Friday, November 29, 2024

Share 4 Somethings: November 2024


Happy Saturday, friends! Thanks for being here to link up with me for today's Share 4 Somethings; make sure to visit some other bloggers who link and leave them some comment love. I'll jump in!

Loved and/or Disliked

This month I loved having my house decorated for Christmas. Most of you remember that I was in Dallas from October 31-November 5th; by the 8th it was all lit up for the holidays! I will always love doing this early, and nobody will ever tell me not to do that again. Read that again if you didn't catch it the first time. 

It's my favorite time of year! I disliked some of the things that I faced this month, but it's just par for the course in a divorce, unfortunately. I don't ever recommend going through one, by the way! They're terrible and I don't enjoy feeling like a mean person, but it feels like that I'm being that way. It's against my nature, and I will be very jaded when it's all over and done with. 


I accomplished my goal of being done with Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving! I'm amazed by this, and it was a lofty thing to attain to, but I did it and I couldn't be happier. Now onto the wrapping! 

Improved upon and/or Needs Improvement

This month I improved upon my attitude. Pertaining to my divorce, I blocked him from my social media accounts, and I blocked his girlfriend, because they were both watching me on those platforms. (My profile is public because of my blog.) In doing that, I also stopped stalking them, and I feel a million times better now that I did that. Another benefit of that is that it's helping me walk more toward the road to forgiveness, not that he will ever know this. I'm trying to do that for myself, because I don't like feeling like I'm in turmoil all the time. I did have one big thing that happened on Thanksgiving night that set me back a few steps, but I'm working through it all, or at least trying to do that. 

I'm sure a lot of things still need improvement after this month, but it's late and I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I guess I will add that my reading habit needs improvement. It does seem a bit better, so maybe that's progress? Hopefully I'll be able to focus more than the last few months, and I can get back to reading regularly! 


Have you noticed that almost everyone decorates early for Christmas these days? I'm not complaining, trust me, because I'm in that category! I've been seeing a lot of homes with outside lights in our neighborhood, and I love the festivity that it adds to this time of year. I love that our town square does its tree lighting the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week now! I think it's smart, because people have family in town from all over, and it's a nice thing for them to be able to do together while they're in town. 

Thanks for being here today, friends! I am excited to read all of your posts. I'll see you back here on Monday! Love to all. 

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  1. I saw your IG post. Blocking is a necessary thing for your own sanity! Your tree looks amazing! I'm hoping to get mine up today. I'm one of the "after Thanksgiving" kind of people. But as soon as we ate dinner and came home that night, I was in the Christmas mood! I might even watch a Christmas movie today :) Keep growing my friend. You're moving right along :)

    1. Thank you! You are so right, and I don't know why I waited so long to do that. I love the freedom it gave me, and he was bold in having pics taken and posted of them, so I figured why not share something equally as bold? Yay for Christmas decorating and a movie! I can't wait to see your home dressed up for the holidays. I will keep growing, I love that! Much love!

  2. I do not think you will be jaded! you are self aware and taking the steps and I just don't see that you will end up bitter.
    I saw your post. I am so sorry that happened but the joy I saw in your photo was inspiring. You looked great! you are so strong! you rallied.
    I think blocking on social is such a smart thing to do. I also tried to stay off of it and avoid comparing myself to others. I have snoozed and unfollowed so many people over the last few weeks because of their constant bragging or look at me type of stuff.
    I hope the activities you have planned for today and tomorrow fill your cup.

    1. I hope not! It makes me feel good that you don't think I seem that way now. I don't want to be a bitter Betty! I'm okay now, and I expected it eventually...just not on that night. It was a doozy and about took me down. I had a panic attack after I screamed in my backyard, and Noah and their friends witnessed it all. But God took that pain and turned it around for me yesterday, and I have never been so grateful! Today should be a fun day. I think that's wise of you to know the limitations you need in place for yourself. I've done the same recently! I hope you enjoy your Saturday!

  3. I'm jealous that you got your house decorated so early! That's amazing. We had to buy a new artificial tree this year because our last one shed so much. We put it up last night! Step one. :)
    Give yourself grace this year for simply surviving this year with a divorce. Most of the time they are very hard and horrible and taxing, etc. (I've been through one years ago.) It takes a long time to heal, but feeling your feelings and taking all the baby steps do add up. You're doing great, even though it is super painful. Keep hanging in there.

    1. It's because I didn't have anyone here telling me not to this year! 🤣 I do hate it when the artificial trees start to shed so badly. I went through that two years ago and the one I used last year was brand new. I gave it to my son, though, and treated myself to a new pre-lit one. I'm so glad I did that! Yay for progress for you! Thank you so very much for your words of encouragement. That is so good to hear!

