Friday, November 8, 2024

Friday Favorites, 11.8.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine was great! I started it off near Denver, and I'm ending it by decorating for Christmas. It all started with a tree, but more about that in a minute. 

I had some favorite moments from the week and my trip that I thought I'd share with you today, but I'll talk more about it next Tuesday.  

Leaves on the ground are my favorite!

Organizing this coffee accoutrement container is a favorite! I don't know why this makes me so happy, but it does. 

I decided to get a picture with the ambient lights on this time to show you my favorite home away from home. I feel so blessed to get to go to work there every week! The people in my church are my family, and I have leaned on them countless times in the last few months. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that I have such an amazing support system in these people that I love so dearly! 


Ugh. I wish I didn't have to experience the truth of this statement, but I do and it is definitely true. There have been some things said about me recently to people that I see often, and for a while I was tempted to do damage control, but I recently decided to let my actions speak louder than his words. 

On a lighter note, this house was so cute all decked out for Halloween! Cute decorations are my favorite, rather than the gory kind, but this octopus house won the prize in my opinion. 

This tree is my new favorite! I decided to treat myself to a new one this year, in the spirit of totally changing up all my Christmas decor. Nothing is the same this year, therefore I want to my home to reflect that. Jonah wholeheartedly agrees with this, and I had already assembled the majority of this tree when he came into help me, but he put the top on it for me and fluffed it. I love that the tree is in a new spot this year, thanks to that rearranging that Jonah and I did last week! I also love that it lights up the whole room when it's turned on. It's one of the viral trees that you can buy on Amazon, and I'll confess that it was an investment at the price I paid for it, but I'll enjoy it for years and years to come, and will pay it off in a couple of payments. I feel like I earned the right to this tree. 

This card rack represents a favorite moment from my week: I put this together alone at work yesterday! It's the first time I've had to do something like this on my own, and while it may not seem like a huge deal to some of you, it is to me. I was so proud of myself yesterday! I'm fairly certain that I have dyslexia, so things like this do not come naturally to me, nor does any type of math. I've never been tested for that, but after working in an elementary school and performing dyslexia screening exams for students, I self-diagnosed myself. I struggled in those tests just like they did! Needless to say, this was a huge victory for me yesterday. 

I also want to encourage anyone out there who has a husband who does things for her. While that's great for you right now, consider learning to do some things for yourself! I thought it was great that he did all these types of things for me until he was no longer living in my home and wanting a divorce. For far too long I let him take care of me; I have big thoughts on this now that I'm going through a divorce, and I know for a fact that I will never let a man do things for me like that ever again. He was in charge of everything from the smallest of things to the bigger things, like our finances. He left me in a huge mess, but I'm muddling my way through one day at a time. This is why my anxiety was through the roof when all of this mess first started. I'm much better now, I'm happy to say, and I am learning each and everyday! 

Festive clothing is my favorite! I bought myself a new Christmas nightshirt and a sweatshirt from Walmart while I was in Colorado. Did you know that Walmart has the cutest Christmas sweaters/sweatshirts/pajamas?! They do. 

This is my newest favorite coffee mug! I loved it when I saw it in a TJ Maxx in Colorado and couldn't resist buying one; in fact, all of us sisters got one. We drank from them when we had our sisters sleepover night at Debi's house. 

When we were in Colorado Springs, we found this old school turned eating establishment with several different restaurants inside. It was the neatest place! You had to go to the Principal's office to pick up your food, and the bathrooms were complete with murals painted on the walls. 

It was a favorite teaching my niece Erika how to make sourdough bread! Her family loved it and they've already blown through the loaves she made with me there teaching her. 

My great nieces are and will forever be my very favorite little humans on earth. There is nothing quite like them!

This picture is my favorite, because we were so excited to be in Colorado together! I love our big cheesy grins. I'll share a little more about my trip next week, but it was a pretty laid back time with a few fun excursions. I'm so grateful that I got to go and be with my sisters! There's nothing like the love of a sister, and I don't take mine for granted. I already miss them! 

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Can't wait to hear more about CO and yay for new tree, mug, and jammies. you should be so proud of everything you are learning!

