Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond for today's post. I'll jump right in!

1. What are your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate as much as or as little as you'd like.

This is a loaded question! My current priorities today are to read my Bible and pray often each day, to take one day at a time, to check in on my sons anytime they come to my mind and make sure they're all okay, and to work as faithfully/diligently  as possible. Those are my top four, but additionally, I also aim to have plans as often as possible, to be flexible, and to have grace for myself (and others) when I have bad days. 

2. What's one thing you wish you had more of?

Grace. 🤣 Seriously, I wish I had more energy/motivation/extrovertedness. I feel like those three things are tied together, but maybe that's just me. I was praying about this yesterday, asking the Lord to give me energy for my future, because it will be changing drastically. Maybe it's just my life circumstances that have me feeling like this the majority of the time. I'm hoping for brighter days soon.

3. Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what are your favorite Halloween traditions? Any special plans for Halloween this year? 

When my sons were little, we went trick-or-treating every year. Some of the family would hang around here at home handing out candy, when the rest of us would go walk with the boys. I always hosted our families for this; and would cook a huge pot of soup. Those were really fun times! When the boys started growing up and wanted to go out on their own, we started staying here to hand out candy; that changed into us sitting in the driveway visiting with neighbors each year. It was always an enjoyable night. 

This year, I am so glad to be out of town on Halloween night. I'll be in Denver with my sisters, and we'll be eating Mexican food and drinking margaritas together. I was already promised this, and I'm holding them to it! 

4. What was the last thing you ate that contained chocolate? What was the last thing you made that called for chocolate?

Last night I had a small handful of chocolate covered almonds from Costco. They're so good! The last thing I made that used chocolate (but didn't call for it) were these cupcakes I made a couple of weeks ago. 

I shared them before, but in case you didn't see that, all you do is make a spice cake according to the instructions on the box, but exchange the eggs for half a can of pumpkin puree. I added chocolate chips, and then topped them with homemade cream cheese frosting. These are delicious! 

5. Do you prefer laid back weekends, or do you prefer to have lots of plans? Thinking back to this past weekend, what did yours look like?

Honestly? I like a good mix of the two. I really need to have plans more right now, because I get lonely a lot if I don't. But I also love to stay at home on a weekend night, eat a comforting dinner and watch a show or movie. This past weekend was really low key, but I didn't mind it too much. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I've been rearranging again! I got this idea on Monday to offer Graham the use of my kitchen table and chairs since he doesn't have one. It looks great in his house, even if it's a little too big for the space, but he is going to use it until he buys something else. Meanwhile, I pulled the table out of the dining room (well, Jonah and I did this together) and put it in the kitchen. We brought the piano into the dining room (thus making it a music room instead?) and moved the desk that is in the living room into the space that held the piano. I still have some things to hang, but now I'll put my Christmas tree into the corner where you see the plant on a stand. I plan on doing that as soon as I come home from Denver next week! Additionally, I brought home some rugs from Mom's house that they're no longer using. I love them both and will take them with me moving forward. 

This felt good to do and it makes me happy! I love rearranging a room enough to make a big impact. All it takes is a little imagination and some creativity! 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. I'm excited to read your posts, too, and I love the questions this week. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Yay for Denver! Safe travels and I hope it fills your cup! Love your home refresh and the Christmas decor will look so pretty!

    1. Thank you! I'm excited to go. I love it too, and I'm excited about a different spot for the Christmas tree this year.

  2. I like your paint colors. Mexican food and margaritas in Denver sound like a fun way to spend Halloween! Have a safe trip and enjoy sister time!

    1. Thank you! The whole interior needs to be updated with paint, but this is one thing I'm procrastinating about. I think it sounds fun, too! Thank you for that!

  3. It sounds like you have your priorities right and I hope you find energy for the future.
    It sounds like you have a great Halloween planned, I have nothing planned at all apart from handing out the candy.
    Your home is beautiful! I love how you have been rearranging it.

    1. Thank you! I hope I find that too. I appreciate your sweet words about my home! I love to decorate and change things up all the time. I love how different it looks with the new arrangement. Enjoy your day, my friend!

  4. A sister trip sounds like so much fun. I need to wrangle my sisters for one. You have some very nice sized rooms and rugs look great with your new arrangements. I'm with you on a mix of busyness on the weekends. Happy Hodgepodge!

    1. I'm excited! I hope you get to do that someday. Thank you for that!

  5. Mexican and margaritas sound like a dream! I love how colorful those rugs are!

  6. I love the rearranging of the furniture! I'm excited for you to have sister/great aunt time in Denver!

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy with it, and I'm always surprised when I walk into the room. I love doing this kind of thing! I am excited for my trip, even if I'm up half the night packing. 🤣

  7. It is amazing how much energy you can get from rearranging a room right? Your Halloween plans sound PERFECT- can't wait to read all about your time with your sisters :)

    1. I wholeheartedly agree! I always forget that small changes make a huge impact. Thanks for that! I'm excited to go!

  8. I love the updates to your dining room. You will probably use the space more with the desk in there. Looks great!

    1. Thank you! I agree. I love it each time I come home!

  9. Your house looks amazing! I love the table in the kitchen :)

    1. Thank you! I actually thought of your cozy cottage when I saw what it looked like. I love it too!

  10. The rearranging looks great and I am sure your son was happy to get a table! Those muffins sound delicious.

  11. The muffins look delicious and the rearranged living spaces look cheery and comfortable - I love them. Hope you're having a great week!


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