Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday Favorites, 11.15.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine has been pretty good, in spite of a rough start. I'm glad that day passed by quickly and that I had an incident snap me out of my emotions! I love it when that happens and that it reminds me to stop being sad. Enough about all of that! I had some favorites from throughout this week, and also some things that I actually love right now that are useful. I'll jump right in!

If you've been here for any amount of time, you know that all things pertaining to Christmas are my favorite! I love, love, LOVE waking up and turning on the lights of my Christmas tree, and this new one is my absolute favorite. I'll link it here, for anyone who is curious, but it was an investment. I'll pay it off with three payments, probably, and will be glad to have that behind me. I never intended to purchase a new tree this year, but I've always wanted one that is pre-lit, and honestly, I feel like I've earned this tree in the last five months. I have no regrets even though someone gave me a very hard time about this. It was on sale for $189 when I bought it while I was in Denver. 

Speaking of Denver, which I never recapped and probably won't now, this is my favorite place to be when I'm there! This is Lisa's room in her adorable house, and yes, we sleep in the same bed when I'm there. I love this about us! 

I mentioned my sheets yesterday, and that leads me to one of my favorite places: my bed! I love this blanket, the cozy lights, my comforter, the tree I have in there with white lights on it, and I really love my sheets! Here's a link for the ones I ordered from Amazon in white. They're wonderfully luxurious, wash really well, cool, and inexpensive. You should look into some if you are looking for sheets for yourself! 

I'm sure you know this already, but I am Chloe's favorite place to be! She loves to sleep in my arms when we first wake up each morning. I love this about her, and if I ignore her, she lays her head down on my chair until I let her get in my lap. She's such a baby! 

Breakfast with sweet Marilyn on her birthday this week was a favorite, and so was this amazing bowl of potato goodness! I am not a breakfast person, at least not at that hour of the day, so this meal held me over all day until her birthday party. We had appetizers while we were there, which is one of my favorite things to eat! 

In getting my nails done this week, I overhead the nail techs talking about this sweet older lady that was there getting her nails done. She is 99! This will be me, most likely, getting my nails done until the day Jesus calls me home. 

This is my newest favorite nail color! It's called Scarlett Letter. 

Even unlit, this is still my favorite view. I'm also still enjoying my new arrangement of furniture and this rug in my living room. 

This is my favorite candle at the moment! 

My favorite night this week was spent sitting right here drinking out of this mug while watching a Christmas movie. 

I'm also still loving my kitchen with this table in there instead of the one I passed along to Graham. This little bowl of lightbulbs and ornaments is my favorite; Dad's old fashioned Christmas lights are in this bowl. Christmas lights were his favorite! I am so thankful for the privilege I had of helping him with that over the years along with my sister and my sons. He loved displaying lights on his property, because he always thought they pointed to Jesus as the Light of the world (John 8:12). 

It's so hard to believe how much has changed in my life in less than a year! It overwhelms me sometimes and tears sneak up on me. 

Lastly, I wore my favorite sweater to work yesterday, but I didn't love how it kept growing throughout the day. I started off loving this outfit and ended my work day with being ready to come home to change for my book club dinner last night. 

What was a favorite of yours from this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Your Christmas decor is so pretty! Love the new tree and not sure why anyone would care about Christmas decor that YOU bought... Your life has changed so much in the past year. I can see how it would be overwhelming to think about. But you know at least one constant is your unwavering faith which has helped get you through the terrible times and will earn you a crown in heaven :). Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! And right? It was just thrown back in my face, so to speak. It has changed SO MUCH, but I try to not focus on it too much. I'm grateful for the love of God and the strength He provides me with daily to get through! Even though I'd never have picked this life for myself, it is just what it is, and He is helping me find moments of joy and laughter that sustain and encourage me. I do not take this for granted! I hope you enjoy your weekend, too!

  2. I am glad your week improved and you found so much to be happy about. How is Chloe adjusting to life without all the dogs? Just two now? My jeans grew and grew yesterday until they looked super frumpy and saggy.
    Happy Friday and I hope you have something fun planned!