    1. Thank you! New things are fun, and learning things feels so good!

  2. Great favorites! So many good things in here. I feel like when the time is right, you should do a whole post on things you have learned from your experiences this year and advise women like you have touched on here. Your trip sounds so fun and the tree is so pretty. Looking forward to hearing about the trip and seeing that tree all decorated :).

    1. Thank you! That's a great idea for a post. I'm going to tuck that away! I hope you've had a great week!

  3. Love your new goal- Amen- easier said than done I know but you got this! Love your "home away from home"- you have done such a great job with it :)

    1. Thanks, friend! I love it there, and making it feel warm and inviting. ❤️

  4. So much truth and goodness in these favorites! I love the tree! Love we are both getting new trees this year. Great job with assembling that and the card rack, which the smaller design looks so nice in that space. That eating establishment looks so cool! I agree, having great nieces (& nephews in my case) are the sweetest gift in life....right next to a hug from my daughters. Happy weekend!

    1. I had no plans of getting a new tree, but I'm so glad I did! I'm anxious to see your house after you ease into decorating this week. Thanks for that, my friend! I hope you enjoy every second of your time away this weekend. You have earned it!

  5. I'm so glad you got away from it all with your sisters in Colorado. Your new tree is gorgeous. I plan of "refreshing" some of my Christmas decorations this year. You should be really proud of yourself for assembling the card rack and so many other things. And kudos for staying quiet and letting the Lord handle things sometimes. It is hard to find a balance between speaking up for yourself and letting God take care of the tough things. Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad that we had time together. I'm excited to see some of your new decor items this year! It's always a fun thing to do that isn't too costly. Being quiet is so much harder than speaking my mind! But I know that I need to just let it go and trust that my character speaks volumes. Thank you for your encouragement!

  6. Wow; that octopus house is incredible! It really sounds like you had a fabulous time in Colorado with your sisters and I love that you had a sisters sleepover and all got mugs to use. That restaurant sounds so cool. What a neat concept.

    I think it takes real courage to stay silent and not fight back especially with rumors pertaining to yourself but it is definitely the "bigger/higher" course of action. I watched my grandmother struggle so much with their finances and household tasks once my grandfather was incapacitated from his stroke and I swore that would not be me. Of course there are things my husband does that I just honestly don't think I could ever do (like fixing the plumbing and things that "normal" homeowners hire help for) but I've always done a lot of the things around the house since he worked so many long and crazy hours when our kids were young... like handling the finances.

    1. Isn't that amazing? I loved it when I first saw it while driving by. It was such a fun trip with lots of quality time together. I'm so glad we had that! Thank you for your encouragement; it means so much to me! It's hard to stay quiet, but I know it's the right thing for me to do. I think it's great that you've done things like this for yourself over the years! My thought on this have changed greatly from what they were, and I know I will never go back to the old way of thinking. That version of me is dead and gone forever! I'm not mad about it, honestly. Thanks for sharing that with me today!

  7. Thanks, Jenni! I hope you have a great weekend, my friend.

  8. What a great week you have had!!
    I love your organised coffee container, it's nice to see everything in it's right place.
    That Halloween house is just brilliant, I prefer cute decorations to gory one's.
    Yay! It makes me smile that you have bought yourself a new tree, you deserve it and it looks so pretty!
    I have been there, I used to depend on my ex for a lot and then when we split I was left not knowing how to do so much! Since then I made a promise to myself to do as much as I can for myself. You are doing great, the card rack proves it. Achievements like that are a big deal!

    1. Kim, I love that we both love organization, like what is pictured with the coffee accouterment tray. Thanks for that, my friend, and for your encouragement. I'm glad to know that I have that in common with you. I agree about small achievements! I was so proud of myself.

  9. I'm glad you've had such a nice week. I love the new tree and am kind of itching to start doing a little decorating but haven't yet. I don't normally do anything until right after Thanksgiving but I may get a head start this year. Good for you getting that card rack together!

    1. Thanks, friend! I have talked about this with several people, about how much more common it is to decorate early now. I completely blame Hallmark for this! 🤣


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