Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I've missed being here this week, so I'm glad to be back. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement in my posts last week and when I shared the Currently link up this week. I am so thankful for this sweet little community of friends! Speaking of being thankful, here's what else I'm thankful for this week:

  • the love of God and the gift of prayer
  • conversations about both with people who don't share my beliefs
  • beautiful (different) scenery to enjoy while I was in Colorado
  • the gift of being able to be flexible when change occurs
  • catching up with a friend whom I've missed in the two weeks since I've seen her
  • being back at work after a few days off and being told how much I was missed
  • seeing snow for the first time this season in Colorado
  • time spent with my sisters
  • hugs from my great nieces
  • seeing Jonah when I got back
  • talking to all of my boys often while I was gone
  • experiencing the faithful love of dogs 
  • being back home in our cozy space that Jonah and I have made into our haven
  • that I have him to live with me—I don't know what I would do without him, honestly!

Those are just a few things I can think of that I experienced this week and thanked the Lord for. 


Those are just a few pictures as a sneak peak. I'll be back tomorrow to talk more about my trip! What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤


  1. Hello! What absolutely lovely pictures of what must have been the best time! Your joy is inspirational. Welcome Home, my friend.

    1. Hello there! Thank you so much; it's one of the most beautiful places that I love to visit. I feel so fortunate that I get to go there yearly or twice a year sometimes. I'm hoping to go back in the summer next year! That is so kind of you to say. I'm glad that you feel that, because I am trying to be joyful in all my moments.

  2. That fresh air does a body (mind and soul) so much good! Welcome home :)

    1. You are so right! Thank you so much; there's no place quite like it, right?

  3. Looks like your sister time was great! I agree with your comments about dogs. We definitely don't deserve them ... although I'm super thankful for mine! Even when she's standing at the side of my bed at 2:30 am asking "permission" to get in bed, which clearly she doesn't need - we upgraded our bed when we got her to accommodate all 150 lbs of her!

    1. It was wonderful! It's so true about dogs; I read recently that though they're only a small chapter in our lives, we are their entire life. That gets me every time I think about it! I love that you share your bed with your dog! Mine are welcome in mine as well, though they usually choose Jonah over me.

    2. If we're being honest, she shares the bed with us, not the other way around - LOL

  4. Cute dogs, although that little one looks freaked out like he's seen some things. That wooden moose statue is kind of vulgar, with it's boobs hanging below the sign.

  5. The views are so beautiful and I love the one of y'all cozied up with blankets and the fireplace!

    1. That was such a fun night! I love those views; there is none other quite like it, in my opinion. 🥰

  6. Look at all these fabulous photos from your trip! I love it!!


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