Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond for today's post. I'll jump right in!

1. Monday was National Apple Day...did you eat an apple or enjoy something with apples on that day? Do you like apples? Do you prefer them raw, baked, or in cider? Do you have a favorite variety of apple? 

I had no idea that Monday was National Apple Day, and I did not eat anything with apples, nor did I even eat an apple. I love them, though, anyway you present them to me and in all of the ways listed here. When I was growing up, my grandmother used to make baked cinnamon apples with red hot candies; to my knowledge, that was all she added to the dish, and when baked low and slow, I'd imagine, it turned the dish a beautiful red color. I still love them today, but I haven't eaten that in years. My favorite variety of apple is the Gala apple; it's a perfect blend of sweet and tart. 

2. Do you think there's any truth to "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Of the following healthy habits, which do you find easiest to incorporate into your life, and which is the most difficult for you to adopt? The choices are: adequate sleep, a balanced diet, plenty of water, eat breakfast, don't smoke, exercise, limit alcohol, include fruits and vegetables into your diet, manage stress, limit screen time. 

I don't know how much truth there is to eating an apple each day to prevent all ailments, but I do think the general idea of eating healthy does in fact, keep the doctor away. We are what we eat, and I can tell when I haven't eaten enough fruits and veggies. My body starts to crave them, and nothing satisfies it until I partake. The easiest of these habits for me to incorporate into my life daily is getting enough sleep; I often take an afternoon nap when I'm at home, and I go to bed fairy early each night. (I feel tired a lot right now, maybe it's stress?) The hardest choice for me right now would be to eat a balanced diet. I need to get better about cooking again, but it's difficult to cook for just two people, particularly when the other one is extremely picky. 

This chicken pot pie from Costco hit the spot Monday night! 

3. Who taught you how to drive? Do you enjoy driving? Would you rather be the driver or the passenger? Do you have a favorite scenic drive near you? 

My dad taught me how to drive; imagine that! He also taught all of my sons how to drive, which I love. I love driving! Although overall I prefer to be the one driving when it's me and my friends, I also enjoy being the passenger on occasion. Since I no longer have a husband around, I miss this, although I hated his driving. Recently I have let my sons be the ones to drive when we've been together. I love that they're all excellent drivers, and that they seem to have inherited more of my habits than those less than stellar ones of their dad regarding their driving skills. 🙄

Part of the Natchez Trace Parkway is near me, and I've been able to enjoy it from time to time in the last twenty years. It's beautiful! There's also a lovely canopied road that is close to my house: Rocky Point Road. It's twisty and draped with trees; my favorite time of year to be on that road is right now in this season.  

4. What small habit has had a big impact on your life? Without any hesitation, I would say that the habit of reading my Bible everyday has had the biggest impact on my life. I have learned so much about the character of God, and I've also gained inspiration on how to live my own life each and everyday. 

5. Tell us about something nice that happened to you recently. Just recently, I've been the recipient of some very thoughtful gifts; these gifts are monetary in value, and I am storing them away for Christmas gift buying this year since I'm going through a divorce. I'm very grateful for this, because I had wondered what Christmas would look like for my sons this year; thank the Lord they're older and that they understand, but this eases my mind some that I will be able to buy for them. 

On a lighter note, I thought this was a sweet gift that I received yesterday. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. My current favorite Spotify playlist is the Vince Guaraldi fall playlist that I found; he's the one who wrote (composed?) the song Autumn Leaves that you'll recognize from Charlie Brown. It's playing as I write this, and it's so soothing. 

I am always excited to read your answers to these questions! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. They are great questions, aren´t they? I enjoy thinking about the answers and reading others´ answers. The mug you just received looks like it´s great quality- I like how the letters looked etched in to it. I am sure it´s a relief to not have to stress as much over Christmas as you would have. It will have its own set of challenges but the Lord will equip you to deal with them. And the Lord is already providing with the monetary part! I am the same way when I don´t eat enough fruits and vegetables- I start to feel run down. Have a great day!

