Monday, October 14, 2024

weekend recap


Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? I did! Here are the highlights. 

A highlight for me was finding some tops and a pair of pants at Marshall's on Friday; I am in desperate need of both! The first picture of me was what I put on that day, because we were still in the "wear a sweater in the morning and regret it in the afternoon" weather. That is changing today, and I couldn't be more happy! I found four tops and one pair of pants.

It was a highlight seeing that Marilyn and I made Sophie Hudson's book tour reel on Instagram!

These sourdough crackers were also a highlight, though I probably won't make them again since they lost their crispness overnight.

Another highlight was seeing my greats have fun at the pumpkin patch in Colorado! I got to go there with them two years ago, and the year before that we went to one closer to their house. I love that I get to see them every fall and am counting down the days until I see them soon. 

This sourdough toast with Christmas jam was a highlight on Saturday.

And so was wearing the new pants that I love!

Marilyn and I found ourselves at an Oktoberfest on Saturday! This was the first one we went to; after we saw everything, we left and went to search for another one. 

We made a stop at this unique gift shop first.

And we pulled up at the end of a car show, but when we got past all of that, we finally found what we were looking for. 

After a very sketchy walk under this bridge, we came upon an even smaller one than the first! We were fine with this, since we didn't spend money on either. At the second one, we ended up eating a really great lunch from a food truck. I had a chicken schnitzel sandwich that was to die for! 

I couldn't resist this one for my sons, because we all know how much they love their vehicles! For the rest of the weekend, I relaxed at home and watched marathon Hallmark fall themed movies. I'm not complaining, trust me! What did you do that you loved? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤


  1. Well, I just loved all of this! It was a fun Saturday! I am thankful too for the cooler weather this week. That first outfit is so cute! I'm glad you found some new stuff. See you later!

    1. It was SUCH a fun Saturday! I saved the picture of you with your man for you to share today, so I hope you did! 🤣 Thanks, I love it when I "find" a shirt I'd forgotten about. I bought that sweater to wear in the winter with a long sleeved shirt under it, but I like it even more as a short sleeved sweater. I'm looking forward to tonight!

  2. So fun! i love that you went in search of oktoberfests. i have not been to one yet but i want to! We don't have a great one year, sadly, and we should. we have lots of german roots in our city. i love the new stuff - esp. the first grey sweater. Can't wait to see all of them and maybe a fashion files post coming soon? transition clothing as the season changes?

    1. It was so much fun! Neither felt very German, but it was a great day together and we made new memories, which is always the point these days. I hope you attend one soon! Thanks for that! I think I'm sharing them this week with the Ageless Style ladies and I'll link to Fashion Files too, most likely.

  3. What a fun fall weekend! I need to start tuning into the Fall Hallmark movies- you are inspiring me!

    1. It was so much fun! I haven't been into watching movies until this past week, and I've been watching them nonstop all week long. The fall ones are so good!

  4. I need some pants for this time of year too, something besides jeans which I love, but sometimes you need non-jeans. Glad you had some Oktoberfest fun! I love the food and hope we can get to one in our area before it's all over. Have a nice week!

    1. The ones I found are more summery than fall, but I still love them and can wear them on the days when it's not cold. I love the color of them! I actually wear black pants more than jeans, but I did also order some new jeans that are arriving this week. I'm excited to try them! I hope you find one in your area soon!

  5. Octoberfest sounds like lots of fun! I need to find one to go to around here, especially if it will just cool off a little. Have a great week!

  6. You find the cutest clothes! We set a record Sunday for the hottest day recorded in October! But we made the most of it and the youngest grandkids came swimming. Our youngest dog also turned two. Have a great week!

    1. Aw, thank you! I love Marshall's for this kind of shopping; their prices are always the very best. That sounds like a fun way to spend a hotter-than-you-want day!

  7. Yay for finding some new tops and pants! That Octoberfest sounds like a lot of fun. Did you make sure to keep your crackers nice and dry and not store them in an air tight container until they were fully cooled? Even the littlest bit of moisture will make your crackers loose their crispness.

  8. Sourdough with Christmas jam! I'm not even really sure what Christmas jam is but it sure looks delicious! I love the new tops that you found. I think I'm going to head straight to Marshall's tomorrow:) Hope you have a great week ahead!!

    1. It is so delicious! If you like jam, you would probably love it as much as me. Someone in my church made a batch of it last year and gave it to the church staff for Christmas. Thanks for that, friend! I hope you find some great things like I did. I hope you're doing well!

  9. We are having that weather here, it is so hard to dress for the day when it's so chilly on a morning and warm on an afternoon.
    Those crackers do look good but it's a shame that they didn't stay crispy.
    What fun to see the end of the car show.


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