Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond for today's post. I'll jump right in!

1. How did you meet your significant other? If you don't have one of those, how did you meet your best friend? 

Missy and I met when Graham was a young high schooler, so about twelve years ago is when I first found out who she was. She was involved in youth at that time, and went on all the trips to camp. Because the person I don't want to talk about also went on those trips, he knew her before I did, and encouraged me to get to know her. For whatever reason, I never really did that, but we did eventually meet and discovered we shared a love of reading. I let her borrow my books for a long time before we hung out, but the day that cemented our friendship was the day that my bonus son Alex's mom died. I'd gotten a phone call from his aunt (my neighbor) that she had died, and to not say anything to him, since he was with us that day. I had to get out of the car, because I immediately burst into tears, and I didn't want anyone asking questions. Missy was walking out of the church right at this moment, and even though she's not a hugger, she walked straight to me, dropped her bags, and wrapped her arms around me. She ended up taking me to lunch to occupy me for a couple of hours, and thus, our friendship began. 

Since then we became even closer as we led community groups for high schoolers together, we shared camp trips, a camping experience, and many girlfriend trips. We've walked through too many deaths together, along with addiction problems, adultery, and lots of sicknesses and family issues. She is literally the one person who knows all of my people and all the things about me and still loves me. She has unfriended people on my behalf, sent mean texts (🤣), and championed for me time after time. We've been joking that for the last four months almost, it's been my turn to be the needy friend. She's gone through so much in our friendship and apparently, I've been saving up for present day. She literally fed me and my boys for two full months by creating a take-them-a-meal page on social media; what was only supposed to have lasted for two weeks went on for an additional six weeks because people love me and my boys so much. What a wonderful feeling and blessing that was to all of us! 

Everyone needs a Missy in their life! Another amazing thing she did for me recently was a couple of months ago when I freaked out about a financial situation I thought had happened in my bank account. I flipped out, and called her in near hysterics. She flew through getting dressed and met me in my church parking lot. I handed her my phone with the banking app open, and all of the paperwork that I had on hand. She immediately took over and calmed me down; then she walked with me into work and later on communicated with two of my sisters about what was going on. She talked to Lisa a lot over the following days, and that meant the world to me. As my friend Mandy said that I've already said once and that I'll reiterate is that everyone needs a Missy in their life. She has seen me at my best and at my very lowest, and recently while we were on a trip together, literally crawled into bed with me and wrapped her arms around me and held me while I sobbed my heart out. I could literally go on and on about this amazing friend. 

2. It's National Department Store Day today! Do you still shop in these types of stores? Do you miss them, if you don't? Do you have a favorite department store? What about fun memories in one? 

Whew. On a lighter note, though I really don't shop in department stores anymore, I sure did love going to Goldsmith's when I was younger! Goldsmith's later became a Macy's, but there was one located downtown that I loved going to. I also loved another one in Memphis that had multiple floors; or maybe that was the one downtown? My memory is fuzzy, but they sold everything from clothes to appliances to rugs, and Mom and I used to eat lunch at the restaurant located in the store. I honestly don't really miss them now, because I'm not a big shopper. 

3. Something you're currently nuts about?

I've been thinking about this faux omelet or burrito or whatever you want to call it since last week. I'll probably have this for a late lunch/early dinner tonight since I'm working from five to eight at church. 

4. What's your favorite nut and is there a recipe where this is used?

I love pecans! My favorite thing that contains those is the pecan pie that Mom makes. She also makes a crumble topping for her sweet potatoes that is to die for. 

5. Today we officially reach the 70 days until Christmas mark. Have you purchased any gifts? 

I have purchased a couple of gifts and plan on keeping with that trend in order to be finished by Thanksgiving! My goal this year is to not dread Christmas eve or Christmas day like I usually do every year. I love the season of Christmas, but not the day of, because it's always such a letdown. There were some other reasons why I dreaded the holidays, but I won't focus on those. I'm looking forward to loving all the days of the coming season, including both days of! 

