Monday, October 21, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? Mine was full of fun things, and I am so glad to be able to say that, especially after such a low-key and quiet one last week. Here's what I did:

I celebrated the start of my weekend by watching a Hallmark Christmas movie on Friday morning. That's my favorite way to start a weekend! I've continued on with this pattern all weekend long, and I am not complaining one bit. 

After my movie, I got dressed and headed to run a few errands and to meet up with my mom. I haven't seen her in weeks, because they were sick when they came home from vacation last month. 

I got my nails done with my usual black for Halloween. 

We had sushi for lunch, then we went to John Mark's so Mom could see his Christmas decor. I still love his fall entranceway into the store, but I was bummed that he wasn't there this time. Fridays are busy for him, I'd imagine, what with all the weddings he does. 

I had to replace my mantle lights with these that I bought on Amazon; I'm not sure how I feel about them, but I can't find any that I like better. I bought these and some snowflakes for Christmas.

I picked up a small grocery order from Walmart and then came home to make these incredibly decadent cupcakes to take to Marilyn's that night. They're delicious and so easy! All you do is bake a spice cake according to the instructions on the box, but replace the eggs with half a can of pumpkin puree. I added chocolate chips, then I iced them with homemade cream cheese frosting (one block of cream cheese with a generous amount of powdered sugar that you beat to taste). Jonah and his friends were here hanging out while I made them, so I took some outside to them, and needless to say, they all disappeared. 

Marilyn made chicken tortilla soup for us in these beautiful clay bowls that she brought home from Bogota when she lived there with her family, and it was delicious! But the most exciting thing about that night was that we made this!

We were so impressed with ourselves over the fact that we made fire together! It was the perfect night for a bonfire, and it was a great way for her to christen the new fire stove that she bought herself. 

I lingered over my quiet time Saturday morning and then finished it off with some sourdough that I toasted and my favorite Christmas jam. Drew came over at noon, and we chatted and caught up while I made some brownies for him to take home. 

Then we went to La Perla Tapatia for lunch, where I had my favorite chicken soup. (I now realize I had that three days in a row, but I love it so much that I don't mind, plus Marilyn's was different than this, albeit equally as delicious.) 

I love seeing my boys' trucks/vehicles in my driveway!

Jonah came home in time for the Alabama/Tennessee game, but I'm glad I left before it was over. I know he was upset at the loss, but they were two equally matched teams. How sweet is Chloe with her dad? My friend Michelle came to pick me up with our picnic dinner, then we headed to the town square for Shakespeare on the Square where a local group of actor put on his show, A Comedy of Errors. 

We had subs from Jersey Mike's, and she brought some amazing wine that she ordered from Oregon, where she's from. How great are these cocktail napkins? 

Marilyn joined us before the play started. This was an incredibly fun night, and the weather was perfection! We sat in lawn chairs under blankets, and for an hour and a half, we were thoroughly entertained. I love that our town does this, and how much does this sound like Stars Hollow? IYKYK.

Sunday was church, then I came home for lunch and to take a nap, but I didn't have much luck with that. I left for a couple of errands, then I went to Graham's to get the two pups for the week while he has class each night. I'm excited they're here, and they were all so excited to see each other. I had leftover soup for my dinner after I put away my Costco haul, then I watched more Hallmark Christmas movies. Don't be shocked when you come back here next week and see my home decorated for the holidays. (I'm kidding, but I may do it before I leave for Denver on the 31st! 🤣)

What fun thing did you do this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. This makes me so happy! You had a full weekend full of soup! Just kidding! And wine is like grape soup? Tell me more about Christmas jam? your mantle looks lovely! if you want to decorate, go for it! you get to decide! isn't that such a nice feeling?

