Tuesday, November 12, 2024

three things


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about a few random things today. There's no particular order or rhyme to any of these, it's just a list of things that popped into my brain as I sat down to write. 

things I'm appreciating

  • the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree
  • random texts or messages on social media from people telling me they were thinking of me
  • the gifts of laughter and inspiration

things I'm loving

  • Christmas movies! The more, the merrier.
  • the new color on my nails
  • having plans at night that get me out of my house

things driving me crazy

  • the condition of my car
  • my lack of motivation and energy
  • my thoughts when I'm at home alone at night

things I'm avoiding

  • talking/texting with a certain someone
  • on some days, reality
  • starting projects on my home

things I'm looking forward to

  • seeing Wicked when it comes out in theaters
  • Noah coming home the day before Thanksgiving
  • this weekend and the plans I have ❤️

What is something you're looking forward to that's coming up soon? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

I'm linking up with Joanne for today's blog post. 

Jenn 🖤


  1. You are rocking it Mama- give yourself some grace-this is not an easy time and one I am sure you will look back on and be proud of yourself- keep making those plans and watching those movies- Follow the Joy

    1. Thank you! This is definitely not an easy time. I hope that's the case!

  2. Love that nail color! Love that you are making plans to get out of the house at night. I hope the not so good things go away. Keep being your strong capable self!

    1. I do too! My mom inspired me in my choice this time. Thanks for that! I am trying, but someone is making it very difficult. I went to bed fighting with him last night over text. I'm so glad I am going to see a counselor today! It's perfect timing.

  3. I abolutely love that nail color!

  4. Those nails are fabulous! Weirdly, even though it has been such a dry fall I feel like my car is a mess of leaves and dirt from all our hikes... despite having cleaned it just 2 weeks ago!

    1. Thank you! This made me laugh, because mine is in the same condition. 🤣

  5. What a lovely read, it really made me smile. I love your nail colour, so pretty! I am looking forward to going to the cinema to see Wicked too, my girls and I have a date booked in our calendar.

    1. Thank you! That sounds like something fun to do with your girls. I'll be going with friends!

  6. Thinking and praying for you.

  7. New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings! You are smart, strong, talented, and beautiful inside and out. God has a perfect plan for your new beginnings!

  8. I love your lists! But ugh....hope you can avoid those things.


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