Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm here linking up with Joyce today for her weekly hodgepodge of questions...guess what our theme is this week? 

1. Talking turkey...are you cooking one this year? Does ham belong on your Thanksgiving menu? When it comes to gravy, do you pour it over your whole plate, skip it all together, or do you land somewhere in between? What about cranberries? Do you like fresh, out of the can, or none at all? Do you look forward to the more savory main course, the sides, or the desserts? 

I have only ever cooked a turkey breast, and it was in the year of 2020 when food was scarce in the grocery stores, and it wasn't during the holidays. I just thought I'd share that little tidbit first, because it still makes me laugh thinking about how crazy that year was. I absolutely do not think that ham belongs on the Thanksgiving menu! I love gravy, but I only pour it over the dressing. Have I mentioned that my mom's is the very best? I love cranberry sauce, but only the can for me and Noah, please! 🤣 I am most excited about the main course; I do also enjoy the desserts, though. Leftover Thanksgiving food is my favorite! My mom makes something we call lime Jell-O salad that I love and look forward to the week after while I eat my own container that she makes for me. It's lime Jell-O, lemon Jell-O, chopped pecans, cottage cheese, and pineapple chunks. It's delicious! 

2. Holiday movies...tell us your favorite and what it is about the film that makes you love it. Is it the film itself or a memory it stirs? My all time favorite will always be White Christmas, but I also love all the new Hallmark movies that come out each year. I have some old favorites, too! I always love watching classics like The Holiday, The Family Stone, the Griswold's Christmas Vacation, Elf, New Year's Eve, and maybe one or two others I'm forgetting. The thing I love about White Christmas is that I grew up watching it every single weekend with Dad. We would sing the songs together, and we can both quote just about every line. I will watch it this year and imagine him laughing along with me as I watch. 

3. A favorite way to give back and help others? I've been thinking for a while of ways that I can start serving people in some way now that I have so much free time, and I took steps toward that this week with my son Graham. I'm looking forward to doing the same thing in December and in the months to follow. 

4. Name a place or setting this month you encountered that made you feel grateful. I have to say that last Friday night with my friend Abbey, her husband Steve, and their precious kids left me feeling so very grateful to have been invited into their home and be included in the dinner and nighttime routines. I actually got really emotional over this as Steve read to them from the Bible, and I thought I was going to have to excuse myself. It was such a sweet, sweet time. 

5. Knowing what you know today, if you could redo yesterday, what would you do differently? With yesterday being more figurative, I don't know that I would do anything differently. I did everything right in my marriage; I wasn't perfect, but not one person is. He certainly wasn't perfect either, but I gave him better than he deserved, apparently, because of all the lies. I did my very best, and I will say it until the day Jesus calls me home: I have no regrets. 

6. Spill your own random thought here. I've been working on forgiveness lately, and though I'm still not all the way there, I know that I am making steps in the right direction. I mentioned here that I've heard a couple of sermons on this topic lately, and I even caught the same theme in a Christmas movie I watched last week. My sister made a profound statement to me, though, that I thought I'd share. She said that I can forgive the person without telling them, and I wholeheartedly agree with her statement. I was never asked to be forgiven, so why would I share it with them? If I was asked for forgiveness, that would be an entirely different, but that isn't the case for me. I'll forgive because the Lord has forgiven me, and His word says that as I have been forgiven, so should I forgive. 

That being said, I would love your prayers for tomorrow for my sons and me as we go through the holiday with two major losses in our lives. Thank you! 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. I am so grateful for all of you and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤 


  1. I have never eaten cranberry sauce out of the can because of the gelatin.. so no Jell-O anything for me either. I don't like food that jiggles. 😂 Pretty much all those Christmas Classics you've listed are my favorite ones too. I absolutely agree with your sister. I think that's what a lot of people mean too when they say that the forgiveness is for you and not for the one who wronged you. There is a definite lightness and peace that you will feel (and may regress back to anger from time to time when memories resurface!! it's not a linear thing but more of a zig zag)... but that's when you'll know you have forgiven, and moved on, and put all this in the past. But it does take time. Obviously, I'm not talking about the same hurt as you are but when someone close to you has truly and irreparably broken your trust it is

    1. *sorry, somehow I hit publish mid-thought!* it is Earth shattering.

