Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thanksgiving day to you, friends! I pray that your day was filled with family and/or friends, delicious food, laughter, fun, and memories to savor for a lifetime. I was dreading this day so much, but it surprised me and I wasn't sad at all. I cried once, when Noah mentioned something about the fact that Dad's red truck is in our garage, and all of a sudden, the tears started. But that was the only time, and it was only over my Dad. I will take that, because I  thought I'd be a lot sadder about the other aspect of my life. Bonus! 

Because it's Thanksgiving day, you know I had to write a thankful post, late as it may be. Here's what I was thankful for this week that I listed in my journal:

  • the privilege of prayer
  • being surrounded by my family
  • new traditions!
  • being comfortable around people
  • my work family and the most fun day at work the day before Thanksgiving
  • my sons and the gift of togetherness
  • being able to finally finish a book I loved
  • movies galore
  • the people I'm honored to call friends and the ones who check in on me all the time
  • the prayers of the saints
  • you!

Thank you for showing up here day after day to comment, love on, pray for, and encourage me. I don't know what the last five months in my life would have looked like if not for this wonderful and caring little community we've built here. I am so grateful for the fact that you show up here everyday and faithfully read what I write. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart friends. I pray your day was wonderful and filled with people that you love. I know mine was. 

May the Lord Himself bless and keep you, make His face shine upon you, and hold you close. Love to all. Happy Thanksgiving! 


  1. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. We just had a quiet day at home together. We actually did Thanksgiving lunch with my mother-in-law on Wednesday.

    1. Thank you, friend! I hope your day was nice as well. Did you do the traditional meal?


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