Tuesday, November 26, 2024

my holiday to do list


Happy Tuesday, friends! Today's post is a little tongue-in-cheek since I'm not contributing anything to the big meal this year. My mom gave me a pass because of my life circumstances. 🤣 I'll gladly take that, so thanks, Mom! That being said, there are some things that I don't want to forget to do this week, so I thought I would share. 

I will keep being here everyday leading up to the holidays. This blog community is one of my happy places, so I don't feel like it's extra "work" by continuing to write. Writing is like therapy for me, and so is the gift of friendship and communication, so plan on seeing me here all throughout the days leading up to the new year. 

I want to grocery shop with my sons in mind! I'm so excited about Noah coming home that I can hardly stand it, and the thought of quality time with all five of us over his stay is enough to make my heart so very happy. I'm placing my order today to be picked up tomorrow after work, but I want to have some things I know they all love, from dinner things to special treats. 

I will keep on spending time with the Lord every morning. At this time of year, I feel like I need it more than ever! Along with that, I am trying to find things to be thankful for each and everyday. My Pastor preached such a great sermon on Sunday about the life of a Christian and what it should look like, and having a heart of gratitude was one of the things he mentioned. I do this anyway, but I really want to be mindful of things this week leading up to the holidays. 

I want to do fun and different things, and I started off with this last night by volunteering to serve dinner to families who have kids in a children's hospital downtown. My Graham went with me for this, and I'm so glad we did this together. We both thoroughly enjoyed doing this! Tonight is our town tree lighting, and I'm contemplating going to that as well, but I'm not sure just yet. I want to enjoy all the fun things that this time of year offers!


I want to focus on the joy of the holidays and soak in all the moments, odd as that may sound given my life right now. I'm done with my Christmas shopping for the most part, except for three or four small gifts for others, so it feels nice to not have to be frantically rushing around. 

I want to wear all the festive clothing and jewelry that I have to wear! I am ready for all of it, red lipstick included. These things bring joy to my life, small as they may be. 

I want to watch all of my favorite holiday movies and finish the ones that come on each week from the three channels that put so many out each year (Hallmark, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Great American Family). I have the time to spare to do this since I'm alone a lot at home, and I am not complaining! 

These are just small things that bring me joy leading up to the holidays. What's on your to do list for the holidays? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤

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  1. I love this! I could comment on each and every thing! I hope that your time with all the boys is so special!

  2. Oh I just love this- you have so much JOY to be looking forward to- I would be excited about the grocery shopping with everyone home too- enjoy it all my friend XO

  3. I am trying to soak everything in as well- spending time with family including the kids but also my family whom I don´t get to see super often since none of them live in the vicinity. I have barely scratched the surface on gift buying but I am not remotely worried about it (at this point anyway!). Looking forward to continue to read from you each day :). I am thankful, too, for blog friends- for learning from them, being encouraged by them, and generally entertained by them (being curious about others´ habits, interests, etc.!).

    1. It'll be nice for you to see your family! I'm glad you're not worried about it, I know you'll have plenty of time to finish it all.

  4. The season moves fast and I think we have to be intentional in enjoying the moments. I like your list and love that you and your son were able to serve dinner to people dealing with something hard right now. Wear the red lipstick! I love it!

    1. It does! Too fast, honestly. Thank you for that! Oh, I will be wearing it, trust me. It's fun!

  5. Having your boys with you is going to be so wonderful for your heart :) You have so many friends, family and bloggers that love and support you too. You will start new routines, traditions, alone time rituals and the Lord will meet you wherever you are each day. Happy Thanksgiving week :)

    1. It will be! I'm excited for that. You are right! I feel so fortunate to have so many people surrounding me who love me and my sons, and who pray for us. Happy Thanksgiving week to you as well, my friend!

  6. It sounds like you have so many fun things going on. Enjoy the time with your family, especially your boys. It's so nice when everyone is home.

    1. Thank you, Kim! It'll be so wonderful for the five of us to be together. I'm so excited!

  7. So many fun festive things are on my list! I'm going to see Lindsey Stirling for the first time on her Christmas tour! It's been on my concert bucket list for so long! I'm really looking forward to that! I'm going on a girls trip to Franklin, TN to the Charles Dickens festival-very excited for that! and I'm also excited for the peacefulness the season can bring-just being in my home with my loved ones.

    1. Hi, Amber! How fun will that be for you to cross that off your bucket list! Franklin at Christmas is magical. I hope you have the most wonderful time!

  8. Sounds like you have a great plan and fun times this week! We are thankful to head to our son’s family house on Thanksgiving (it is always a challenge to deal with my DIL’s mother because she can be very entitled and passive aggressive —but I do NOT let her steal my joy—throw kindness like confetti!)

    1. Thanks, Diane! I agree about how we're to treat people, particularly those who are hard to deal with. I am sure you will be able to be kind!

  9. I really don't have much of a to do list going this year; just to enjoy the moments and be present with my family I guess.

    1. I think those are wonderful things! Time flies, so I know you'll love having everyone together.

  10. I stopped buying merchandise as gifts years ago, now I give gourmet food, spices, chocolates as gifts. Everyone likes chocolates and no headaches of exchanging then for the right size. Red lipstick is a big "nope' for me, IMO no one over the age of thirty can pull it off. Too often women who try bright red lips end up looking like Bette Davis in "Whatever happened to Baby Jane"

    1. Those are great gift ideas! I'll ignore the rest of your rude comment.

    2. Ok. Actually, I thought it was clever and original.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm so glad y'all came to volunteer last night! Yo go rock the red lipstick this holiday season!

    1. I am so glad we did that together! We talked about it the whole way back to Graham's house. Oh, I will wear that red lipstick and think of this rude anonymous person the whole time. 🤣


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