Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce for today's blog post. I'll jump right in!

1. What's something that you think is underappreciated? Explain. 

As is my style, I have a few things that I feel are underappreciated. 

  • nature
  • good rest at night
  • to quote a line from my favorite movie: "a home that is warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and that looks great in Christmas lights" (Bonus points if you can guess the movie)
  • eye contact and a genuine smile
  • laughter
  • the first cup of coffee (or your own drink of choice) in the morning
  • experiencing the love of God
  • the art of aging gracefully (life is such a gift!)
  • memories with loved ones

We don't have to have a lot of money or travel all over the world to experience an abundant life. There's nothing wrong with doing that, but the majority of people are unable to experience that. I believe that there are millions of little things each day that we get to experience and reap joy from that are very much underrated. I could go on and on with this question alone, obviously! 

2. As winter approaches, how do you stay productive?

How do I ever get to be productive again? Please, someone elaborate on this for me! I have no idea what to answer this one with, except that I try to treat those months the same as any others. I have things I am constantly doing around the house to keep things organized, clean, and clutter free. I'll be doing more of that as time goes on this winter and prepare for a move that will be in my future. 

3. What's a popular food you don't like?

The first thing that came to mind is pumpkin anything: pie, lattes, bread...but I do like muffins that I make with a spice cake mix that I add a bit of pumpkin to. Of course, the chocolate chips and cream cheese icing helps! 

4. What do you think is more interesting: art or history? Elaborate. 

I love art, but I am fascinated with history. I love to know the stories of things, and the events that happened leading up to other bigger events like wars and battles. On that same note, I also love getting to know people, and history feels a lot like that to me. 

5. What advice would you give to someone half your age?

Work on becoming independent. Do things by yourself! Don't be afraid to try new things. Don't lose yourself in your marriage. Speak up! Don't just try to always keep the peace. Don't be too self-absorbed, but do also take care of yourself. Remember that in your relationships, you are not one half of a person, you're a whole person. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm listening to Christmas music as I write this blog post. On that note, here are a few of my favorite artists to listen to this time of year:

  • Francesca Battistelli
  • The Tenors
  • Leslie Odom
  • Phil Wickham (he has a phenomenal Christmas album that just came out!)
  • Meredith Andrews
  • Kristin Chenoweth
  • JJ Heller
  • Ben Rector (His Christmas album is one of my favorites!)
  • Audrey Assad
  • Harry Connick Jr.

I really love Christmas worship, so I don't care for the usual traditional songs as much with the artists that most people consider to be iconic. 

I'm excited to read your posts today! Feel free to chime in (with kindness, please)! Have any of you noticed a really rude anonymous commenter on my blog? Are you getting these as well? I'd love to know. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 

Jenn 🖤


  1. A rude commenter? I am sorry to hear that! That is the last thing that you need. Keep on keepin' on. You got this! I agree with you on the productivity question and I liked your list of items for the first question. I struggled to come up with one! Regarding Christmas music, I do like a lot of the iconic, traditional carols but I am always on the look out for new favorites.

    1. It honestly feels appropriate, given my life right now! 🤣 I can never come up with just one answer, and I loved all the ones I listed. I should have said that I do like some of the older songs, sung in new ways or by new artists. But, I really love those crooners as well, like Bing Crosby and Michael Buble. You should check out some of the ones I shared!

  2. Was that quote from Father of the bride? I am not a huge pumpkin fan either but I do love a good pumpkin chocolate chip muffin or bread. Basically as long as I can't really taste the pumpkin and the texture is hidden I'm good (like in my mac and cheese!). I often just delete the rude comments-- my blog my rules! :)

    1. Yes! I knew one of you would guess. I am the same about the pumpkin being masked. I will probably start doing that as well. I've deleted a few of them.

  3. Now I want to know about the rude anon commenter! I have not had this that I know of!
    I took a pic of your list of singers because I need to be more intentional about playing music.
    I plan to use the Youtube screen savers in my classroom on my panel because last year the kids really enjoyed them. Thanks for the idea again!

