Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond for today's post. I'll jump right in!

1. Thursday is national walk to a park day. I know these celebratory days are mostly made up, but some are fun to think about. Do you live close enough to a park to walk to one Thursday? Will you? The most famous park in the world is NYC's Central Park; have you been there? What did you think? If you haven't been there, is this a place you'd like to see?

I love parks, and I live near one. I have walked there before, and we used to ride bikes there a lot as well, but I haven't done that in years. If the weather is nice, I just may take a walk on Thursday, but then again, I may not since that's a longer day at work. We'll have to see. I loved Central Park when I visited NYC the last time. I loved sitting at the fountain at Bethesda Terrace, listening to someone play the saxophone. I remember as I sat on a bench being mesmerized by the music, how great it felt to sit and take a rest. 

Looking at these pictures makes me want to go back. 

2. What is something you've done recently that turned out to be "a walk in the park"? 

Yesterday I was puttering around in the bookstore during work, and all the things I was doing seemed very easy, even if they're very detailed. It took me so long to get to this point, that when I was doing them yesterday, I was barely even thinking about what I was doing. I'm so thankful for this, and for the distraction that work is right now. I will end up working more hopefully, whether where I am now or maybe somewhere else if they can't find enough hours. Such are things that I think about now! I'm always looking forward, and this is something I was thinking about as recently as yesterday. 

3. Can you parallel park? Do you have to do this often where you live? 

I actually can parallel park really well, thanks to a great back-up camera on my car, but it's not something I have to do all too often. Speaking of parking, I like to back into a space when I park. Are you like this, or do you park facing forward? 

4. The colors of, brown, russet, golden bronze, golden yellow, purplish red, light tan, crimson, orange, red, and scarlet. Are those colors that you like to wear? Is this your season, in terms of color? What about your home? Would we see these tones in your home decorating?

I love these colors, and though I do have some things with those colors, they're not colors that I would consider "mine". When I think of these colors, I think of my sister Debi's home. She loves all of these colors and this time of year definitely has her name all over it. I don't have any of them in my home, though. 

I did wear this shirt today that's bronze in its color. 

5. What part of history do you find most interesting? Elaborate. 

I'm fascinated by women in history, and the roles they played. I read a book this summer called The Women by Kristin Hannah that taught me something new, and that is that women nurses were in the Vietnam war. I had never heard of this before, like many of you probably, and wondered why that was. I also think that it's terrible how those men were treated when they came back to the States after serving our country so valiantly. So many people I know and love were affected by this, including a man that my sister was married to. He has problems today that were a result of this war, and to know how despicably they were treated upon arrival home makes it even worse. 

I've also read books about some women who decoded messages during WWII and the days leading up to that. I love to read books like that, even if historical fiction isn't my normal genre. 

6. Insert your own thought here. 

Talking about all that reading is making me want to find a good historical fiction book to read now. Do you have any recommendations for me? I'd love to hear them and am excited to read your answers for today's post. Thanks for being a gracious host for us, Joyce! And thank you for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤

p.s. Do you want to participate in the monthly link party I host called The Cozy Chronicles? It's coming up this Saturday! In October we're talking all things Halloween and fall, and the cozy traditions and bucket list things we do each year. I'd love for you to join me! Here's a graphic if you want to use it, if not, no worries.


  1. I will text you if I think of a good historical novel to recommend to you. It´s so early to be thinking, lol! Your answer about walking in the park was a good one. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed by learning something new and then being amazed (in a good way!) when not too long after that, you´ve mastered the task or job such that it´s no big deal to perform the task anymore. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you! It is too early to be thinking. That's exactly what I felt like when I did this at work yesterday! It's such a great feeling. I hope you have a great day too!

  2. I loved The Women and never really thought of who were the nurses! Isn't that horrible? I kept picturing MASH as I was reading it, though.
    I am not a great parallel parker and it's because I just don't practice. I pull through spots so I can face out when I leave. I am not good at backing up either! Ha!

    1. I never even once thought of MASH! I should have, though. Ha! I used to pull through all the time in my Suburban, but now that I'm in a small SUV, I'm a great backer-upper.

  3. Parallel parking stresses me out- ha! I love love Central Park- still so fascinated by that beautiful park in the middle of one of the largest cities!

