Monday, October 7, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? Mine was pretty low key, with the exception of Friday, the day I had been dreading because of the fact that it was my 28th wedding anniversary and I'm in the process of getting a divorce. Now you know why I was dreading that day, but thanks to flexible plans and good friends, the whole day was beautiful, and enough about that D word.

I got the day started by working for about a half hour. I had to go in that morning to get the weekly deposit ready, and then I did a few things in the bookstore before leaving again. I had some banking things to do for my personal life and did that while I sat in the parking lot of my next stop. From the church, I'd driven to a local antique store here in my town that has a tea room in the back. It was my first time there, and the owner is from England, so this was a proper tea! My friend Marcia met me there, but look how pretty it is! Marcia showed up with these beautiful flowers for me, is that not the sweetest? 

We ordered chicken salad sandwiches, black tea, and scones. I love this tea pot! 

It was the sweetest lunch. I came home for a little while after lunch, then left again around 4 to work for about another hour to get the store ready for Sunday morning. They laid new carpet in there this week, so things were all over the place; dealing with that on Friday afternoon was preferable to dealing with all of that at 7:30 Sunday morning. I went to Marilyn's house after work, then we had dinner at Chick Fil A and went to a music fest here in Memphis called Mempho. 

I had an outfit change first.

(Please note the fan that we kept sharing!🤣) The weather felt great! Even if music fests aren't my thing, I'm glad we did t his together and that I can say that I went and did something new and out of my ordinary. We left before the main attraction came on stage, but we didn't mind, since we had a hike back to Marilyn's car. 🤣 We ended the night with a Crumbl cookie stop for me and Chick Fil A drinks for us both. 

I spent Saturday morning cleaning and washing my bedding and changing sides of the bed. Exciting stuff, right? I did get dressed and left the house to go to John Mark's Christmas open house, and look who I got to meet for the first time:

John Mark, the unicorn himself! I love him and may have fan-girled a tiny bit. We gushed about favorite authors and Instagram accounts for a few minutes, then I unashamedly asked him for a picture. I could be his mom, but he's a doll. His southern accent is so charming! The store looked beautiful, but I was just there to look this time. 

I was home that night, and at church bright and early Sunday morning. I stayed home all of Sunday after church and took a nap. In between these things, I also watched tv, and talked on the phone a whole lot. What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! I have some significant things coming up this week, possibly, so if you'd like to pray for me in these things, they wouldn't be wasted on me. Thanks in advance, and also, thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. The music festival looks fun! And that tea room looks dreamy! Glad your weekend had some very bright spots :)

    1. I'm glad we went to experience it; I think Marilyn went back yesterday as well. I also loved that tea room! It was another fun next experience. I hope yours was great too, my friend!

  2. What a full and joyful weekend! See what I did there? Joyful Jenn! I am so glad that date is past you now. I feel a lightness in your words. You are glowing. It's time for YOU!

    1. I love that, and it WAS joyful! I can't explain how good it feels to have this date past. I think the first year is the worst, and from here on out each year, it'll get easier. I will probably feel like that after all of the firsts are over, honestly, at least that is what my friend told me after she walked through this. Thank you for that! I'm excited to hear about your fall break trip!

  3. Sending prayers! You are looking great my friend and I know you got all of this as overwhelming as it is sometimes. XO

    1. Thank you for the prayers and sweet words! It can be overwhelming sometimes, but I'm trying to take it one day at a time. Much love!

  4. The tea room sounds like it was fun! And you, as always, look adorable!

    1. It was and so different than anything I've ever done. Thank you for that, my friend!

  5. Real tea is one of my absolute most favorite things to do. I'm glad you found joy in the day in spite of all that is going on. The flowers are beautiful and so thoughtful! Have a good week!

    1. I have found moments of joy in the craziness that is my life, and I am so thankful for that! I thought that was so thoughtful of my friend. It almost makes me want to cry when I think about it. Thanks, friend! I hope you have a good week, as well.

  6. I am so glad you had a good Friday!
    It sounds like a lovely visit to the tea room and the flowers from Marcia are so pretty.
    The music fest sounds like fun even if it wasn't your thing.
    What a lovely weekend.

    1. I did, thank you! I thought it was such a sweet gift. If this whole experience has taught me anything, it's to look for moments to be a blessing to friends in need. I have incredible friends, and honestly can't imagine my life without them. I hope your Monday is off to a great start!

  7. Such a fun weekend. Love the flowers. I've never been to a tea room, but it sounds really nice. Take care and I'll pray for you this week.

    1. It was such a fun weekend! Thank you for your prayers for my week, sweet friend. xoxo

  8. Loved reading about your weekend and love you! So glad we both got out of our comfot zones Friday night!

    1. Thank you and I love you too! I am so glad for that, too. We'll keep on trying new things!

  9. You truly live life to the fullest! I helped out with our youngest granddaughters’ 7th birthday and was so impressed by how sweet and kind her friends were. Praying for you this week. I had my mammogram this morning so prayers always appreciated waiting for the results !

    1. I try to, Diane! I also really love being at home, so sometimes I have to just force myself to get out the door. That's so sweet about your grand's friends at her party! Thank you for your prayers for me this week, I will stop and pray for you as well right now, my friend.

  10. That tea sounds amazing! What a beautiful tea shop and how sweet of your friend to bring you some flowers. It sounds like you really had a wonderful weekend.

    1. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed that tea! I added a splash of milk and half a Splenda packet to mine, and it was perfect. I may become a tea drinker now! I thought that was the most thoughtful thing of my friend; if ever there was a day that I needed that, it was that day. I hope your weekend was good too, my friend!

  11. The music festival looks so fun, and the tea room looks charming! Memphis looks so "cool!" I follow John Mark now, and love that you were able to go to the open house. Praying for your week to go smoothly.

  12. So good to see you having a fun time. May the Lord hold you tightly during these days of adjustment. Happy week!


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