    1. Just wait, I think they're making the rounds. Marilyn has gotten some as well! Go look back at my Saturday blog post, and you'll see one...and also on Monday, they were so rude about Graham's dog. Even Tanya picked up on it! I hope you like them as much as I do! I love those YouTube screen savers. Happy hump day!

  4. I haven't noticed the rude commenter on your blog, but they did visit me. Get a life.
    I am with you on the pumpkin everything. I do like pumpkin bread with nuts, but I wouldn't dare drink anything pumpkin flavored and I have never and will never take one bite of a pumpkin pie!

    As for being productive in the winter...I used to go around my house in the Fall months and create a "winter list". I would write down anything that needed work or organizing and I would create a list, but save it for the months after Christmas when everything seems blah. Those months of Jan. and Feb just seem so depressing, so I would take my list and work on all of those things. It really helped. Especially if you're going to get ready for your big move :) Do you like puzzles Jennifer? I love having a puzzle set up permanently on a table and every night work on it while watching tv. It really helps with stress or anxiety when the nights start at 5pm (boo for the time change!).

    1. Ugh! Yes, they need to get a life. I love your idea of creating a list! I need to do that now while I'm thinking of it, and especially with the decluttering that I'm going to be doing. I haven't enjoyed puzzles in the past, but I'm willing to keep trying. I need to start with a really small one, though. Thanks for the rec!

  5. I don't allow anonymous comments so I think they must go to spam and I just delete. I'm sorry that has happened though. Don't people have better things to do??? I love your list! And Father Of The Bride is one of my favorites. A move is a big deal but you're taking steps forward and that's what counts. Enjoy your day!

    1. I need to moderate those on my own blog...I wonder if I can do that without having to moderate all of them? I'll have to check into this. Thanks for recommending that! I love Father of the Bride! It's one of my favorite movies of all time. Thank you for that, my friend!

  6. Enjoyed reading your post. I didn't think of pumpkin when doing my post but that's another thing I wouldn't eat either. Have a good day.

  7. Father of the Bride is one of my favorite movies! I've loved it since the first time I saw it in the theatre with my friend Anita. I haven't started listening to Christmas music, yet. It's too early for me, although with the state of everything, I might have to start sooner than I usually do!

    1. Mine too! I feel the same about it, and I also saw it for the first time in a theater, though I don't know who I would have been with. Aw, maybe you should start listening to some of that music now!

  8. Love your advice and completely agree with finding and learning independence- Amen!

  9. The only one I noticed was the one about your son's dog and just chalked it up to someone with a BIG attitude and not very smart! Love your advice as always!

    1. Right? I thought that one was pretty mean spirited and very judgmental. People don't have enough to do, apparently, to leave comments like that! Thanks for that!

  10. Love your lists! Boo for these rude commenters. I need to listen to some of that Christmas music. We can do that maybe Friday night! My favorite of all of this is yes, we are a whole person!!!

    1. Thanks, friend! Right? Move along now, please...that's what I plan to tell them the next time they leave a comment. We should totally listen to some of these people on Friday! I loved that one too. It's true!

  11. I need to check out Ben Rector's Christmas music!! I don't understand rude commenters. Why do they do that? I agree with your advice -- we are each whole people and sometimes we put too much of ourselves into someone else. I know I've done that before.

    1. You should! I love it so much and was just listening to it again this morning. Thanks for the kind words, friend! I agree and have done that before as well.

  12. Love your list of things we should all appreciate more, and your advice! Sorry you've had a rude commenter. That's not okay. It's one thing if it's a spambot because those are usually just ridiculous, but when it's an actual person being mean- spirited . . . UGH. I recently changed my blog settings so comments are mostly unmoderated so I hope I don't wind up regretting that. I guess I can always change it back! Hope you're having a great week!

    1. Thanks, Kym! I appreciate that; I told someone earlier that it feels rightly appropriate for my current life status. It feels like a soap opera! I wholeheartedly agree! I know what you mean about the comments, and that's why I've never moderated mine. Maybe I will, though. I hope you're also having a great week!


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