  4. Your tree and bedroom are so pretty! I've had a few decorations up for several weeks, but not the tree. I've got things ready (I have to move furniture in order to put up the tree) and the tree is in the house and hopefully I'll get it up and decorated before the day is over.

    1. Thank you, friend! I love this time of year more than mere words can express. I was worried that this year I would feel differently, but nope! 🤣 I can't wait to see your house decorated for the holidays!

  5. The plaid on your white blanket looks so pretty and clean! I finished all my shopping as of yesterday, so we need to have a Hallmark movie/wrapping night! Keep reminding yourself to not go shopping for pain. It is too easy to find and so much already comes naturally. I see signs of healing in you!

    1. Thank you! I love that plaid flannel blanket. I will save the rest of my wrapping as the gifts come in for a movie/ and wrapping night with you! Thank you for that. It's good advice. I'm so glad you can see that; I hope it's true!

  6. I don't think you'll end up bitter and jaded either, maybe momentarily... but your sunny and loving personality will win over I am 100% sure of that! Good for you for finishing up all your Christmas shopping so early; that's always my goal too. I don't mind if I have to pick up a few specific things (or even stocking stuffers) after Thanksgiving but I try really hard to be done so I don't have step foot in any stores in December.

    1. Thank you for that! I think it's a great plan to be finished so that we can just enjoy the month. But I'm starting all over again in January and will shop all year long in anticipation of next year. My mom did that, and I think it's a great idea!

  7. Things were better and people were happier in the years pre-social media, no blocking necessary because the cursed stuff didn't exist. I don't use any social media platforms, although I have a Disqus account necessary to comment on political sites. IMO social media has done more damage than good to society and culture, especially in western countries.

    1. I agree with you about that; there are parts of social media that I love and other parts that I hate. But you're right on this one.

  8. Your home is looking so festive and well done on getting your Christmas shopping done so early! Hopefully by the end of next week I will be finished.
    Yes, I have noticed that everyone seems to be decorating for Christmas earlier. I think it started during Covid lockdowns over here and it has just carried on.

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy for myself. 🤣 I think that is when it started too! I know I did it myself that year, and I think everyone else did as well.

  9. All your decorations are lovely! There is nothing wrong with early decorating. We decorated on Thanksgiving day, but with Thanksgiving being later this year, I feel like our decorations went up late. Last year I had finished all my shopping by Thanksgiving, this year I have barely started! I feel so behind. I am sorry that your divorce is messy (although I guess they always are). I know it's hard on the entire family, hugs and prayers.

    1. You are so right! I totally see why you would feel like that. I prefer it when Thanksgiving is early, don't you? Thank you for your kind words! It's rough on the entire family, honestly, and I agree with you about how they're always messy. I appreciate your encouragement!

    2. Jennifer, I am a child of divorce, my sister and brother are both divorced, I am more aware of it than I would like to be. It is messy for everyone, never easy (even with adult children like yours), and rough. In my family when there is a divorce someone always disappears, which ends up being like a death. It is all so hard. Praying for you and your family.

  10. I love your tree and the lights are very Hygge. Go you.
    More importantly, it sounds like you've taken a big step in easing your pain and moving on. It is totally understandable you want to look, but good for you that you have removed that for yourself. It is so hard. Takes some people years or even decades. So whatever your timeframe, pat yourself on the back. Only you suffer so be generous to yourself and reward yourself. New nails, new dress - whatever your thing is. Something you can visually see to remind yourself you deserve better.

    1. Thank you! I love it all so much. I sincerely hope your words are true! I'm just done, honestly. I don't care what he does at this point, I just need him to be out of my life forever. I don't see us ever being friendly with each other again! It's too many lies; I would never subject myself to him or any of that again. I greatly appreciate your kind words, friend.

  11. I think it was totally necessary to start Christmas a little early this year since Thanksgiving was so late. I can't believe tomorrow is December 1st. I'm so impressed that you finished shopping...I'm just starting!

    1. I think so too! I can't believe that we've finally made it to the last month of this year. I will be ready to say goodbye to this year! Well, I have lots of free time nowadays, so it was easy for me to do. I am sure you'll finish soon enough!

  12. Good for you! Blocking is the healthy thing to do, and as you mention, it also keeps us from the temptation of checking on them. Ultimately, it gives you peace of mind. Prayers that your road to peace continues into the season and beyond.

    1. Right? I'm so glad I did that. You are so right! Thank you for that!


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