    1. They really are! I want to ask her how she comes up with these each week. That's a lot of work! It is, which is why I love it so much. It's big, too, which is perfect for my 12 or 14 oz of coffee that I make myself each morning. Most cups don't hold that much. I am so thankful for the sweet gifts I've gotten lately; you are so right about them being a relief. He is providing! I thank Him for this so many times each day. I hope you have a great day, my friend. Thanks for texting me last night! 😘

  2. So happy to read about your financial gifts and the hope of a great Christmas- you are an amazing human and deserve all of the goodness XO

    1. I am so thankful for them! Every little bit helps tremendously. You are so encouraging to me, friend. Thank you for your kind words!

  3. I had to laugh at "I hated how he drove". you don't need no man to drive you around! it's a special memory that your dad was the driving instructor for you and your boys. Have a wonderful day, friend!

    1. Right? It's true! We never fought except over his erratic driving. I don't need a man to drive me around, but I do love it when my sons drive. They're such great drivers! Thanks to my dad for that, and that they respect me enough to drive carefully while I'm in the car at least, even if they don't always drive like that. Thank you! I hope your Wednesday is great as well!

  4. That sounds like a nice channel to listen to. I've been putting on these autumn jazz youtube channels while I grade papers and they're very soothing.

    1. I love it, and it feels so seasonal. You should give it a try!

  5. What a wonderful reminder those gifts are that God cares about the smallest details of our lives. I will check out that channel...soothing sounds good and fits with the fall season we're in. Love the mug...fall is my favorite too!

    1. Yes! You are so right. It really is perfect, right?

  6. We need to clearly take some gala apples on our next road trip! I would love to go see that drive near your house. I will go look for that playlist. It sounds like good background music when I need a break from podcasts.

    1. Yes! But is that too healthy for travel?? 🤣 We should do that soon! It's actually closer to you than to me. You would like it, it's so calming!

  7. What a blessing for the unexpected financial gifts! I like driving if I'm alone in the car. Otherwise I prefer to be passenger princess!

    1. It is such a blessing! I laughed over you being a passenger princess. I like that sometimes myself!

  8. I'm pretty sure I have easily had an apple a day for the last week or two! I too like them served just about all ways but our favorites are honeycrisp (if raw; they don't make good cooking apples at all). I find that the older I get the more I enjoy driving; I hated it for years and would happily be the passenger for anyone willing to drive.

    1. They're all so delicious! That's great that you're enjoying driving the older you get. I think that's something that is good for us and that keeps us young and our minds active!

  9. It is good to be in the Word. :) That's a fun mug and how great that you were gifted some cash to tuck away for Christmas. Happy Hodgepodge to you.

    1. It is, right? Isn't that a great mug? I thoroughly enjoyed drinking from it this morning. Thank you, and happy hodgepodge day to you!

  10. What a blessing about the monetary gifts! Thank you for the recommendation on the Spotify channel - I'm listening to it now. Perfect for fall!

    1. I know! That's how I felt. I hope you like it as much as I do, and I'm guessing you will!

  11. I wish I were better about eating fruits and vegetables. I just started using healthy greens - stirring the packet into water and drinking. It's not the same but it's better than nothing! I love driving when I'm alone but my husband does the driving when we go someplace - and I love to read in the car so it works out just fine. I haven't told you this but your blog has become my very favorite and the one I read first every day. Thank you for always showing your heart for Jesus!

    1. I need to be better at it too. I think that's great that you're getting them in that way! I've heard others do that, and it's a great idea. I wish I could read in the car, but I get so carsick. I've always been like that! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad you come by each day. Thank you for taking the time to comment and for your sweet words of encouragement!

  12. Love your new mug! Perfect gift for you:) and love that you have been able to put away some funds for Christmas. I love how God provides...even in the simpliest of things! Reading His word every day is, no doubt, the best habit we can have. I hope you are having a good week!!

    1. Thank you! I thought so too. You are so right, my friend!


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