6. Insert your own thought here.  

I am glad that yesterday is over. The day got started off on the wrong foot, and from there it progressed downhill. I've never been so glad to see a day pass me by! Here's to hoping for a better today, Thursday, and Friday. 

Thanks for reading my blog today. Also, thank you for your many prayers on my behalf. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤


  1. Aww, what a great tribute to your friend! So glad that God placed her in your life. I am the same way about department stores. I don´t care to shop much in stores but I do miss the time period when shopping in stores was the only way to shop. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you! I am so thankful for her. I do also kind of miss that time of shopping in stores...but then I remember how crazy it would be during the holidays, and I remember why I like online better now. 🤣 Have a great day, my friend!

  2. Yes, what a tribute! Missy sounds wonderful. I know you would do the same for her.

    1. Thank you! She is wonderful, and I have been there for her a lot because of all the tragedies that have taken place in her life. As she says all the time, now it's just finally my turn! 🤣

  3. So thankful you have Missy! I am thankful for so many friendships, with you being of course one of my favorites! Let's try to enjoy the holidays as much as we can and help each other through some new traditions. I use to love going to the Enchanged Forrest at Goldsmiths downtown! So funny we both mentioned that store :). I bought some more tortillas yesterday and need to make more of those breakfast sandwiches. Today will be better friend!

    1. I am so thankful for you! Thank you for talking me down yesterday. I felt so much better after I hung up from our first phone call. I love that idea about doing new things this season and am all for that! I'd love to look at lights together too, since that's something I've always loved doing...even doing that together will be fun. I LOVED Enchanted Forrest at the the downtown Goldsmith's! I laughed when I saw you'd mentioned it as well. Thanks for that, I am counting on that very thing. Love you!

  4. I had a day like that last week; couldn't wait for it to be over so I could just move on!

  5. What a wonderful friend. A true friend. They are such a gift and I think God places people in our lives on purpose. I have to manage my expectations for the holidays as well. It's been a process but I'm better at it than I once was. It's a challenge in our overly commercial world to keep our eyes on the reason for the season, but I try to do things that focus on that instead of worrying too much about the decorating and gift buying. Hope today is much brighter than the one before!

    1. Yes! She is all of that and so much more. I think that too! There are no coincidences in God's eyes. That is a challenge for me as well, but I'm hoping to do better with that this year now that I'm on my own. Thank you for that, my friend!

  6. Missy sounds like the very best kind of friend! I have that same issue with Christmas eve and Christmas day every single year; I love the season leading up to it but never the actual day. I have changed my mindset a lot in the last few years and it's helped-- managing expectations is a huge one for me. This year is just going to be so incredibly weird with no real family of mine around and taking off on a trip with the boys. We're basically going to be skipping Christmas and I'm not 100% sure how I feel about that yet.

    1. She really is! I totally get why you would do that this year, but I agree that it will probably not feel natural. Will you still decorate? If I were to do that, I would absolutely still decorate, since I love it so much.

  7. You are so blessed to have a friend like Missy, and I'm sure she is blessed by you too. I know what you mean about the Christmas holidays. Sometimes I dwell on sweet memories of past Christmas' when the kids were little and need to work on embracing the current season!

    1. I am, but thank you! That is so hard not to do, but I could definitely do better as well. I am dreading this year, honestly, because it'll be a hard day for all of us. I'm trying to come up a with new and fun plan!

  8. [visiting you from the Hodgepodge) Yes, you are right, everybody needs a Missy in their life. Good blog post with strong lessons on how to be a good friend.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, and for that encouragement! It's such an important thing for all of us, right?

  9. Missy sounds amazing! God should give us all one of those :)

  10. JenniferYOU are the best and I love you dearly! I would drop everything for you everyday!! I’m so thankful God put us together all those years ago. What a blessing you are to me!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...