. I have a couple of Bibles but my ESV is my favorite. How sweet they made a sign for you. What wonderful friends!

    1. Yes! I may snag one from work tomorrow. Isn't that sweet?


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