    1. That made me laugh! I love it and am fascinated by it as well. It was incredible to see!

  4. i can almost always find pull through parking so I prefer that since I don't like to back out of parking spaces either. Well... I have 35 suggestions for you! LOL. I actually wrote 2 blog posts on the topic of favorite historical fiction novels-- has 15 of them and is another 20. I highly recommend anything by Ruta Sepetys.

    1. I used to do that too when I drove a Suburban! Now that I'm in a smaller SUV, I can just back in really quickly. Thank you for those recs, I'm going to copy and paste those links into a new window now to browse. That's very helpful!

  5. Historical fiction is my favorite! I loved The Second Mrs Astor (About Madelyn Astor who was on the titanic) and Gone with the Wind is my favorite (the book is even better than the movie!!)

    1. It's not always my thing, truthfully, but after thinking about it, I'm in the mood for another book in this genre. Thanks for those recommendations! I will check out the first one; I'm not sure I can do Gone with the Wind. Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. I also back into a parking space a lot living here. It certainly makes it easier to pull out of the spot! I loved your answer on women in history! That is so good to know work seems natural now and how you have grown so comfortable in that role. That was a blessing in so many ways for you. I remember you learning the bookeeping there and that was just a small step in getting you out of your comfort zone. You're doing great friend!

    1. Yes! I have a hard time backing out when there are huge SUVs all around me. Backing in makes that so much easier. Thanks for the encouragement! I really do feel so fortunate to do something I love. I know you feel the same.

  7. Historical fiction is not my jam, although I did really enjoy The Women. I can not parallel park to save my life!

    1. It's not my normal either, but my taste seems to be changing since I'm struggling with reading the same kinds of books I always read. Maybe that's because I'm needing something very different than my usual. That made me laugh!

  8. For some reason, I can never seem to get into historical fiction. The best books I've read in recent times are The Thursday Murder Club series, four so far I think. They should be read in order to get a better understanding of the characters, but they are really good! No parallel parking for me - ha!

    1. I can't always get into it, either. It has to really grab me from the very first moment! Thanks for that recommendation, I'm going to look at those right now!

  9. Hello, I enjoy historical fiction. Have you read Lilac Girls? I really enjoyed it.
    I have The Women on my wait list at the library.

    1. I've seen it and checked it out, but I never got around to reading it. I'm adding it to my list now! Thank you for the rec!

  10. I'm not a huge historical fiction fan but absolutely loved The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah (to be honest, I love most all of her work). I can parallel park and prefer backing in to a parking places so I can just GO when I leave.

    1. I can't remember if I've read that one or not, but I'm going to check now. Thanks for the recommendation! I feel that same way!

  11. If you've never read Ken Follett's trilogy starting with Fall Of Giants I recommend. They are not short. Just warning you, but they are gripping. The trilogy follows five families on different sides of the war, starting in WW 1 and the whole trilogy is so good. The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See was good-set in Korea and women are the central focus. The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon was excellent. The Secret Book of Flora Lea was also really good by Patti Callahan Henry. Beyond the Point by Claire Gibson is also excellent. It focuses on three West Point female cadets around the time of 9-11 and just after. Fiction but Claire grew up at West Point so very authentic in the telling. She went to uni with my daughters and is a talented writer. The Bookwoman of Troublesome Creek was another good historical fiction book by Kim Michele Richardson. I've got lots if you want more lol.

    1. I just added all of these to my TBR note on my phone. Thank you! I've heard of some of these before, but I haven't read any of them. I think the one that stands out to me the most based on your descriptions is the one by Claire Gibson. I am sure that is excellent!

  12. Happy Hodgepodge to you. Your Cozy Chronicles sounds like fun. I'll have to check it out. I'm reading The Thunder, a historical fiction about John Knox. It was a good book to read before our trip to Scotland. Cheers!

    1. Happy day to you, as well! Thanks for stopping by to comment today! I don't know who that is, but I'm going to look it up now. Thanks for the rec!

  13. OOhh the cozy chronicles sounds fun, I may have to look into it. Also the book The Things we Cannot say and Sisters Under the RIsing sun were both good historical fiction. I just listened to Kristin hannah's the Great alone and that was good.


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