Monday, November 11, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? Mine was really low key, which felt good since I traveled the week prior, returned late Tuesday night, then jumped into working long days my last two work days that week. 

Here's what I did...

I woke up early on Friday morning and watched one of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies while I enjoyed my coffee. Have you seen this one yet? It was so good, and will end up being my favorite from the season, most likely. I love Ginna Claire Mason! She became known for her role as Glenda the Good Witch from Wicked several years ago. I love that she almost always sings in her movies! Notice my very bare fireplace...

I took down all the fall decorations and put out the Christmas ones! The Memphis guys all came over for dinner Thursday night and pulled everything out of the attic for me; they went ahead and pulled all of it out, then I gave away the things I didn't want to use anymore. My goal to decorate this year was to do it completely different, so you'll notice nobody has a stocking hanging. I bought myself a new tree to kick off the holidays with, then I kept the tree itself simple with ornaments I usually don't use. There is nothing sentimental on my tree this year, and this does not bother me in the least. 

I love how it turned out, and I am in love with the magical glow of my pretty tree. 

This took all day, so for dinner that night, Jonah and I ordered Japanese takeout. I watched a couple of movies, and cuddled with Chloe while doing so, then went to bed. 

And on Saturday, I just ran a few errands, then went to Graham's house. He picked up my bookstore order for me on Friday from Sam's, because I ran out of steam. When I got there, Baby Oak was so happy to see me, and this is what she did! She told me we need another sleepover. I loved seeing his baby dogs, but I didn't stay too long before coming back home. I had dinner at Mom's and Bill's that night, then proceeded to lay awake for more than half the night instead of sleeping. I made up for it with a Sunday afternoon nap after church. 

Well, I'm off to get ready for my day and am meeting up with Marilyn for her birthday breakfast. Happy birthday to you, my dear friend! I'm so glad God, our blogs, and life circumstances made us such good friends. Also, happy 21st birthday to my bonus son, Alex! I'm so glad he is with Drew all week, and that they're together in Dallas visiting Noah for the next five days. 

What were you up to this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Keep the Hallmark recs coming since I find the number to choose from overwhelming!
    Your mantle looks absolutely amazing - like John Mark did it - the highest compliment - lol.
    I am so happy you did it the way you wanted to make you happy.
    Sorry about the sleepless night. ugh.
    Enjoy the birthday breakfast today! Yay!

    1. I will, because I keep watching them all! Thanks for that, friend, that's the highest compliment. It felt good to do things so differently this year! I hope you've had a great day!

  2. Your tree is so pretty!! I love it! And good for you, switching it up. You can always make/buy new ornaments that mean something, when you're ready. Your mantle is beautiful! Sounds like you had a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! I love the thought of doing new things when I'm ready. I hope yours was good as well!

  3. Jennifer- you did such a great job- your house looks beautiful! So glad your weekend was lovely too- you deserve only the best XO

  4. Your decorations are all so pretty! Love the new tree and mantle- so festive and fun. Your weekend sounds really nice- glad you got to see some of your boys and their dogs! Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you! It feels festive and fun. Those are always good goals! I hope you had a great day, friend!

  5. Your house looks so festive and fun! Glad you had such a low-key productive weekend. (is that an oxymoron?)…that would be my type of weekend though. Getting stuff done and getting plenty of time to relax and cuddle with my doggies :)
    Have a great week! I think I (finally) caught myself up to a point where I (might?) start blogging regularly again. I do miss it!

    1. Thank you! Ha! It may be, but it makes perfect sense. It'll be good to see you back in the blog world again! I also miss it when I don't write. I hope your day was good!

  6. Your Christmas decorations look great!

  7. I am loving your Christmas decorations! The house looks fabulous.

    1. Thank you! I love the added magical glow of the Christmas lights.

  8. Your tree is beautiful! Everything looks so pretty and festive and it makes me want to start decorating some. I have zero time this week but might get a few things out before Thanksgiving this year.

    1. Thank you! When do you normally decorate? It's getting more common to do so earlier than ever before. I blame the year 2020 and the Hallmark channel. 🤣

  9. Beautiful tree, very unique and original style of decorations. My decoration are few, minimalist in style, so to avoid debt and money related issues that arrive in the new year. Very cute dog, however he looks a little fat... like his humans are spending too much time shopping and not enough time tending to his physical fitness issues.

    1. Thank you...I think? You have a way with words that make me uncertain as to whether you're being kind or passively aggressive in your comments. I assure you, my son's dog Oakley is not being neglected, and she's a she, not a he. Also, who are you?

    2. So I'm going back and reading this coward's comments. It seems this same person has left me a comment or two and to what end? I guarantee this is the same kind of troll we see on IG all the time, that literally is such a miserable human that the only thing productive they can think to do is write mean comments...anonymously of course.

  10. Your tree and mantle are just gorgeous. I also want to switch things up a little this year.

    1. I just noticed the comment above mine about the dog...what in the world?!

    2. This is one time that all I can say is "what the actual hell?" I love how it's always said behind an anonymous comment. It's ridiculous! Thanks for the tree and mantle love! I totally get wanting to change things, sometimes it's just needed!

  11. I love seeing more of your decorations! I am actually starting that movie now. See you again soon!

    1. I hope you get to finish it soon! It was my favorite so far.

  12. I never think to watch a movie in the morning, am going to try to do it! Also, I know this season is horrific but I can see you emerging, your own person, and that will be your silver lining ;)

    1. It feels so luxurious on the mornings when I don't have to be anywhere at a certain time. I hope you love it! Thank you so much for your kind words; I hope that they're true!

  13. Holy cow I love the plaid by you used as a basket on your door!!! This is a new fav of mine


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