    1. It made me so happy, too! I loved having so many plans that ended up being so much fun. I may keep up with the bonfire nights this week and hope to sit outside again for the two week nights I'll be at home. I did have a weekend full of soup, but I love it, so that is okay with me! I think the Christmas jam is a mixture of cranberry, strawberry, and orange zest; it is delicious, though. There's a friend of mine who lives on a farm with her parents and husband, and she brought the church staff these little jars last year for Christmas. I've been enjoying it all year long! I really do think I may decorate the week before I go to Denver...if not then, though, then definitely the Friday I'm back home, which is November 8th. Christmas season is short this year, because Thanksgiving is so late; you know how much I love to enjoy it for weeks, no matter what, though! It's a fantastic feeling, knowing that I can do whatever I want without having to worry about what anyone thinks. I love it!

  2. I'm so glad it was a good weekend and fun that we were out both nights! I am looking forward to watching more Christmas movies. I just watched one this weekend, but feel like I need to watch at least one during the week too so I can stay caught up on my Christmas movies. Have a good Monday!

    1. I am so glad we were together twice and that our weekend was full! That's way better than the opposite. My favorite way to spend a morning that I'm not working is by watching a Hallmark Christmas movie! I'm doing that now, as a matter of fact. I'm home all day today, because it's my only full day at home this week, and I need to clean and put away things that have been sitting out. I hope you have a good day and that you get some direction today, my friend.

  3. Yeah! Love your weekend- filled with your people and so much JOY! I started Hallmark this weekend too and it put me in a great mood :)

    1. I loved that about it, too! I was so excited that their countdown to Christmas started this weekend. They put me in a great mood, too!

  4. We're big Tennessee fans so were thrilled with the win. Course we definitely know how it feels to lose as we've had some tough years in the last decade! I won't do any decorating until sometime in November. We will be at my daughter's this year so if I'm not hosting I don't do as much in the way of decorating. Just enough to feel like Christmas. I think decorate whenever it makes you feel happy to do so. I'm pretty sure some people already have their Christmas tree up. Have a nice weekend!

    1. The teams both played pretty well, though, and it was a good game! At least it was that way, and more fun to watch. I wasn't sure how it would end since your QB got injured right out of the gate. Hopefully he'll be okay! I get not doing as much with Christmas decorating if you're not hosting; I want mine to look totally different this year, so I've been thinking of making some purchases that will help with that. I don't know when I'll put it all up yet, but I know it'll be sooner rather than later! I hope you have a great Monday!

  5. Sounds like a nice weekend - and the play definitely sounds Stars Hollow-ish. My weekend was the perfect mix of friend and family time, it was not long enough, but then again they never are. Happy Monday!

    1. Doesn't it sound like that? I kept thinking of that the whole time I sat there. I'm glad you had a great weekend, despite it not being long enough! Have a great day, friend!

  6. I love your little town! That play reminded me of a show you might enjoy called Shakespeare and Hathaway. It's a British series (light crime), but very lighthearted and they do some theatrical bits on there. And I could eat soup every single day! Especially chicken tortilla soup! Sounds like a great weekend!

    1. I love it, too! Thanks for the show recommendation, I'll have to look it up. I am with you on the soup, my friend. I love it all year long, but it's even better when the nights are cool! I'm having chicken pot pie tonight, which I'm excited about. It's one I picked up from Costco and was recommended to me by my sister. I'm praying continually for you, sweet friend!

  7. This makes me so ready for soup weather! We had a faux fall but back to high 80s this week. I think your mantle is very cozy!

    1. Right? We're having the same thing this week. Thanks, friend!

  8. We had a nice quiet weekend with not much going on apart from watching TV and going for a pub lunch yesterday. I am trying to hold off watching Christmas movies until November and then I will watch at least one a day until Christmas. hehehe
    That John Mark's store, the outside it amazing and those muffins look so good!
    It sounds like you had a lovely weekend.

    1. That sounds nice, especially that pub lunch. I love pubs! His store is incredible; I love it more with each time I visit. Thanks, friend! I hope you did as well!

  9. What a fun and delicious sounding weekend! We went and toured another college yesterday but our weather was absolutely fabulous this weekend.

    1. It was, and YES! Those are the best kinds. That sounds like fun! I'm glad you had great fall weather.


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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with   Holly  and  Sarah  for today's post. Did you do anythi...