    2. I was wondering about your aversion to gelatin, but then laughed when you said you just don't like food that jiggles. That makes me laugh! I think a lot of people would agree with you on that. I love what you said about forgiveness not being linear, and that even though I'll regress from time to time, I'll make my way back to forgiveness again. I'm definitely close to that, because though a couple of things have tried to creep up, I've said my peace about them to myself or to the Lord, then I've gone back to feeling normal again. I will take any progress at all! Thanks for the encouragement. ❤️

  2. The gift of time is something precious to give to others. I, too, have been thinking about other places to volunteer. I think that giving back with time also helps heals wounds a little bit as it forces you to think/engage with new sets of people and can help take the focus off of thinking of your own hurt and pain. Not that you shouldn´t process the latter but there is something about being with others and helping them that is uplifting to your own soul and can take away preoccupation with some of your own negative thoughts. (At least that is what I have found!) Have a great Thanksgiving! I will be thinking of you and praying for you and your boys.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree! I hope you can find a place that you will enjoy serving. I think it's something that's so good for all of us! Thank you for your love and your prayers, my friend. I am happy to say that today surprised me in a great way. Much love!

  3. You are definitely included in my prayer at the bottom of my blog tomorrow. I hope you feel peace and calm tomorrow and bask in the love of your sons and all the time and energy you poured into them. That is profound about forgiveness. Do it for you and not for him. Do it so your heart is not hardened.

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I thought it was profound as well, and I appreciate her telling me what she did. Those are the exact reasons why I am willing to forgive! It's for me.

  4. Have you ever heard the Matthew West song called Forgiveness? It's one of my favorites. It's a beautiful song and there's a lot of truth in it. I think your sister is right in saying you can forgive without telling the offender who has not asked for it. It frees up your own heart from bitterness and anger and allows you to find peace. I think helping others gets us out of our own heads which we all need to do from time to time. It provides a new place to direct our thoughts. I like jello salads (awkward segue lol) and hope my daughter gives me some leftovers to take home. Enjoy your family and the blessing of your grown sons who sound like they love their momma well!

    1. I think I've heard it, but even if I have, I need to listen to it again. Thank you for the reminder! I wholeheartedly agree about what you've said about forgiveness; I love that it sets me free from the prison of bitterness and unrest. It's freeing and I do have peace! I love your awkward segue, and I love that your daughter gives you leftovers to take home!

  5. You got those prayers x10! I am so impressed by your strength and joy and gratitude- you are crushing life! White Christmas is a fave of mine too- I love love all of the dancing- have a beautiful weekend XO

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I love all the dancing in that movie and can quote just about every line. I hope you've enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

  6. Sending prayers to you and your sweet boys. Enjoy your time together!

  7. I am always inspired by how you count your blessings but are so open about life’s challenges —and you have faced with some big ones this year. Please know that you truly shine God’s light in this world!

    1. Thank you! I do like to be real here, and I know that other people can sympathize having walked through something similar or even worse. I greatly appreciate your love and encouragement!

  8. The holidays are hard when precious family members are no longer with us. Whether it is the first or the 20th year! I will be missing my son - so I totally remember those earlier years. With God’s help you will get through it and the memories will comfort you. God bless you.

    1. Yes! I totally get that. I pray that your Thanksgiving was filled with peace, love, laughter, and memories to carry you for a lifetime. Thank you for your sweet words, my friend.

  9. Ahh, Jenn, praying for you and your sons that you will find joy in being together and that the losses will be on the back burner and not in the forefront. Loss is especially hard at the holidays. Praying that God continues to lead you down the forgiveness path.

    1. Thank you so much! I was surprised in a great way by today, and I would say that your prayers were answered. I can never express how much your prayers and kindness mean to me!

  10. Just stopped and prayed for you and your sons. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  11. White Christmas is a favorite movie of mine as well, and I can quote most of it. Praying for you on your journey of forgiveness and that you and your boys will have a very blessed Thanksgiving and holiday season.

    1. Yes! I love that and I am the same way! Thank you for your sweet words, my friend. Much love!

  12. Keep holiding your head high! I think it is so funny we were both watching The Holiday last night :).

    1. Ugh! I keep almost caving, but I'm still choosing the high road. Isn't that funny that we were both watching it?


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