    1. Me too! We have three dogs in the house: Callie (the German Shepherd), Chip, and Chloe. Chip and Chlo are best friends and couldn't live without each other. I get Graham's baby dogs for the weekend, too, and I can't wait to see them! I know and HATE that feeling that you had yesterday; it was the exact same for me. I love the white pants, but I was hating on them by the end of my day, so much so that I came home to change for Book Club. I have fun plans this weekend! I can't wait. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!

  3. Your Christmas decor is just amazing- that would bring me so much joy too- glad things are slowly improving- you got this Mama XO

    1. Thank you! It really does cheer me up each time I see it when I walk into the room. I always appreciate your encouragement!

  4. I love all your Christmas! Thanks for coming out early and late Monday to celebrate with me! I love seeing the picture of the lady getting her nails done at 99. That is inspiring.

    1. me one doing push-ups like Jack LaLanne used to do, then I might be impressed.

    2. Thanks, Marilyn! I love it so much, and I'm excited to help you get yours up tonight! Isn't that amazing? I want to be active like that when I'm her age, and I love that she cares about her appearance still too. Goals!

    3. Anonymous: once again, who are you? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. You really should stop being so judgmental, it might make you a happier person.

    4. I'm as happy as they come. I don't use my real name on the internet, and am not judgmental in the slightest. The comment was meant as snark, humor or satire, like you would find on the Babylon Bee. Jack LaLanne was famous years ago for being able to do push-ups in his nineties.

    5. I can accept this one meant as satire, but someimiof the other comments have been extremely rude. Not sure if they are intended to be that way, but you should be aware of how you're coming across online with no name. It just seems cowardly to hide behind anonymity. The old saying is true: if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I've been seeing you on my friend's blogs as well.

  5. Thanks for linking the sheets! I love your snowman bowl of bulbs. It's so festive and cheery! I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I was glad I remembered! I had to go back and edit it immediately after writing it last night. Thanks for that! I hope the same for you, my friend.

  6. Pretty Christmas tree, better spend money on something that can be used over years, than on so called virtual stuff on the internet that you don't actually own. Careful about traveling to Denver, there is quite an issue with Venezuelan illegal gang crime activity there. Nothing to take lightly, good idea to be packing heat there or at least pepper spray.

    1. I'll keep taking my chances and trusting God, so no thanks.

  7. Your house looks so so pretty all decorated for Christmas. Once we got our first pre-lit tree I just could not go back to stringing them up myself. When you think of how long that tree will last it is not a bad price at all. Our first pre-lit tree lasted more than 10 year so that's like under $20 a year for your tree--- completely reasonable if you ask me. :)

    1. Thank you! I feel the same about the tree and my future with them for when this one bites the dust. I like your girl math!

  8. I love your Christmas decorations! They are so pretty and so festive!! Your tree looks absolutely amazing and good on you for treating yourself to a new one. You deserve it!
    Chloe sounds like such a sweetheart and that lady at the nail salon is just adorable.

    1. Thank you! I have no regrets over this purchase. Chloe is (almost) a perfect angel, and I'm so glad we have her. She makes me laugh all the time! Isn't that sweet? I loved seeing her there.

  9. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now but have never commented before. I just wanted to let you know how much strength and joy you’re bringing to so many people in this space. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season filled with love and new traditions!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Stacy! I honestly don't always feel like that, but I am glad that you shared that with me. I hope the same for you, friend! I hope you come back and comment some more soon!

  10. I just love your new tree. Even though it was expensive, it is nowhere near as pricey as some I have seen people showing on Instagram. Even the trees at Sam's and Costco are so expensive now. Anyway, that's so sweet about the 99year old lady. Here's hoping we're all so enthusiastic about life at that age. Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you! And you're right, I've seen some cost several hundred dollars. I thought the same thing about the elderly lady! I hope that I'm the same way when I'm older. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  11. So many fun favorites! Your tree looks beautiful...I know it brings you lots of joy! Totally worth the splurge. And I love your favorite sweater. Hard to believe it is sweater weather in southern Tennessee!!

    1. Thank you! It really does! Well, it was sweater weather, but it's gone now. 🤣


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